Where oh where are my bees going....

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a pretty intense setup for my automated bee hives....


Lots of apiarist's pipes, all set to feed one hive above them based on the specific breed in the hive and a bunch of iron pipes collecting the excess that gets sorted. This is all in a mystcraft age with eternal sun and no weather. It all goes around in a circle and works perfect most of the time.... but sometimes... sometimes my bees go missing!

What is going on? I have no idea where they are going, they are not dropping out as I have a few wooden golems to pick up anything and they have collected nothing in ages (except the things I dont want him to, smart wooden golems please).

I can only think it is the bug that makes things despawn inside the pipes like what blows up the combustion engines. Is that bug still around? Is this what is happening, or am I missing something? Is there a work around? What is a good mass production system of bees that wont lose any? I like having a working apiary of each breed of bee I have discovered..... OCD I know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you pump the bees with pipes into an enderchest? Items in enderchests don't get saved if you don't manually interact with an enderchest (no matter which color) before saving, see this thread.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you losing drones or princess?

Also how are you pumping them in? Are you using gates to call when needed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No enderchests, and I am mostly losing princesses, but that may be because I am not noticing the drones missing cause I dont care :p.... I am using gates with no princess-energy pulse. It pumps out into the iron pipes which lead them into a merry go round that either puts them in the aviary or into a chest or into my genepool.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you by so chance you Extra Bees you change your bees? There was a change that if you use poor serum on bees they have a chance to just die off in the middle of working.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if it were drones I would just say they are popping out of the pipe when they hit a full aviary and they travel farther than the golem can get them. (i have had some go 20+ blocks away from the aviary before)
If you are losing princesses though, I don't know why they would pop out.