new day, new update, starting with 2 people doing a port and a fork of Chisel. first one is @delta534 with a fork for Chisel 1.6
second one is @asiekierka with a port of Chisel and Statues for 1.7
then there's @Reika with alot of updates for DragonAPI, DyeTrees, ElectriCraft, GeoStrata, ReactorCraft, Rotarycraft, SpiderPet and Void Monster
and even a new mod, who can spot it?
and lastly @mDiyo with an update for Tinkers Construct
delta534 said:1.6.0
- -New Config options
- -Hardmode had the chisel item takes damage through use and cannot easly destroy chisel blocks.
- -Options to turn of Connected Textures on a per texture basis.
- -An option to add the variations to the ore dictionary
- -An option to turn of vertical connected textures from rotating when placed in a line along the ground.
- -An option to flip the recipie of the chisel for mod compatiblity
- -Beavior changes to the chisel Item.
- -Left click will attempt to harvest the block.
- -Sneak+right click will bring up the Chisel GUI.
- -Right Clicking on a block that has variations will change the block,
- based on what was left in the input slot of the chisel gui.
- If nothing was left in then a varition will be chosen at random.
- If a block was left in the input slot then it will change to the input slot
- -Native support for Forge MultiPart, with connected textures working with microblocks.
- Things are not perfect but it does work.
- -New Block: The auto chisel. Place a chisel block in a pattern slot,it will, if a matching block exists in
- the input slot it will be placed in the output slot changed. It fully supports ISidedInventory and has an
- internal buffer for input and output. All sides are valid input sides and output sides.
- -New Variation Type- A Grass Variation based on the dirt textures. It only spreads to dirt blocks with the
- same variation ID for now. It should fully support biome coloring as well.
- -Localization support.
- -Things I likely forgot about.
- -A large number of bug fixes.
- -Like new bugs.
- -Fixes a texture path issue.
second one is @asiekierka with a port of Chisel and Statues for 1.7
asiekierka said:Chisel 1.5.2 (17 March 2014)
Chisel 1.5.1 (16 March 2014)
- Added: Chiselable Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
- Changed: Textures are now compressed with pngout, cutting the mod's size from 4MB to 2.1MB - an almost 50% reduction!
- Changed: The internal mod-specific names used in the GameRegistry. worlds saved with Chisel 1.5.1 will *not* be compatible, and worlds saved with Minecraft 1.6.4 and below probably will not convert perfectly as well, but this was done for the better - mod collisions could've and would've happened otherwise.
- Fixed: NPE with certain blocks' rendering.
Statues 2.1.2 (16 March 2014)
- Ported to Minecraft 1.7.2.
- Added: Support for Acacia and Dark Oak planks.
- Removed: Overriding vanilla blocks.
- Ported to Minecraft 1.7.2.
then there's @Reika with alot of updates for DragonAPI, DyeTrees, ElectriCraft, GeoStrata, ReactorCraft, Rotarycraft, SpiderPet and Void Monster
and even a new mod, who can spot it?

Reika said:V19:
- DragonAPI: TreeReader can now process rainbow trees
- DragonAPI: Updated AE Handler
- DragonAPI: Added Engineer's ToolBox algae to ModCropList
- DragonAPI: Fixed texture loading system
- DragonAPI: Fixed "isItemStackPresent" errors
- DragonAPI: Added TE Recipe Module
- DyeTrees: Updated TreeGetter API to include rainbow trees
- DyeTrees: Added lots of aspects to rainbow leaves
- ElectriCraft: First Release
- GeoStrata: Added Crystal Blooms
- GeoStrata: Added Crystal Pendants
- MeteorCraft: Fixed server crash when placing Meteor Gun
- ReactorCraft: Fixed Angular Transducer crash on Ammonia Synthesizer
- ReactorCraft: Finished Geiger counter
- ReactorCraft: Finished Hazmat suit
- ReactorCraft: Fixed Solenoid Multiblock false positive
- ReactorCraft: Fixed handbook bugs
- RotaryCraft: Added option to slow pipe fluid flow and reservoir balancing to lessen performance load
- RotaryCraft: Grinder can now grind AE certus quartz into dust
- RotaryCraft: Fixed steel spring boots not discharging
- RotaryCraft: Added Jet Engine startup sound and inertia
- RotaryCraft: Made engine fuel consumption smoother
- RotaryCraft: Added Waila display of Junction setting
- RotaryCraft: Added some new CC functions
- RotaryCraft: Bedrock axe now cuts entire trees
- RotaryCraft: Handbook no longer has ThaumCraft aspects
- RotaryCraft: Fixed possible pipe render glitch
- RotaryCraft: Fixed handbook inaccuracies
- RotaryCraft: Woodcutter can now cut rainbow trees
- RotaryCraft: Fixed Item Pump duplication error
- RotaryCraft: Made vacuums more powerful when attracting items
- RotaryCraft: Fixed gearbox lubricant and fluiduct issues
- RotaryCraft: Fixed bedrock shears sometimes dropping weird metadatas
- RotaryCraft: Fan can now harvest algae
- RotaryCraft: Brought back inverted renders for ceiling-mounted machines
- RotaryCraft: Coil GUI now indicates emission limit
- RotaryCraft: Fixed Fuel Enhancer
- RotaryCraft: Fixed BC fuel engine
- RotaryCraft: ECU can now intake BC fuel
- RotaryCraft: Added lots of new Extractor bonuses
- RotaryCraft: Distiller now shows in handbook
- RotaryCraft: Added handbook entry for backup tank
- RotaryCraft: Added refrigeration unit
- RotaryCraft: Made magnetostatics more expensive
- RotaryCraft: Made CVT more expensive
- RotaryCraft: Added dry ice
- RotaryCraft: Added liquid nitrogen
- RotaryCraft: Microturbine is now much more fuel efficient
- RotaryCraft: Item intercrafting is now not affected by "Force Mod Ore Compatibility"
- RotaryCraft: Added config to disable silver iodide cannon from starting (but not stopping) rain
- RotaryCraft: Made wind spring recipe only give one item
- SpiderPet: Fixed item texture binding issue
- Void Monster: Fixed "once per game load" spawn bug
and lastly @mDiyo with an update for Tinkers Construct
mDiyo said:1.5.4d5
- - Battlesign right-click ability changed to Damage Reflector
- - Battlesigns reflect arrows and damage while reflecting
- - Battlesigns now have Writable as a native ability
- - Added another way to add more modifiers to a tool
- - Added a creative-mode way to add more modifiers to a tool
- - Creepers may re-target an aggressor if they're closer than the current target