Whats the biggest energy source/power plant you've made?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
22 micro reactors producing 3200eu/
8 ultimate Solaris production 4k EU/
1 lightning rod in fluxville producing an average of like 400eu/
2 boilers producing 720eu/
A dragon egg siphon producing 128eu/

Post fusion:
I automated AE production of all components ult solars and fusion parts, and all raw mats from UU. I went from one fusion reactor to this setup in a week:
6 fusion reactor stack feeding 160 plasma gens for 320k EU/t
120 ult hybrids producing an avg 30keu/t on the roof..because I can! (Was testing long term automation)
44 matter fabs producing around 30-40,00 uu/day, the reason for all the power. I was building a 32 chunk superstructure with metal blocks made from UU, but server went poof :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can barely even make a decent power system with geothermal generators. The thought of fusion reactors makes my teenytiny brain hurt.
well GT`s fusion reactor is kinda lame for all that headache required to organize fuel production. AS is nicer in that respect.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What would you suggest for the "best" power source, in your opinion.
technically speaking, for EU solar arrays(compact solars) or advanced solar;
for MJ it probably would be a boiler powered by renewable charcoal or biofuel, to create self sustainable power supply.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
technically speaking, for EU solar arrays(compact solars) or advanced solar;
for MJ it probably would be a boiler powered by renewable charcoal or biofuel, to create self sustainable power supply.

I've been using a charcoal fueled steam boiler, but the farm I made for the charcoal just lags the server something awful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been using a charcoal fueled steam boiler, but the farm I made for the charcoal just lags the server something awful.

You should only need a single 3x3 MFR farm to keep up with a boiler. That can keep up with 2 or 3 boilers actually once the boilers are fully heated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been using a charcoal fueled steam boiler, but the farm I made for the charcoal just lags the server something awful.
cant remember any complaints about farms i`ve made on servers. can you describe your setup or post a picture?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Basically a rubber tree mfr farm that placed rubber into an ME Chest and sent wood to a buffer chest before the furnace, sending them to the furnace if the furnace has space for it then then sending the charcoal to a second buffer chest that sends it if the boiler has room.

In retrospect, the size of the farm might have been a poor choice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks Saice. Look at the gold I accumulated in one day. LOL. Gooooolllddddddd!!!!!! This is so hilarious! I'm going to go do the same for iron. Do zombies drop iron ingots naturally or must it be player killed?

They should drop iron, potatos, and carrots semi commonly. At least I can confrim at the moment they do when murdered by a turttle. (I need a lot of rotten flesh for my current project so I got a zombie spawner)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been using a... 21 x 21 mfr farm.

Well, now I'm embarrassed.

MFR farms become less efficient as they grow larger. 21x21 is actually pretty good if you aren't using fertilizer, but it's horrible for instant growth farms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a default 3x3 MFR tree farm using fertilizer and powered by a Industrial engine (8MJ). I have 2 harvesters connected. one for shearing leaves, and the other normal. I have an inverter connected to the second harvester. Both are connected to an AE level emitter. When the number of saplings drop too low, it switches off the harvester set to shear leaves, and enables the one set to harvest normally. Then when the sapling count is high enough, it switches back to harvesting leaves. I am turning the leaf blocks into plant balls, then into biomass and then into ethanol. two fermenters and stills create more ethanol than needed by my 36HP boiler. I was previously running a smaller 18HP boiler off the charcoal produced. Just using regular oak trees. This keeps a decent supply of plant balls and replenishes saplings as needed with no input from me. I should have enough charcoal from this one system to run a full size boiler. Just stocking piling enough to make it through the heat-up phase.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I rely heavly on solars but I'm moving towards fusion I have 24 fusion reactors all automated this will replace my 194 ultimate hybrids and the 512 advanced solars I use AE to automate everything I've Evan taught my AE network how to make gravisuits also my network take 4735 units per tick I'm not sure what that is in eu but I use 2 IDSU's to power it also I was using lava in thermal gens but then replaced them with solars


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Conversion rates for ME power is 2 Units per EU, 5 Units per MJ, or 1 unit per 20 Universal Electricity Joules.

You're currently spending 2367.5 EU per tick.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My largest was in 1.2.5 and was 40 infinite fuel geothermal generators for UU matter generation.