Why the switch back to creeperrepo?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The last recommended release of Infinity (1.2.1 ) was hosted on Curse. Now this release 1.3.4 we are back to creeperrepo.net. Is Curse having issues with our bandwidth usage?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The last recommended release of Infinity (1.2.1 ) was hosted on Curse. Now this release 1.3.4 we are back to creeperrepo.net. Is Curse having issues with our bandwidth usage?
Unless you're download location preference is the Curse one, it will go for whichever download is available first, from what I understand. And sometimes packs push to CreeperRepo first, sometimes Curse first.
But I believe, because Curse is having to do a lot to keep up with all the stuff that we (as a community) are throwing at them (bug reports, mod packs, downloads, etc.) that may be something to do with it. But then again, I could be talking out of my butt, as I don't know the ins and outs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds like a bandwidth thing. I wouldn't call it an "issue" per se, since this is exactly how it's meant to operate, pulling the pack from the source with the highest available bandwidth.
Unless you're download location preference is the Curse one, it will go for whichever download is available first, from what I understand. And sometimes packs push to CreeperRepo first, sometimes Curse first.
But I believe, because Curse is having to do a lot to keep up with all the stuff that we (as a community) are throwing at them (bug reports, mod packs, downloads, etc.) that may be something to do with it. But then again, I could be talking out of my butt, as I don't know the ins and outs.

Well, Curse is a company, so they have different people(or departments. Whatever.) dedicated to each part of the work. So I doubt that's it. I think it's purely automatic, like I said above.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds like a bandwidth thing. I wouldn't call it an "issue" per se, since this is exactly how it's meant to operate, pulling the pack from the source with the highest available bandwidth.

Well, Curse is a company, so they have different people(or departments. Whatever.) dedicated to each part of the work. So I doubt that's it. I think it's purely automatic, like I said above.
It's been a while since I have seen you around :O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been hanging around reddit lately, namely /r/buildapc and /r/pcmasterrace.
I avoid reddit, I find the community to be highly toxic, and way too attack-ready (seriously, you say anything slightly opinionated, and a war starts out)
But why'd you disappear from here?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I avoid reddit, I find the community to be highly toxic, and way too attack-ready (seriously, you say anything slightly opinionated, and a war starts out)
But why'd you disappear from here?
/r/buildapc is actually pretty calm thanks to the awesome mods. But I stay away from /r/feedthebeast(The circlejerks are real). As to why I disappeared, it started with my pc build going horribly wrong. CPU came with bent pins, motherboard got burnt out by my GPU(my fault completely.) Felt like, with the rate the mods are updating, I would quickly get out of sync with the community since I have no working computer.