[Whitelist] CES - Mindcrack FTB [1.4.6]

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Alright, should i do my own series of my side? Note: i may have 2 of my friends join us later in the series. And one last thing. Whats gonna be the name of the place/company/whatever were doing?
Hey! no problem! First off im fine waiting, it'll give me time to make sure that FRAPS works with FTB and get twilightking's skype if he has one.
Hey! no problem! First off im fine waiting, it'll give me time to make sure that FRAPS works with FTB and get twilightking's skype if he has one.
ok thats great, ive been waiting since 8pm yesterday for a reply.. its 7pm now so im hoping they reply soon.
Age: 17
In-game Name: xx_pokli
Why Would you like to join the server?: I would like to join the server because it looks mature and new. So we can all get started at the same time.
do you have experience with the mods?: I have a pretty good knowledge of the FTB pack since i played for 2 months with it.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) None, that's not hard when you follow the rules.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: A nice architect, maybe 8/10
timezone/country you live in: I live in canada, my timezone is messed up on my pc, need to fix it
Age: 20
In-game Name: Marathel
Why Would you like to join the server?: Looking for a good, fresh Feed the Beast server, and this looks like it.
do you have experience with the mods?: Been watching videos on youtube about all the mods for quite some time now, have basic knowledge of everything, and learn quickly.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No I do not.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7/10 maybe
timezone/country you live in: CST US
In-game Name: Ashen92
Why Would you like to join the server?: Minecraft is always more fun with more people and I want some cool people to build with.
do you have experience with the mods?: Yes, I'm experienced with IC2, Forestry, and BC.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Nope
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Eh...on a scale of 1 - 10, I'd give myself a 5
timezone/country you live in: EST

Count me in!

Age: 23
In-game Name: MrWint
Why Would you like to join the server?: I'd like to play some multiplayer minecraft, explore the possibilities with the modpack and and fun with some nice and chilled fellows. I'm playing minecraft to relax and have fun.
do you have experience with the mods?: I played some FTB before in single player and know some of the basic mods (like IC2,BC,GregTech), but I figured it would be much more fun with others. I don't have too much experience with many of the other mods, though, I'm looking forward to exploring these.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) no, never. I didn't play too much SMP in the past anyway (bad memories...)
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I love the automation that is possible with this mod setup, but my builds are often more of functional than of aesthetic beauty. I'm trying my best to improve on that, though.
timezone/country you live in: GMT+1
im really really sorry for this delay guys.. still no response from the hosts of my server, im still trying to get in touch though :(
most of you will be accepted when the server is up anyway.
Age:14 Don't judge me because of my age
In-game Name: flying_pig1237
Why Would you like to join the server?:I have been looking for a good server to play on forever and I hope I find it here
do you have experience with the mods?: I have used these mods for about 6 months now
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) no i do not
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:In architecture 4 in mod things a 7
timezone/country you live in: Central timezone usa
Age: 15
In-game Name: Poarses
Why Would you like to join the server?: Looking for a stable server which I can enjoy playing with other people
do you have experience with the mods?: Have been a long time player of tekkit and have been playing FTB beta and the Mindcrack pack as it came out
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) 2 on my account from when I let my little brother muck around:mad:
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Honestly, I'm not very creative so maybe 4-5/10, but I hope to learn from others
timezone/country you live in: Sydney,Australia UTC/GMT +10 hours
In-game Name:Mcburgerbob
Why Would you like to join the server?:To see what FTB is like in multiplayer and to join a good server.
do you have experience with the mods?: Some but, im not an over the top perfectionist
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Yes, 1 For rageing at a server admin.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Very Creative. (In my own mind)
timezone/country you live in: Canada, Pacific
Age: 14
In-game Name: sockpuppet54
Why Would you like to join the server?: because i would like to play feed the beast, why else?
do you have experience with the mods?: some of them, ic2, buildcraft, railcraft, redpower, traincraft kind of.
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly): nope.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7, half of which being redstone.
timezone/country you live in: US, EST.
Age: 21
In-game Name: E46_M
Why Would you like to join the server?: i want to join a ftb server
do you have experience with the mods?: only tekkit
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) no
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: i love hiding switches/levers making secret staircases entrences, i think thats pretty creative.
timezone/country you live in: us eastern[DOUBLEPOST=1356741546][/DOUBLEPOST]
In-game Name: jakem17
Why Would you like to join the server?:i'm looking for servers to begin working with people to create stuff on, Ive always found it eaiser to learn when its with someone.
do you have experience with the mods?: Starting to get experience with redpower and have some experince with railcraft i know the basics of IC2
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) Yes. but there so far back, i can't remember what they were for, i think accidental spamming what the worst.
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 3/5, i can't say Im a great builder but i do try.
timezone/country you live in: EST; FL USA

make sure to check him, think i remember him from the tekkit forum getting denied from all the whitelist servers for grief not 100% sure but the name sounds real familiar
I had someone else say the same thing on another server o_O i still don't know why, but they acted like I could kill them at any moment, it was really strange...[DOUBLEPOST=1356742015][/DOUBLEPOST]
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: i love hiding switches/levers making secret staircases entrences, i think thats pretty creative.

I bet your having fun o far with the new shift click mechanic for placing blocks ;)
gonna have to check around then, i cant risk it if alot of people think you grief. With the wrong people, a ftb server could be destroyed in minutes.
Age: 45
In-game Name: t33r0y
Why Would you like to join the server?: Love playing FTB and the last SMP server I was on shut down.
do you have experience with the mods?: Some of the mods but not all. More familiar with ndustrial craft and thermal craft and some bees
do you have any bans on record?: (answer honestly) No
how creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 5
timezone/country you live in: US Eastern Standard time
gonna have to check around then, i cant risk it if a lot of people think you grief. With the wrong people, a ftb server could be destroyed in minutes.
Yeah I have some experience seeing that...I hate it when happens but there's not much I could do about it, i understand completely that you want to check around.

are all whitelisted.
ive added the IP to the main post

sorry if you didn't get whitelisted, there are many reasons why people where not whitelisted, either down to timezone issues or your applications beeing too brief.
if you want to re-apply just PM me and we can have a chat about it.[DOUBLEPOST=1356745849][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah I have some experience seeing that...I hate it when happens but there's not much I could do about it, i understand completely that you want to check around.
i will have to check around still to see if i can trust you before i make a decision.