Will be gregtech in the future FTB packs?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have clearly never run EHV into a MassFab before.

Also, Greg removed the 'easy mode' recipes for his own machines, but you can still revert steel tools, macerator, etc. Say what you will about GT (and note that I typically play with mostly 'easy mode' settings), but you have to admit that his mod has one of, if not the most, robust config file available. Also, I'd argue that GT's machines are some of the more complicated in the game at the moment, and if you can't handle the config for it, well...perhaps it isn't the mod for you.

Which is fine, you should use whatever mods you like, and toss the ones you don't. Just don't come to the FTB forums demanding a mod be removed/changed just because you don't care for it. You could, of course, give a whirl at making your own pack. Shameless plug for the post in my sig :p
(Pre-post edit: upon re-reading I should note that only my first sentence was directed at Chrissy specifically. Nothing but love, fox...er, cat lady!)

I only don't make my own pack and shit because i only find FTB is worth it if i have others to play with, It's boring alone

And greg tech needs to be smacked with a wrench a few times to fix it, It has problems
EDIT: Or i'll just smack greg over the head with a wrench, That would work too


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, Greg removed the 'easy mode' recipes for his own machines, but you can still revert steel tools, macerator, etc. Say what you will about GT (and note that I typically play with mostly 'easy mode' settings), but you have to admit that his mod has one of, if not the most, robust config file available.

his mod still lacks 2 lines in config file:
DontFuckWIthIC2stuff - y/n
DontFuckWithOtherModsStuff - y/n

turn them on by default, and everyone is happy.
edit. i just noticed that i`ve made stupid mistake here >_>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A small config option I think that would go a long way would be a way to quickly and easily make his machines work about as fast as normal IC2 machines.
Just a simple binary toggle which makes them go at the "normal server play" speed and "normal SSP play" speed.
I'm fairly certain you can make his machines go faster, but I still think a config option like this would be really handy.
his mod still lacks 2 lines in config file:
DontFuckWIthIC2stuff - y/n
DontFuckWithOtherModsStuff - y/n

turn them off by default, and everyone is happy.
That would, by the way, default to GT fucking with both IC2 and other mods.
Just sayin'.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
his mod still lacks 2 lines in config file:
DontFuckWIthIC2stuff - y/n
DontFuckWithOtherModsStuff - y/n

turn them on by default, and everyone is happy.
edit. i just noticed that i`ve made stupid mistake here >_>

A lot of the fucking with other mod stuff makes it so his machines can process other mod's ores and also so that processing similar ores only produces one kind of dust/ingot to cut down on clutter (this is also configurable!). Most, if not all, of the harder recipes can still be turned off in 1.5.2. Also, Gregtech is an IC2 addon. Having it not touch IC2 in some way would be like Extra Bees machines not working on Forestry Bees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A lot of the fucking with other mod stuff makes it so his machines can process other mod's ores and also so that processing similar ores only produces one kind of dust/ingot to cut down on clutter (this is also configurable!). Most, if not all, of the harder recipes can still be turned off in 1.5.2. Also, Gregtech is an IC2 addon. Having it not touch IC2 in some way would be like Extra Bees machines not working on Forestry Bees.
oh boy... ore processing of others mods its a good thing but its no something fucked up, like forestry`s bronze, so i have no idea where are you going with that argument.
"hard" geregs stuff and "config" these 2 words makes me sick in this thread. as far as my logic goes, there is no hard recipes at all. they can be pricey, mats can be hard to get( dragons egg, and nether star, are probably the only mats that are hard to get). as for the config, its simply not an argument for people like me, because when you prefer to play on server there is no way to change them to suite your needs. it`s quite tricky to find server with adequate rule set and other criteria. adding configured gt to that criteria list make finding server almost impossible.
since you`ve mention extrabees it`s an example of add on that only adds stuff, and doesnt fuck with original mod or other mods. so if you dont like what it does you can simply avoid it. which is impossible with gt


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yet again my first post on the forum (see my sig) is vindicated.

If you don't like using custom config files because you play on a server with configs you don't like, perhaps you should find a less terrible server? ;)

Unlike most folks I actually respect Greg's militance with his balance choices, mainly because of the fact that you can config out almost all of it.

To actually answer the original question, Slowpoke actually likes GregTech, so you're all stuck with it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If the current 1.5.2 beta packs are anny indication it seems we will be keeping a GT pack, but will also be getting a non gregtech pack that uses fun mods like Dartcraft (greg would have so much fun nerfing that one, lol). Personally I think this cannot come soon enough <3

If only gregtech would move from IC2 (Boooo!! EU) to Buildcraft/TE (Yay MJ!) and stop messing with existing mods. I might actually like it then x)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yet again my first post on the forum (see my sig) is vindicated.
if you did read my whole post, you`d notice that configured gt is one of the last things i`m after, when searching for a server to play. adding configured gt to the list, would make chance to find server even less that they currently are.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if you did read my whole post, you`d notice that configured gt is one of the last things i`m after, when searching for a server to play. adding configured gt to the list, would make chance to find server even less that they currently are.

If SMP is all you're interested in, sounds like you should just look for a server that doesn't include GT.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if you did read my whole post, you`d notice that configured gt is one of the last things i`m after, when searching for a server to play. adding configured gt to the list, would make chance to find server even less that they currently are.

Then you're asking for the moon and should probably just not play on servers with GT at all, as has just been said. There's such a thing as being too picky.

You literally just said "I want this mod to be configured exactly how I want it, but screw using the config file that lets me do this for just me personally, I want my preferences to be the default".

In fact if you're that picky then the only thing that will adequately satisfy you is your own server, but I doubt you can be bothered to do that either, so really you're just complaining that people aren't doing everything for you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You literally just said "I want this mod to be configured exactly how I want it, but screw using the config file that lets me do this for just me personally, I want my preferences to be the default".
maybe i`m indeed to picky, but can you explain what would be bad, if gt didnt fuck with recipes form other mods by default?
it would greatly decreased amount of hatred to this mod, and threads like this one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why do people like MJ better than eu? I hate fixed or % based power loss and the limit of power that can goes via a Conduit or Conductive which you can't even config change the max carrying capacity of those. Eu loss is based on cable type and distance which make more sense than saying "haha you lose an engine's worth of power for every 20 on a conduit line" I get how infinite packets transfer isn't real but hey why not like it? beside you still losing the same amount of eu for muliti packets transfer as each packet get the loss.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
maybe i`m indeed to picky, but can you explain what would be bad, if gt didnt fuck with recipes form other mods by default?
it would greatly decreased amount of hatred to this mod, and threads like this one.

Simply put, without GregTech making all the changes it makes by default, the mod is way too damn easy in a multiplayer environment, and this is what the default settings are designed for. Yes, I'm saying this as someone who practically invented the Easy Mode for GregTech - it is really really easy.

What GregTech actually needs is a wiki that isn't absolute crap.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why do people like MJ better than eu? I hate fixed or % based power loss and the limit of power that can goes via a Conduit or Conductive which you can't even config change the max carrying capacity of those. Eu loss is based on cable type and distance which make more sense than saying "haha you lose an engine's worth of power for every 20 on a conduit line" I get how infinite packets transfer isn't real but hey why not like it? beside you still losing the same amount of eu for muliti packets transfer as each packet get the loss.
cable type related loss is a good mechanic of eu, but where is logic in that? how can be gold cable be less efficient for lv than copper, when gold is a better conductor? wtf is tin cable and glass fiber cable?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Isn't that what gregT is saying?

No, if you want to continue the analogy, he's saying "I have lots of new stuff to add but if I add it it promptly makes everything else broken and not work properly, so I'll retune what I need to retune so I can actually build a stable gameplay environment with my new content."

Then what it boils down to is whether you actually like GregTech's approach or not which is entirely subjective and divisive as we all well know by now.

It's a tired topic with a simple solution: either use GregTech or don't, and if you find it too challenging and/or boring on its default settings, change them in the configs.

It doesn't need to be any more complicated than that, and as GT is balanced assuming his nerfs are present, they also need to be the defaults. If they're not he has to redesign the entire mod, and whilst many people would prefer that, it would end up being a fundamentally different mod which rather misses the point.

You either like it or you don't. Making a huge deal out of it is getting really, really tedious now.