What's new in modded minecraft today?

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I'm aware of this. But Facades are pretty dumb compared to microblocks IMO. One is easy enough to make/add new type plus have a ton of support, and one requires a late game BC machine to make, and they work only for BC pipes.

I do agree with this... they're quite expensive to make, as they require the laser table, and they're a pain to remove from the pipes...
in my opinion multiparts offer better control, are more versatile, are easier to get into and have alot more support
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Hmm? Shift-click with a bare hand is pain? :confused: Can't remember now if it's left or right:oops:

even with that it didn't really seem to be working well. but to be honest, it's been ages since I last used Buildcraft and facades, so who knows, maybe it's been improved, maybe not...
new day, new update, and that's @Reika with DragonAPI, ElectriCraft, GeoStrate, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft
Reika said:
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed handbook entries for Magnetostatic
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed upgrade tooltips
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed 31:1 and 15:1 Shaft Junction modes
  • DragonAPI: AddToIInv now cares about isItemValidForSlot()
  • ElectriCraft: Fixed swapped wire recipes
  • GeoStrata: Guardian stone now prevents Endermen from teleporting into its protection zone
  • GeoStrata: Protection zones without corresponding Guardian stones will not load and be deleted
  • GeoStrata: RC fans can now farm Crystal Blooms
  • Geostrata: Guardian stone is now explosion-proof and harder to break
  • ReactorCraft: Sodium heaters no longer work with ambient nether heat
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed bevel gear magenta-yellow I/O setting
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed pneumatic item pump eating items
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed block ram eating items if jammed
  • RotaryCraft: Block ram can now be accelerated
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed coil winder crashes
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed scaleable chest I/O
  • RotaryCraft: Canola is now faster to farm
  • RotaryCraft: Bedrock tools now quieter when affecting many blocks at once
  • RotaryCraft: Fertilizer can now accept water from above
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed fan range being locked at 32
  • RotaryCraft: Inductive metal blend now uses gold flakes
CJ did a lot on the facades. Maybe he was pissed himself during his dark tower LP :D
I like both, facades and multipart. I build lasers for the LP net anyways, so facades are no problem for me. If you do buildcraft, do it the buildcraft way;)
Soon AE and LP will both not need facades anymore, so if you want to avoid facades, you'll be able to some day.
AE isn't supporting FMP yet? I swear it did add in support for FMP... (1.6.4)

Edit: Nevermind me, it was the announcement for AE2. :(
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BuildCraft NextGen project is at version 6.0.5 now. It is now up to survival standard. Have anyone said anything about it here?

You can find the changelogs at BuildCraft's official website.

And if anyone has suggestions, bug reports, or anything you can head to the BuildCraft Forum. SpaceToad hang out in there a lot.
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BuildCraft NextGen project is at version 6.0.5 now. It is now up to survival standard. Have anyone said anything about it here?

You can find the changelogs at BuildCraft's official website.

And if anyone has suggestions, bug reports, or anything you can head to the BuildCraft Forum. SpaceToad hang out in there a lot.

a few sneakpeaks are posted about it, but if you know more to report you can go ahead and post it if you like
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Next gen is the 1.7 update. It has the return of the builder, a new multyblock refinery, and a new filler sort of system.
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new day, new update, with yet again an update from @Reika for DragonAPI, ReactorCraft and RotaryCraft
Reika said:
  • DragonAPI: Fixed missing APIs
  • DragonAPI: Fixed cocoa bean crop handling
  • ReactorCraft: Lessened steam line bandwidth usage
  • RotaryCraft: Added Borer shield block
  • RotaryCraft: Blast furnace now gives Steelmaker achievement even if shift-clicking
  • RotaryCraft: Magnetostatics no longer jam when running out of power
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed Bedrock Breaker dropping extra dust
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed inductive blend recipe
  • RotaryCraft: Fixed flake and solution textures
New update from SpaceToad for BuildCraft NextGen 6.0.6. :) Download available at : http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/2014/04/12/buildcraft-nextgen-pre-alpha-6-0-6-for-minecraft-1-7-2/

Yay for new bounding boxes by anti344! Available for Engines as well!

SpaceToad said:
Hotfix, in particular for the latest forge (thank you EXTER7!). Here the relevant changelog to users:

#1602 fixed latest forge load crash (EXTER7)
#1592 fixed rendering of partially transparent facades enhancement (dmillerw)
#1579 improved box selection for engines and lasers (anti344)
#1478 fixed pipe transparency bug (dmillerw)


Apologies in advance for not providing any links. I am still not familiar with how hyperlinking works. o_O:(