Like it or not the primary use of this forum is tech support. People looking for support often don't have an existing account or a post history so would end up in the moderation queue. This is not practical and would only delay getting their issue, which might be a simple one, resolved quickly. If you have some new suggestion to bring to the table then I'm all ears, but so far it is the same suggestions that we, in some cases already do and in others simply can't do. As I previously said, if you want a spam infestation squished quickly then ping me on Twitter, or fire me an email (pinging on Discord is a pretty poor way to get my attention, way too much noise to signal there)
I'd also remind you not to kid yourself that the issue of spam bots is being ignored. The measures we have in place already occasionally falsely flag the occasional legitimate user as a bot. Adjusting the settings to be more strict would only increase the number of incorrectly flagged users, something we definitely don't want to do. It, as always, is a game of cat and mouse with the spammers, as it is on every forum (whether or not it's visible to the end user)