Balance is subjective, true. And as far as I've ever seen, no one in their right mind things 1 piece of lapis should EVER allow one to get fortune 5. Subjective or not, it's not far from Podzol to diamonds, which I admit, had the interesting upshot of allowing one to make podzol from dirt, making it a clever rehashing of the old Dirt to Diamonds joke mod.
Yes, they are a joke mod. I mean, some people seriously play with Ore Spawn. We call these people "idiots". Royal we unless otherwise stated.
And no matter how hard you say I shouldn't hate, I won't change my mind unless I have reason to believe the mod is balanced.
So yeah, I'm a hater, and I'm gonna hate. All the whining about how I shouldn't hate just makes me feel justified. I'm a troll, first class to boot.
Either get on my level(spoiler: I'm MLGPRO and I #360noscope bitches all day, get #rekt scrub), or laugh it off. Either fight me 1v1 IRL, or get some thicker skin.