What's new in modded minecraft today?

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GregTech 6.02 is upon us with plenty of new additions! Safes! Solar panels! Silicon boules for hardcore circuit crafting! Drugs! And more!


GregoriusT said:
[IMPORTANT] I didn't test the Mechanical Safe in multiplayer Situations. It should work, but I have no Idea if it prevents other Players from accessing/harvesting it, so feedback is appreciated (even if its duplicate posts).
[REMOVED] Lots of old Code. Also refactored some Stuff! This is the Reason why it is now at 6.02.
[FIXED] Pigs dropping neither Bacon nor Ham.
[FIXED] Cows not dropping Ribs.
[FIXED] Bacon Sandwiches not actually using Bacon.
[FIXED] NEI Bug where certain Recipes arent displayed for the Crucible, despite them being there.
[FIXED] Smelter being able to smelt Ore Stuffs, such as Bauxite into Metals.
[IMPROVED] Molds now accept Fluid Input. Note that whatever Pipe you use has to have enough Bandwidth to fill the Mold 100% in one go. Or you just place it adjacent to the Smelter.
[IMPROVED] that aforementioned render related thing a bit more, by reducing calls to getTileEntity, when checking adjacent GT Blocks for opacity.
[CHANGED] A lot of Machines to accept Inventory Input from the Tank Input Side too (just not automatically, only if you pipe/hopper it in). Did the same to SOME Fluid Input Sides too. Don't worry, your existing automated Setups won't break on this change.
[CHANGED] Bath to have its Auto-Fluid-Output at the Bottom. (this is the only case where I actually changed the purpose of a Side, what might break automation, wait, there is no Recipe outputting Fluids anyways for the Bath so I didn't break anything)
[CHANGED] using Silk Touch on Small Ores increases the percentage of "good" Gems being dropped. And if you somehow can combine Fortune and Silk Touch they would stack together on this effect btw.
[COMPAT] EBXL and BoP stuff is now supported, in regards of Items and Recipes.
[ADDED] Wooden Buckets. They can only carry Milk and Water, but that is enough for pretty much all purposes you could have earlygame. Note, they have the annoying downside of being unstackable, even when empty! They are meant for earlygame and not for cheap bastards. :P
[ADDED] Mortar Recipe for 8 Scraps + Mortar = 8 Tiny Dust. I think this is worth mentioning.
[ADDED] Mushroom Stew Fluid. Should also be compatible with the MFR Mushroom Soup Fluid. It can be created by mixing a vanilla Brown Mushroom with ANY other Mushroom (see ExtraBiomesXL, Biomes O' Plenty, Twilight Forest and Harvestcraft)
[ADDED] Antidote, a Pill that just cures Poison. It is made with vanilla Brown Mushrooms.
[ADDED] TNT Recipe using Flint Dust.
[ADDED] Blast Resistance Tooltips to all my Blocks. Btw regular vanilla TNT Blasts need a Blast Resistance of 16 or greater to be proof.
[ADDED] The Progress Sensor can now also measure the countdown value of the vanilla Mob Spawner. If it shows "0" it means that the Spawner is trying to spawn something but fails doing so. (Light Level and other Spawn Conditions)
[ADDED] Transformers for Electric Power.
[ADDED] Crystallisation Crucible, which creates Silicon Boules and similar.
[ADDED] Solar Panels (8EU/t Day, 1EU/t with free view to stars). And don't tell me 8EU/t is OP, you know that almost every Machine requires a Converter from EU to its actual power and that those all have a 50% loss! That means its effectively 4 Generic Units per tick unless you are able to power a machine directly with EU. Also the Recipe for the Panel is quite hardcore with crystalline Silicon Plates and stuff.
Safes with 15 "safe" Inventory Slots.
Mechanical Safe. This Safe can only be opened by its Owner.
Keylocked Safe which is basically the same as the Mechanical one but also requires a Key Item to be opened and closed. The first used Key will be the one to open/close it. Note: It can only be harvested while open.
I might add a Digital one later, that has a Hexadecimal Number Pad for access by more than one Person.
NOTE: The Safes aren't 100% Blastproof! People can blow them up to get the Resources! (That is if they have a strong enough explosive, what depends on the Material of the Safe itself)
Stone generator Module.
This Item can be used to generate infinite Stone inside GT Machines by just putting it into the Input Slot.
This process ofcourse still needs Energy to function as you dont just get Stone Items from it, but instead a "Token" that functions as if a vanilla Stone is inside the Machine (works for most Machines).
Yep, combined with an Extruder you could make an "Igneous Extruder" with it. XD
Note, that this is not as OP as it sounds, and GT5 had a Cobble generator as Machine back then too. This is just the new way of doing it.
Item and Fluid Filters. (in the 3 variations Items, Fluids and Items&Fluids)
They are based on Extenders, so you cannot chain multiple of them together nor combine them with actual Extenders.
They have 54 Slots and default to not let anything go through when they are left empty.
In case of Fluid Containers, such as Buckets or Universal Fluid Cells, it will NOT take the Fluid inside them as Filter Value, you have to rightclick the Item in order to switch it to the contained Fluid.
Things can also go through the Filter in reverse direction (out of the block it is attached to), but in that case the Filter won't apply and will let anything pass.
When Machines pull things through a Filter they only grab things the Filter allows to pass. Note that the main side has to be the one facing the MACHINE and not the Chest.

[IMPROVED] something render related regarding rendering of obstructed Facings. (the improvement is that they now don't render anymore with GT Machines and Foamed Wires/Pipes)
[FIXED] Another Crash Bug when mining certain Blocks. Like Sugarcanes or Cauldrons.
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) to
  • Actually fix the client-side crashes exposed in the previous versions
  • Now runs on Forge
  • There is no longer a limit on how many rituals can be displayed per section
  • You can now add infinite pages to a Necronomicon Category
  • The Darklands Oak and Dreadlands Tree now have a new design
  • Darklands Grass can now sustain Flowers, Tall Grass and Mushrooms again
  • Rebranded all API packages (now named "AbyssalCraftAPI" instead of "AbyssalCraftAPI|Core" for instance)
  • Replaced the Necronomicon "missing texture" with one that has a more fitting color scheme
  • If the Necronomicon GUI is unable to load an image, it will substitute to it's own "missing texture" (instead of the vanilla one)
  • Actually fix the client-side crashes exposed in the previous versions
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Recipe categories in the JEI integration now shows what's used for what recipe (like how the Furnace is shown for smelting)
  • Altar/Pedestal interaction now sync between players again
  • There is no longer a limit on how many rituals can be displayed per section
  • You can now add infinite pages to a Necronomicon Category
  • The Darklands Oak and Dreadlands Tree now have a new design
  • Darklands Grass can now sustain Flowers, Tall Grass and Mushrooms again
  • Rebranded all API packages (now named "AbyssalCraftAPI" instead of "AbyssalCraftAPI|Core" for instance)
  • Replaced the Necronomicon "missing texture" with one that has a more fitting color scheme
  • If the Necronomicon GUI is unable to load an image, it will substitute to it's own "missing texture" (instead of the vanilla one)
TNTUtils is now also available for Minecraft 1.9!
Also, the versions for Minecraft 1.7.10 and 1.8 have been updated as well.
  • Changed the way chain explosions are being prevented, should be less problematic now
  • The preventChainExplosions option no longer requires a Minecraft restart
  • Fixed update checking
  • Made logging slightly less verbose
  • Removed some unused stuff
@WeAthFolD has released AcademyCraft 1.0.0. No longer in beta!
First formal version of AcademyCraft with literally loooots of changes! Enjoy!

Required forge version: 1.7.10- or higher

Dependency: LambdaLib 1.2.0


* A newly-forged ability category: Vector Manipulation!
* Media Player App: Added volume edit & track customization
* A complete UI rework on all blocks, featuring a more cool and uniform interface
* Added Ability Induction Factor: An dungeon-generated item that allows one to change category



* Completely rewrite network synchronization logic on many places, improve network performance.
* Provide better description of what perks do
* Lowered level requirement of perk 'Mind Course' and 'Advanced Mind Course'.
* Improved usage permission for Matrix and Node: Only placers can rename/change password for now.
* Added optional password validation for nodes.
* Add skill using status display for Key Hint UI: It will give you hint when to release a skill now.
* Add UI for Solar Generator.
* Change the way of recording Cooldown to avoid some problems.
* Add ic2 support to Current Charging of Electromaster.
* Rewrite the tutorial, rename to MisakaCloud Terminal.
* Improve Magnet Manipulation of Electromaster, now it has sound effect.


* Holding V will cause CP Bar to display numerical CP and Overload data.
* Added special player kill chat text for skills
* Using `/aim` command in Creative Mode doesn't force you to set `/aim cheats_on` anymore
* Ores will now spawn in overworlds of multi-world plugins normally.
* Add return the result of using coin. (open this feature in Data Terminal)
* Change the way to calculate overload.
* CP bar now fades when overload to indicate ability unavailable.
* Add **Font Customize**, find it in cfg file.
* Stop BGM when open Media Player.
* Add explanation about required level to learn skills.
* Now the CP recover rate is tripled.
* Improved appearance of Imag Phase Generator.
* Update the texture of Portable Developer.


* Fix perks automatically learned when using skills, and perks potentially not working.
* Fix Ability Developer block causing memory overflow in server environment.
* Fix Metal Former's mode being reset on world/chunk reload (#261, #291)
* Fix coin doubling after throw (#255)
* Fix crystal ores don't support Fortune Enhancement (#263)
* Fix Flashing skill causing dangling ghosts in world (#285)
* Fix crash made by Media Player.
* Fix UI disappearance problem caused by NEI.
* Fix logic error when close Frequency Transmitter. (#270)
* Fix crash caused by ThermalFoundation. (#294)
* Fix problems when shift-clicking slots.
* Fix abnormal energy conversion rate.
* Fix problems with Flashing.
* Fix cannot add white list into Ability Interferencer
* Fix anime of node connection.
* Fix problems with overload. Now the system will absort the skill when overload.
* Fix wireless machine cannnot connect to node with password.
* Fix cannot perform some skills.
* Fix skill key deadlock when the player reborn.
* Fix crash caused by Location Teleport.
* Fix some skill still active after release key.
* Fix some skills destroy blocks even when the option is turned off.
* Fix abnormal visual length of Ray Barrage.
* Fix most server crash caused by skills.
* Fix damage caused by Magnet Movement.
* Fix Current Charging doesn't stop after CP bar is empty.
* Fix Data Terminal GUI doesn't update after installing App.
* Fix crash when running with Shadersmod.
* Improved ticking algorithm of wireless network.
* Fix wrong connection among Nodes and Matrix.
* Fix wrong visual effect of Matrix and Wind Generator.
* Fix crash when try to get items from fusor.
* Fix wrong energy consuming in Imag Phase Generator.
* Fix small problem about memory leaks.
* Fix node cannot display network situation correctly.
* Fix RF support.
* Fix lots of problems caused by cooldown system. (#310)
* Fix Meltdowner can't be used in server. (#309)
Reasonable Realism has an update (1.7.10)

Quick summary:
1. Memory leak fixed
2. Cows can have a milking limit configured.

- Inserted a patch for Entity Interaction on EntityCow and EntityMooshroom

Harder Ores:
- Fixed a major memory leak that was primarily effecting large multiplayer servers.
- Fixed an infinite ore glitch with IC2's mining laser.

Harder Wildlife:
- Insured the same memory leak was not occuring
- Added a "milking timer" to cows/mooshrooms
- By default you can milk any given cow once every 12 MC hours (twice a day), configurable
- Cows can "store" up to 3 buckets of milk (allowing you to swing by less often and not miss out)
- Cows can avoid starving from a lack of grass by "reabsorbing" the milk (and of course, stop producing)
- Mooshrooms follow the same rules
ArmorPlus has been updated for Minecraft Versions 1.9
Mod's Versions 1.11.0-1.9 (Changelog Contains some info of the 1.10.1-1.9)

Mod Feedback page: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/147865/

Link to the Mod's Wiki: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/ArmorPlus

{Features Added}
  • Custom Armor (WIP) (WARNING: Don't Use!)
{Bugs Fixed}
  • Fixed Flight Ability Disabling other mods flight
{Features Removed}
  • Removed the ability to set level for the coal armor because there is no reason to increase the night vision it works the same at any level
  • Removed the ability to set level for the lapis armor reason like the above
{Features Changed}
  • The Tools Tips will update with the set values for the effects
  • The Repair cost for the Super Star Armors is now Obsidian instead of Nether Star
{Features Added}
  • Added the Ability to set the effect's amplifier level for the Super Star & The Ultimate Armor Regeneration
  • Added a new feature that creates a file with all the items ids from ArmorPlus
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.8.9) (1.9) to
  • Shoggoth Ooze should no longer spread onto Monolith Stone
  • Changed the picture for the Shoggoth Infestation page
  • When naturally grown into trees, Darklands Oaks and Dreadlands Trees should not turn into regular Oaks
  • Shoggoth Ooze should no longer spread onto Monolith Stone
  • Changed the picture for the Shoggoth Infestation page
  • Fixed a duplication bug with Ritual Altars and the like
  • When naturally grown into trees, Darklands Oaks and Dreadlands Trees should not turn into regular Oaks
Just made a new and very small 1.9 mod called CombatHelp.

This is a really small mod that adds a single hotkey (default backslash) that will search your inventory for a shield and place it in the offhand. That way you can use your off hand for torches or other things but still have a quick way to get a shield there in case of trouble.

By default this mod prefers the Tinkers Construct battlesign and if that is not present it will use a vanilla shield. This can be configured.

Maybe future versions of this mod will have more but for now this is it.

Let me know if you have issues

Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/244975-combathelp

Have fun
New release of RFTools 4.47 for MC 1.9:

  • Added a safety to the screen renderer so that it doesn't crash in some cases where the screen block isn't there yet (after teleporting to the area where the screen is)
  • Elevator related changes:
    • Removed elevator spam in console
    • Added the ability to assign labels to the first 8 floors of the elevator (done in the elevator screen module)
    • Fixed a few issues with breaking and placing elevator blocks which would not always properly update the elevator status
    • The elevator screen module can now use two columns if used in vertical mode to allow for up to 16 floors
  • The storage item filter now works correctly if ore dictionary is enabled but the item is not registered to the ore dictionary
  • Fixed a bug in the storage scanner + screen + modular storage where it would count items wrong if there were multiple items with different metadata
  • MrRiegel fixed a few more slot positions in RFTools gui's
  • MrRiegel made shift-click possible in the storage filter gui to make it easier to configure that filter

Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools

Have fun!
New release of RFTools Dimensions 4.23beta38 for Minecraft 1.9:

  • This version requires McJtyLib 1.8.4
  • Fixed a crash with liquid and material absorbers on servers
  • Fixed client side crash if double clicking the wrong thing in the list of dimlets (dimlet workbench)
  • Fixed the material absorber so it works on modded blocks and also tries to convert lit redstone to redstone ore
  • Dimlet parcels can now be found in chests as loot
  • Shift-clicking items in the dimlet workbench will now move items to the more expected location
  • Fixed crafting of digit dimlets (from other digit dimlets)
  • Fixed all item models (dimlets, dimlet parts, ...) to be normal sized again

Download: http://mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/240950-rftools-dimensions

Don't forget to update McJtyLib!

Have fun!
Updated AbyssalCraft Integration (1.7.10) (1.8.9) (1.9) to 1.4.2:
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft
  • You can now add Entities to the Lesser Shoggoth Food List through MineTweaker
  • You can now remove Crystallizer/Transmutator recipes
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft
  • Now runs on Forge
  • You can now add Blocks to the Lesser Shoggoth Block Blacklist through MineTweaker/CraftTweaker
  • You can now add Entities to the Lesser Shoggoth Food List through MineTweaker/CraftTweaker
  • You can now remove Crystallizer/Transmutator recipes
  • Added a Tinkers' Construct integration (you can smelt and cast parts from AbyssalCraft metals in the smeltery)
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft
  • Now runs on Forge
  • You can now add Blocks to the Lesser Shoggoth Block Blacklist through MineTweaker/CraftTweaker
  • You can now add Entities to the Lesser Shoggoth Food List through MineTweaker/CraftTweaker
  • You can now remove Crystallizer/Transmutator recipes
  • Added a Tinkers' Construct integration (you can smelt and cast parts from AbyssalCraft metals in the smeltery)
Ipsis said:
## 1.9-0.6.1-beta
### Fixes
- Add a recipe for the layout block - oh the shame. [#35]

## 1.9-0.6.0-beta
### Features
- Added an efficiency upgrade, which reduces the RF cost.
- Redstone signal will now stop the factory.

### Fixes
- Prism/Controller now shows wither skeleton. Only counts for new captures and programming. [#30]
- Cleanup markDirty usage to ensure changes to NBT are saved [#32]
- Add sound to the XP shard and remove the swing sound [#33]

@IpsisBuilder's Guides
Ipsis said:
Full changelog as this is the first announcement of the 1.9 version,.

## 1.9-0.3.1-beta
### Fixes
- Fix dedicated server crash on startup. [#10]

## 1.9-0.3.0-beta (unrelased)
### Fixes
- Marker now renders in 3D in the inventory. [#9]

## 1.9-0.2.0-beta
### Fixes
- Fix the version numbering to remove the duplicate MC versions.

## 1.9-0.1.0-beta
### Features
- Initial version for MC 1.9, based off 1.8.9-1.0.0 of Builder's Guides.
new day, new update, and today it's @TarynWinterblade with Crafting Harmonics
TarynWinterblade said:
Crafting Harmonics 1.9.0-
  • Adding mob shedding support. By default, no mobs will shed, and all sheds have to be added using the 'addMobShed' operation.
  • Adding new Settings.cfg entry 'I:SecondsBetweenSheds' which determines the number of seconds between the shed code running. By default, this is 10 to help with TPS.
  • Adding block drop controls, much like those used for mob drops; use the 'setBlockDrops' operation. There's a dirty example in the default.json.sample file that shows multiple uses, including the new composite matchers.
  • Adding new Settings.cfg entry 'B:LogMobDropEvents' which determines if block break events should be logged to help determine settings to use for the block drop controls.
  • Fixing issue #52 where items could be damaged/consumed when the event was cancelled by another matcher.
  • Fixing issue #53 where the fuzzy NBT check would fail when dealing with tag lists. Still not perfect, as order of enchants matter.

and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.8 - 26
- added a load of Tinkers Construct compat:
- Treated Wood tool material. Similar to normal wood, but no splinters
- Constantan tool material. Additional weapon effects based on biome temperature
- Slime Fluids works in the chemthrower again
- fixed smeltery alloy recipe for Constantan
- re-added InvTweaks compat to the Wooden Crates
- re-added Railgun and Chemthrower documentation to the manual
- buffed the default damage of the Railgun
- changed silver bullets to do extra damage to undead (Witchery isn't updated, so they'd be useless otherwise)
- fixed Multiblocks looking derpy when formed (thanks Malte)
- fixed connection offsets on transformers (thanks Malte)
- improved connections on transformers (thanks Malte)
- fixed connections on pipes looking weird and broken (thanks Malte)

and @konwboj with Tumbleweed
konwboj said:

Tumbleweeds spawn around dead bushes in deserts. They drop random goodies upon harvesting.

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