Well, if you have 4 Gigs and minecraft uses 3, you leave 1Gig for the OS... A current updated windows 7 will use at least 2Gb of memory, so you will be having memory problems and using the page file and that hurts performance a LOT!That's actually wrong, for minecraft you don't need more than 2 or 3 gigs of ram, so with 4 gigs he could start playing modded without a problem if he is using windows 7
Any current mid tier CPU is way faster processing then memory giving him the instructions to process... so...yes, the better the RAM the better the performance. Currently, CPU's pass most of their time idling waiting for memory query results!Good and fast ram is worthless if your processor can't keep up.
A good board is not about having more slots and interfaces. A good board is about the quality of the assemblage. If the board is a cheap one, it will be more susceptible to interferences and memory corruption. CPU asks for data to process, idles a good time waiting for it and when it receives the data, it is corrupted and needs to be queried again... What a waste of time! So, yes, quality is important! For some reason you have boards that cost hundreds of buckets and have the same number of interfaces of cheaper ones! Usually, good boards have less stuff in them so the circuits can have better protection to interferences. Its the bad ones that come jammed with stuff, so the user that doesnt understand shit will buy them thinking they are awesome!Getting the best motherboard usually involves having more sata, PciEx16 and ram slots
Yes, HDD's are the slowest but for MC... once all is loaded, its all about CPU and memory. The only HDD access is to save/load chunks and on a good machine that is negligible!As for what you said about the slowest thing in a computer is ram, you are completely wrong. The slowest thing there is in today worlds is HDD's. ... hasn't grown in the last 5 decades
SSD's are not so expensive... and 5 decades ago... man... no HDD's at that timeUnless you spend a fuck ton of money on an SSD (which only amplifies files access speed, which would speed up booting of the system or games, but has no impact in actual gameplay) you will have something that hasn't grown in the last 5 decades

If by 7 years old you mean new.... You really dont understand how this works! But I never said to not use DDR3, since that is the current standard! But... you have different access speeds on DDR3 memory. While DDR, in rough terms, define the memory bus speed, you also have the CAS latency which affects a lot the memory speed! You can deliver the information fast, but if it takes a lot of time to query it, there is no much gain in delivering it fast. And the difference from a DDR3 memory with good and bad CAS latency is something like 10 bucksAlso, DDR3 Ram is relatively new and it's perfectly fit for today's gaming.
You totally messed up here! I never said CPU speed never increased, pretty the opposite! CPU speed didnt increased vertically(cpu clock speed) but it increased horizontally(number of cores)! Memory speed is stale for the last 7 years as you agree and disagree on the same sentence! Also, if they are the limitign factor, why buy some low-mid tier CPU?The actual thing that is keeping us back is GPU's and CPU's, CPU's because there is a limit at which we cannot miniaturize more than we already do, and GPU's because visual information is seriously more heavy to process. CPU's speed hasn't grown as you said, what has grown is the memory, but the clock speed pretty much is in a stalemate, with increments of only 5 to 10% every year..
So again,while denying me you totally agree with me. GPU is not important and a good cheap mid tier GPU is enough!Also, for the GPU, im running Direwolf20 1.7 with a x64 texture pack (no shaders, I don't like them) perfectly with just a GeForce EVGA Gt520, which is seriously bad, minecraft doesn't need a good GPU if you are not planning on recording it..
Care to explain why? You said the most slow component on a machine is the HDD and an SDD is usually 300% faster at reading/writing and a LOT faster at seeking(since it does not need to seek on the disk). So, giving a huge boost to the slowest component in the machine is not important?What you said about the SSD is seriously wrong.
Well, gladly, I totally know what I'm talking about, that is why I posted! The biggest problem gaming technology is facing lately is bad programming skills. No one cares how the memory is organized and what a huge boost it can give to the game performance if the memory instructions are store sequentially in RAM, so the CPU doesnt have to wait for the next instruction since it is already on the CPU memory cache. (when you read a chunck of memory from RAM, the CPU also gets the other surrounding memory chunks and stores it on the cache. If the next instruction is in one of these extra chunks, the processing is almost immediate instead of querying the RAM again. you can read more about it here http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/data-locality.html Sadly, Java memory management doesnt allow this level of control over memory...)So yeah, please dude, if you are going to "help" someone, please try to understand what you are talking about
So... in the end its all about processing speed and memory access! To guarantee that you need a good CPU, fast query memory a reliable motherboard that does not corrupt the data...
Sadly, the pre build computers are usually build with low-end quality materials and sold for the price of an high end machine! The board is the crappiest one costing 30 bucks, they only say the CPU speed and later you discover you bought an i3 for the price of an i5(clock speed might be the same but the performance will not be!). They sell you memory with a very bad CL and usually when you buy 8GB of RAM you get 2x 4Gb or 4x 2GB(if the board has 4 slots) denying you free slots to get more RAM later... You can see how this goes!
You endup spending 600 bucks on a machine that is worth 300 and with the same 600 you could buy a machine that non-technical users think it costs more then 1000....