What's new in modded minecraft today?

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new day, new update, starting with 2 people doing a port and a fork of Chisel. first one is @delta534 with a fork for Chisel 1.6
delta534 said:
  • -New Config options
  • -Hardmode had the chisel item takes damage through use and cannot easly destroy chisel blocks.
  • -Options to turn of Connected Textures on a per texture basis.
  • -An option to add the variations to the ore dictionary
  • -An option to turn of vertical connected textures from rotating when placed in a line along the ground.
  • -An option to flip the recipie of the chisel for mod compatiblity
  • -Beavior changes to the chisel Item.
  • -Left click will attempt to harvest the block.
  • -Sneak+right click will bring up the Chisel GUI.
  • -Right Clicking on a block that has variations will change the block,
  • based on what was left in the input slot of the chisel gui.
  • If nothing was left in then a varition will be chosen at random.
  • If a block was left in the input slot then it will change to the input slot
  • -Native support for Forge MultiPart, with connected textures working with microblocks.
  • Things are not perfect but it does work.
  • -New Block: The auto chisel. Place a chisel block in a pattern slot,it will, if a matching block exists in
  • the input slot it will be placed in the output slot changed. It fully supports ISidedInventory and has an
  • internal buffer for input and output. All sides are valid input sides and output sides.
  • -New Variation Type- A Grass Variation based on the dirt textures. It only spreads to dirt blocks with the
  • same variation ID for now. It should fully support biome coloring as well.
  • -Localization support.
  • -Things I likely forgot about.
  • -A large number of bug fixes.
  • -Like new bugs.
  • -Fixes a texture path issue.

second one is @asiekierka with a port of Chisel and Statues for 1.7
asiekierka said:
Chisel 1.5.2 (17 March 2014)
  • Added: Chiselable Stained Glass and Stained Glass Panes.
  • Changed: Textures are now compressed with pngout, cutting the mod's size from 4MB to 2.1MB - an almost 50% reduction!
  • Changed: The internal mod-specific names used in the GameRegistry. worlds saved with Chisel 1.5.1 will *not* be compatible, and worlds saved with Minecraft 1.6.4 and below probably will not convert perfectly as well, but this was done for the better - mod collisions could've and would've happened otherwise.
  • Fixed: NPE with certain blocks' rendering.
Chisel 1.5.1 (16 March 2014)
  • Ported to Minecraft 1.7.2.
  • Added: Support for Acacia and Dark Oak planks.
  • Removed: Overriding vanilla blocks.
Statues 2.1.2 (16 March 2014)
  • Ported to Minecraft 1.7.2.

then there's @Reika with alot of updates for DragonAPI, DyeTrees, ElectriCraft, GeoStrata, ReactorCraft, Rotarycraft, SpiderPet and Void Monster
and even a new mod, who can spot it? ;)
Reika said:
  • DragonAPI: TreeReader can now process rainbow trees
  • DragonAPI: Updated AE Handler
  • DragonAPI: Added Engineer's ToolBox algae to ModCropList
  • DragonAPI: Fixed texture loading system
  • DragonAPI: Fixed "isItemStackPresent" errors
  • DragonAPI: Added TE Recipe Module
  • DyeTrees: Updated TreeGetter API to include rainbow trees
  • DyeTrees: Added lots of aspects to rainbow leaves
  • ElectriCraft: First Release
  • GeoStrata: Added Crystal Blooms
  • GeoStrata: Added Crystal Pendants
  • MeteorCraft: Fixed server crash when placing Meteor Gun
  • ReactorCraft: Fixed Angular Transducer crash on Ammonia Synthesizer
  • ReactorCraft: Finished Geiger counter
  • ReactorCraft: Finished Hazmat suit
  • ReactorCraft: Fixed Solenoid Multiblock false positive
  • ReactorCraft: Fixed handbook bugs
  • RotaryCraft: Added option to slow pipe fluid flow and reservoir balancing to lessen performance load
  • RotaryCraft: Grinder can now grind AE certus quartz into dust
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed steel spring boots not discharging
  • RotaryCraft: Added Jet Engine startup sound and inertia
  • RotaryCraft: Made engine fuel consumption smoother
  • RotaryCraft: Added Waila display of Junction setting
  • RotaryCraft: Added some new CC functions
  • RotaryCraft: Bedrock axe now cuts entire trees
  • RotaryCraft: Handbook no longer has ThaumCraft aspects
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed possible pipe render glitch
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed handbook inaccuracies
  • RotaryCraft: Woodcutter can now cut rainbow trees
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed Item Pump duplication error
  • RotaryCraft: Made vacuums more powerful when attracting items
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed gearbox lubricant and fluiduct issues
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed bedrock shears sometimes dropping weird metadatas
  • RotaryCraft: Fan can now harvest algae
  • RotaryCraft: Brought back inverted renders for ceiling-mounted machines
  • RotaryCraft: Coil GUI now indicates emission limit
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed Fuel Enhancer
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed BC fuel engine
  • RotaryCraft: ECU can now intake BC fuel
  • RotaryCraft: Added lots of new Extractor bonuses
  • RotaryCraft: Distiller now shows in handbook
  • RotaryCraft: Added handbook entry for backup tank
  • RotaryCraft: Added refrigeration unit
  • RotaryCraft: Made magnetostatics more expensive
  • RotaryCraft: Made CVT more expensive
  • RotaryCraft: Added dry ice
  • RotaryCraft: Added liquid nitrogen
  • RotaryCraft: Microturbine is now much more fuel efficient
  • RotaryCraft: Item intercrafting is now not affected by "Force Mod Ore Compatibility"
  • RotaryCraft: Added config to disable silver iodide cannon from starting (but not stopping) rain
  • RotaryCraft: Made wind spring recipe only give one item
  • SpiderPet: Fixed item texture binding issue
  • Void Monster: Fixed "once per game load" spawn bug

and lastly @mDiyo with an update for Tinkers Construct
mDiyo said:
  • - Battlesign right-click ability changed to Damage Reflector
  • - Battlesigns reflect arrows and damage while reflecting
  • - Battlesigns now have Writable as a native ability
  • - Added another way to add more modifiers to a tool
  • - Added a creative-mode way to add more modifiers to a tool
  • - Creepers may re-target an aggressor if they're closer than the current target
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Reactions: Pyure and Padfoote
EnderIO 0.11.4 released, but their website down :(

Here is changelog from github
- #521 Item conduits only fill one half of large chests when placing the second chest after connecting the conduits
- #529 Using travel anchor causes crash
- #533 NullPointerException
- #539 Capacitor bank content can go negative
- #545 Crash with Conduit Probe
- #548 AE Crashes
- #552 Fixed NPE crash(Xfel)
- #553 OpenBlocks XP Bottler crash
- #554 Updated localization for zh_CN (ProgrammedSoul)
- #556 Fluid Conduit 'Active Without Signal' not working
- #557 Conduits eating items after upgrading an iron chest
Here is a big change in the latest dev build of Tinkers for 1.6.4.
TConstructClientRegistry.registerManualModifier("tier1.5free", ironpick.copy(), new ItemStack(Item.appleGold, 1, 1), new ItemStack(Block.blockDiamond));
TConstructClientRegistry.registerManualModifier("creativefree", ironpick.copy(), new ItemStack(TContent.creativeModifier));

This basically means for some gold and 9 diamonds you can have another modifier in survival mode, even more powerful tools here we go!
If your in creative mode you can actually have unlimited modifiers.
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Reactions: Pyure and PhilHibbs
I am still waiting for the day i don't need Thaumatic Tinkerer to make a thaumium banded primal staff
Do I need to make a video to prove that this can be done, or should I just let others live on in willful ignorance while I enjoy the one I just made the other day? Full set of robes, goggles, thaumium capped silverwood wand, ANY FOCUS WITH FRUGAL 3 ENCHANT (leave it on the wand when you put it in the workbench) = 98.5 vis per aspect. (I am using Thaumcraft 4.1.0f)
Do I need to make a video to prove that this can be done, or should I just let others live on in willful ignorance while I enjoy the one I just made the other day? Full set of robes, goggles, thaumium capped silverwood wand, ANY FOCUS WITH FRUGAL 3 ENCHANT (leave it on the wand when you put it in the workbench) = 98.5 vis per aspect. (I am using Thaumcraft 4.1.0f)
I did this multiple times and it didn't work,how did you get 98.5? I am talking about staff of the primal not silverwood.
Would anyone give me a picture or something about the harder Magnetostatics recipes?
Change is pretty new; I'll update my rotaryCraft version tonight and find out if you don't have an answer already.

There is, unfortunately, a minor gaming design issue here. You have cross-compatible systems which one would expect to function together at multiple tiers of the game experience, but you need to scale one back for balance reasons, ruling out it of early stages of the game altogether.

Solution is to modularize the magnetostatic. Something like the MFR machines, where you can slot in an upgrade. Ideally @Reika would make the best magneto functionality only work if you slot in a bedrock left-handed widget. A wooden widget would provide either limited torque/speed, or incur increased inefficiency ("lossiness") to the conversion.

To be clear, I'm actually in favor of "nerfing" this machine even further; its too easy to omit large parts of Rotary using these. But keeping it accessible (if less useful) at early stages of the game is crucial too, and having the best of both worlds is nice.
now imagine using the axe in the twilight forest on one of those big trees.... might aswell say RIP servers :p

I know what I am going to do to my next Sacred Rubber Sappling Tree! :D

I wonder... will I crash first or will my computer light itself on fire.

Do I need to make a video to prove that this can be done, or should I just let others live on in willful ignorance while I enjoy the one I just made the other day? Full set of robes, goggles, thaumium capped silverwood wand, ANY FOCUS WITH FRUGAL 3 ENCHANT (leave it on the wand when you put it in the workbench) = 98.5 vis per aspect. (I am using Thaumcraft 4.1.0f)

Actually... For some reason that trick does not work at all for me :( I went through the effort of Enchanting a Foci with Frugal 3 and capped my wand with it... still couldn't. Then I took the cap off [that had the frugal 3 enchant] and it was exactly the same :/
I know what I am going to do to my next Sacred Rubber Sappling Tree! :D

I wonder... will I crash first or will my computer light itself on fire.
Both at the same time and it will also poop rainbows and fly away to heaven while fliping you off for doing such a horrible thing to it.... WOW... were did THAT sentence come from[DOUBLEPOST=1395164262][/DOUBLEPOST]
Actually... For some reason that trick does not work at all for me :( I went through the effort of Enchanting a Foci with Frugal 3 and capped my wand with it... still couldn't. Then I took the cap off [that had the frugal 3 enchant] and it was exactly the same :/
for me when the frugal 3 cap was on it only went down a few vis
I know what I am going to do to my next Sacred Rubber Sappling Tree! :D

I wonder... will I crash first or will my computer light itself on fire.