Welcome to WhoCraft!
IP: WhoCraft.atl3.creeperhost.net
About Us:
WhoCraft is a white-listed 21+ Feed The Beast server owned by MikeJWhoWe are a small community of MineCraft players, and a couple fresh YouTubers, who wanted one simple thing: a server to call home -- a place where we could build up an amazing world and have fun, without fear of griefers and thieves, without needing to babysit younger players. We are mature players (in age only), many of us in our late twenties or older. Most of us work full time jobs, and only play for a couple hours a day. We are people who have found we mesh well through trial-and-error, and decided we enjoy each others' company.
Everyone is 21 years of age or older
Feed the Beast - Ultimate pack (EE3 is disabled)
Survival, Hard Difficulty
GregTech on Hard
Scheduled map reset plan, every 6 - 8 months -- Last reset: 3/17/13
(Each reset is considered a "season", currently on season 2)
20 slots
Creeperhost Enderman Server
Server Rules:
- All important, in no particular order
- No Greifing - Griefing is hereby defined as anything intentionally done, that brings frustration, anger or annoyance to any other player, and includes (but is not limited to): killing off penned animals; destroying blocks/buildings/farms/etc; stalking/killing/hunting other players; drastically changing buildings/structures/farms without asking; using up or draining someone's power without replacing or asking; moving, stealing or "borrowing" items or blocks without asking...Notice a trend here? Always ASK FIRST. Chances are it's okay to use or borrow something, as long as you communicate.
- Clean up after yourself - patch up creeper holes; if you break something on accident (accidents happen), replace it; don't leave floating trees, replant farms, re-breed animals, etc
- Cheating/Hacks and exploiting game bugs will not be tolerated
- PVP is ON - but optional! Don't harass players who don't want to PvP
- Be Respectful - Of what other people build, of their stuff, in public channels. If you have an issue or problem, please don't broadcast it all over the game chat (remember some might be recording); use private channels to communicate and get it resolved.
(Remember we are a 21+ server, mostly adults that after work want to relax on a peaceful server)
What do you like about feed the beast?
Describe the type of player you are:
(No specific answer, just trying to know your playstyle)