What's new in modded minecraft today?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
new day, new update, and today it's @insaneau with Ex Astris
insaneau said:
Ex Astris 1.14
  • Natura saplings coming from wrong type of dirt.
  • Auto Sieve Upgrades can no longer be removed with pipes
  • Recipes now use the oredictionary
  • New Upgrade recipe now requires a whole load less silver.
  • Auto Hammerer for all your hammering needs. Credit to tterrag1098 for the sweet model and animation.
Ex Astris 1.14.1
  • Hopper / Transfer Node / Item Transport that checks for slot validity should now work.

and @Erasmus_Crowley with Ex Nihilo
Erasmus_Crowley said:
Ex Nihilo 1.37
  • Fixed a crash bug that happened when using some item transport mods with barrels. (EnderIO)

and @joshie with Mariculture
joshie said:
Mariculture 1.2.4a
  • Fix autofisher crash when opening gui (broken texture)

and @tonius11 with NEI Integration
tonius11 said:
NEI Integration 1.0.4
  • Removed BuildCraft handlers (moved over to BuildCraftCompat)
  • Added tooltips for unlocalized names and maximum stack sizes of items
  • Added dumpers for entity and dimension IDs
  • Added a config option to disable the rather technical Fluid Registry handler
  • Added Russian localization (Adaptivity)

and @boni with Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
boni said:
Iguanas Tinker Tweaks 2.1.2
  • MaterialOverride can now specify a special XP-modifier per material
  • Removed fletching/bowstring/arrowshaft/bolt restrictions
  • Fixed crashes with bows/crossbows
  • Fix Paper/Thaumium modifier when replacing parts
  • Fixed Arrows/Bows getting XP when hitting stuff by leftclicking
  • Fix incorrect stat detection and replacing with vanilla diamond/emerald modifier
  • Fix bolts turning to wood when updating incorrect stats

and @boni again with Tinkers Construct
boni said:
Tinkers Construct 1.8.2
  • IMC for bow and arrow materials
  • UBC support (thanks Glassmaker!)
  • Full localization
  • Necrotic modifier only heals when hitting stuff that is alive
  • Fix Smite/Antispider not giving any bonus damage!
  • Fix items taken from drying racks or casting table/basins or oreberries sometimes not showing up in the inventory
  • Fix some tools messing up boss-health rendering
  • Some graphical/text fixes
  • Fix crashes when trying to craft bows/crossbows with materials that don't support it
  • Some fixes when TinkerSmeltery is disabled
  • Some more crash fixes and preventions


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
I just released version 2.10 of RFTools with the following changes:

  • New Dimension Editor machine. This machine allows you to insert some type of dimlets into an existing dimension. Note that the dimlet is lost during this process (you will not get it back even if you deconstruct the dimension tab) and you pay the full power cost for it. There is no way to undo this so be careful. This can only be done with dimlets of type 'special', 'mob', 'effect', 'sky', and 'time'.
  • New decorative blocks made out of dimensional shards. The textures were contributed by Golrith. The dimlet dungeons you can find in RFTools dimensions occasionally use these new blocks.
  • Big change on configuration files. All configuration options have moved into 'main.cfg' except for the actual mapping of dimlets to id's. That means that 'dimlets.cfg' should (from now on) only contain mappings. When upgrading RFTools it is always safe and recommended to delete 'main.cfg' so that you get new/updated defaults but you should not delete 'dimlets.cfg' on an existing world as doing that may change the dimlets you already researched into other dimlets.
  • Fixed a bug where the cost of random mobs was not considered when creating a dimension.
  • Simplified and optimized the code of the flat terrain generator a bit.
  • Added a new 'maze' feature dimlet. This dimlet only works in combination with flat, normal, or amplified terrain generation and it will carve the landscape into a maze.
  • Feature selection is now also based on rarity so features (like maze) that are rare are selected less often.
  • Added a lot of new 'effect' dimlets. Ranging from very mundane effects to rather bad effects. Bad effects have the advantage that they lower power usage so they work a bit like (less effective) efficiency dimlets. Effects can also be randomly generated with a relatively low chance so if you want to be sure to have no effects make sure to add the craftable 'Effects None' dimlet.
  • Because the 'instant health' effect dimlet is so powerful, I added a new rarity level. So rarity goes from 0 (very common) to 6 (extremely rare) now. Made very powerful effect dimlets (like instant health, regeneration III and so on) rarity 6 which makes them even more rare then diamond blocks.
  • The 'harm' dimlet is very bad so it can not be generated randomly.
  • Tweaked the default values for the dimension low-power debuffs and make sure they actually work better. The debuffs are now all non-lethal so that you only die as soon as the power actually runs out completely (this allows people to better 'enjoy' the bad effects while power goes down).
  • Made several console commands protected so that you need to be admin/op to be able to use them.
  • Added '/rftdim setpower' command so that you can set the current power level of the dimension you are in.
  • Added several commands to add/remove and list the effects in the current RFTools dimension.
  • Dump more information when you shift-right click on a dimension tab.
  • Fixed a weird bug (how did that ever get there?) where the dimension builder would only do something every 5 ticks. That would make it take 5 times longer to generate worlds as well as make it harder to power worlds that require a lot of power.
  • Changed the GUI of the relay block so that you can now configure RF for any value and not only a fixed amount of values.
  • Added new itemfilter block. With this block you can control item input and output from any side. It has six inventory slots that are each connected to a side. Each of these six inventory slots can be configured to accept only a certain type of item and you can set every side to five modes: disabled, input, input exact, output, and output exact.
You can get RFTools from:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Loot++ 0.6 (by Tmtravlr)
- Added the ability for items to give you (and mobs) potion effects in certain circumstances

- Added an option for block metadata for block drops

- Fixed a crash when initializing on a server

- Fixed the front of a custom furnace not rendering when in inventory

- Lots of other little bug fixes

New mod!
ScientificAlchemy (by botinha93)

Well come internet wanders and Minecrafters, be ready to enter a new world about the old world!

In this mod you will be seeing a little of the old alchemy, the mix of Science and Magic.
Unveil the secrets of the matter and manipulate it at will. Create powerful Runes to aid you in your journey!

This mod works around protons electrons and neutrons, using them to create new matter, rune magic like it was used by the Alchemists of the past and the mysterious Dark Matter

Baubles (by Azanor) has been ported to 1.8!
Last edited:


Ok. Well. That was fast.

Are you tired of taking off your armour to put on a camel pack? Well, the future is here!

Modular Armour version 0.1.9 is out! Enviromine compatibility is here.
  • Added Gas Mask and Camel Pack upgrades
  • Fixed bug when tooltip was displaying.
  • Removed temp items. (They will come back, soon)


Jul 29, 2019
OpenComputers 1.4.3 has been released.

It brings drones and a tier two microcontroller, as well as some more mod integration.

  • Added: Drones, less powerful but faster entity-based robots.
  • Added: Access Points can act as plain access points now (i.e. you can disable them bouncing wireless messages they receive; they always acted more like repeaters before).
  • Added: Tier 2 Microcontroller, most important differentiation is that it has a T2 card slot, so it can use bundled redstone, e.g.
  • Added: World Sensor Card, integration for Galacticraft, allows reading atmospheric information.
  • Added: Leash Upgrade, can only used by drones for now, allows drones to drag around animals.
  • Added: API callback to allow the color of robots' power indicator (light strip).
  • Added: Several blocks now have customized Redstone Comparator outputs, e.g. computers depending on whether they're running or not.
  • Added: Several blocks now implement BuildCraft's IHasWork API, meaning similarly to how Redstone Comparators are powered you can now use gates' "Has Work" state in combination with these blocks.
  • Changed: Faster GPU draw calls. Finally got around to do some proper testing and verified the old limits were a tad too conservative. It only took me a year!
  • Fixed: Potential crash when starting a computer on older Windows systems.
  • Fixed: Tier 2 redstone cards not being available if only a wireless redstone mod was present (but no bundled redstone mod).
  • Fixed: Bugs discovered in the beta.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
TiC Tooltips updated to v1.2.1
Changelog said:
  • Added the new modifier localization code from the latest TiC
  • Fixed a crash in the creative menu when ExtraBiomesXL was installed
  • Consolidated the valid material tooltips of patterns when they use an OreDictionary entry
  • Updated Russian localization (thanks @Adaptivity)

Hunger Overhaul updated to beta.5
Changelog said:
  • Fixed a crash when JSON config files didn't have all sections defined (foods, foodsBlacklist, harvestBlacklist, dropsBlacklist)
  • Fixed a crash when an empty food is defined in the foods section of a JSON config file