Wimps and wussies (accordind to configs) unite!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this. In a time of what seems like a love for uhc abounds I am an easy mode wimp. I don't have the time or patience for the tedium and frustration I feel with hard mode things.

When I start a world I immediately set it to easy ,turn keep inventory on, turn off mobgriefing, set all my configs to my liking (being called a wuss the whole time lol), and cheat in anything I feel I lose unfairly at the drop of a hat.

Not saying there is anything wrong with hard mode players at all and of course ever mod author should config everything exactly how they want (it's all their mod and their hard work that let's me enjoy my playtime).

Just wondering if anyone else had this play style without wanting to play peaceful or creative.

Tl;dr- I'm an easy mode wuss and I'm damn proud of it!! :p
(We are the champions swells in the background while the tri lambs get my back)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is basically how we play on my server. Our first bukkit server was even run on peaceful.

I took the wuss a step further though, and wrote a mod to disable hunger.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Strangely enough I enjoy hunger overhaul with Pam's, just not spice of life. Complicated and hard to get ingredients for long crafting chains (greg tech is awesome) is up my alley. Mostly I can't stand to have that hard work disappear in one fell boom of a creeper. The start I think was I lost one of my favorite worlds going afk while going out and having taint completely overrun my base(I have since learned to backup lol).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
/me cheers
here here
I enjoy the challenge ONCE but after doing something multiple times it gets annoying.
I almost always play on peaceful, mobs annoy me.
Thaumcraft research? If you ever play a pack that I put together and intend to play myself, you'll notice research mode is set to that of Agrarian Skies (you click it, and you got it). Just because the mini-games are annoying.
Thaumcraft warp? How about SCREW YOU! It's more annoying than anything else.
Mods like Lycanites and Infernal Mobs? I already said, I'm a peaceful-mode pro ;)
The list goes on... I like the easier options. But don't get me wrong, I understand people like hard stuff, so if I create something for the public, then there will be counter-balances that seem fair. E.g. using pneumaticcraft before thermal expansion
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like to play on easy, but what's the first cheat item... Magnum torch baby!! Don't bother me while I'm setting up bro lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do love when people bring up mod interactions to nerf cause that gives me new ideas. Like I now don't play blood magic without minechem for aspirin. I look at these interactions as features and not "bugs" to fix.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do however very much like the new mine tweaker trend of gating mods behind other mods. That is what I call cool and innovative and not tedious.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It still surprises me people lose things to creepers. I tend to make sure the whole area around my base is well lit. Sometimes to the point I dont see endermen when it rains. Now that I have access to magnum torches, I dont ever see mobs unless they are in a farm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I didnt always play this way but nowadays I like to cheat myself in a starter pack. Boots of the Traveler and a Portal gun so I can move around a bit quicker than a slug, and not get lost in caves. Since the portal gun mod isnt updated to 1.7 yet, Ive been using a mod called Ender Book which is even more OP. And I dont even mess with Thaumcraft research, I enable the cheat sheet and use that instead. Oh and I disable Warp of course. I dont get why Azanor wants to punish people for playing his mod. I dont wanna deal with all this crap, I just want to make stuff. Although I welcome taint to try and destroy everything ive built, I am up for that challenge. But Ive never been able to infect an area with taint no matter now hard I try.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yup same here. I think it just comes from now having started upwards of 100 worlds since I started in 1.2.5 my patience for tedium is nil.

I never lose my stuff cause I immediately turn on keepinventory. I just hate even holes left around by creepers. This from someone with a creeper face tattooed on their forearm.

I am unabashed about going around any little thing that annoys me.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
I used to play this way.
I then had some harder mode stuff forced onto me.
Turns out I it liked that way. :)

Since then I've always cranked the difficulty up to 11.
To the point when I tried easymode again, and found it very tedious due to the lack of challenge and engagement it offered.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I used to play this way.
I then had some harder mode stuff forced onto me.
Turns out I it liked that way. :)

Since then I've always cranked the difficulty up to 11.
To the point when I tried easymode again, and found it very tedious due to the lack of challenge and engagement it offered.
*coughs* Let it End... You need nether stars for grass for god sake :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
See, I don't mind difficulty. I love 1.7 Gregtech and Reika's mods. But at the same time, I hate uber hard mode. A perfect example of a pack I like to play is TPPI.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It just seems to me that there is not a proper UHC that suits me. I haven't gotten that far but for example crash landing. Killed me over and over again because I'm too scatterbrained for the laser focus it required.

Direwolf and pahimar however seemed completely and totally safe after 4 episodes. There is a way to counter everything which then negates 100% of danger and if there is not would be far too stressful for me to play never being able to turn my back for a second to even craft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It just seems to me that there is not a proper UHC that suits me. I haven't gotten that far but for example crash landing. Killed me over and over again because I'm too scatterbrained for the laser focus it required.

Direwolf and pahimar however seemed completely and totally safe after 4 episodes. There is a way to counter everything which then negates 100% of danger and if there is not would be far too stressful for me to play never being able to turn my back for a second to even craft.
If you want UHC recipes and crafting and stuff, but not UHC mobs and dying and the such, then I'd suggest trying out Let it End (when the beta comes out hopefully sometime tomorrow).
It's your typical skyblock map, with a few differences, mainly recipe changes aplenty. And the only real challenges mob wise:
1) The nether - This can be utterly avoided, unless you want to do witchery/botania before you get to the late game stages.
2) 1 quest line - This is an optional questline where you can either do this one (which is hard, as it requires withers/enderdragon/nightmare kills) or the other which requires twilight forest which is pretty easy to cheese :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But does that actually add anything to the game? or did a stupid recipe get added for the hell of it?
I don't like explaining the storyline, it's all on the pack's thread, so people can read it if they want. But yes, the recipe actually makes sense...

I'll explain the grass though seeing as I mentioned it.
Food is a precious commodity, you start the map with a limited amount of food, and the only "food" you get is rotten flesh/spider eyes, and any you are lucky enough to get as a quest reward.
So the only way to get renewable food is grass (for seeds), and to force it to be a late game item, it had to be made using something that is impossible to get early on. Obviously, I could have made it so that it was an infusion recipe, that to unlock required a butt load of aspects, and then was a pain to craft. But that would be less fun :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While I tend not to tone things down much I can't blame folks for turning off Warp in a mod pack. While I find dealing with warp interesting it becomes intrusive when you want to give Thaumcraft a rest. I mean in my play I was killed constantly by packs of 4-7 Guardians while I was building my reactor, I actually went and upgraded TC4 to a newer version becasue it had added a warp removing soap, now I only get 1-2 guardians every hour as opposed to 4-6 every 15 mins. Then again I'm not sure what version you FTB folk are stuck on...

If modders give a shit about their player bases sensibilities or even respects them even a little. They may not want to call people wimps via their configs...