What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
and @CJBurkey with AutofarmCraft
CJBurkey said:

If you're anything like me, you love simple automation. The smaller, the better, in my mind. Unfortunately, every major Minecraft update since 1.8 has made mod-based automation more difficult. Mods like Thermal Expansion have fallen out of the modding loop(until recently).

There was hope, for me, with Forestry, which does allow farming, but I didn't care for the feel of the mod. It didn't feel right to me.

This mod, AutofarmCraft, is my solution to this problem.

Redstone Flux(RF) and Forge Energy(FE/FU) APIs are supported!


  • Crop harvester
Planned features:

  • Crop planter
  • Tree plater
  • Tree harvester
  • Automatic fishing
  • Growth accelerator
  • Upgrades(unsure)
You can find more information on each block and their functions on the Wiki.

and @ghostwolf with Simply Loaders
ghostwolf said:
Simply loaders makes loading and unloading minecarts simple!
What is in the mod?
  • Unloader
  • Loader
How does the mod work?
Simply place a chest below either the loader or the unloader and a chestcart above it.

Then it will either load or unload the items from or to the cart. The speed at which this is done can be configured in the configfile.

Once there is nothing more to load or either the chest or the cart is empty / full, the loader or unloader will emit a redstone signal, Which can be used to power the powered rails above, Sending the cart on its way again! (The way the redstone signal is output can be changed in the configfile)

You can change the the sides of which it loads and unloads, by (shift)right clicking on the sides of the block.

And thats all there is to it, Its really that simple.
new day, new update, and today it's @Kormic911 with Wild Crops
Kormic911 said:
Wild Crops lets you define crops which will grow randomly throughout the world as opposed to at villages. This lets you find them as if you were a hunter/gather. Useful for modpacks that may want to disable villages but still want to provide crops.
  • Like
Reactions: Lethosos
Updated AbyssalCraft Integration (1.10.2) (1.11.2) to 1.5.0:
  • Ported to 1.10.2
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.4-pre-3
  • Removed the method for adding blocks to the Shoggoth Block Blacklist (deprecated since AC 1.9.4-pre-1, has no function)
  • You can now add Upgrade Kit upgrades through the MineTweaker integration
  • Fixed bugs where recipes added through MineTweaker(through this integration) wouldn't display in JEI
  • You can now cast bow and crossbow parts with AbyssalCraft materials
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Ported to 1.11.2
  • Bump to AbyssalCraft 1.9.4-pre-3
  • Removed the method for adding blocks to the Shoggoth Block Blacklist (deprecated since AC 1.9.4-pre-1, has no function)
  • You can now add Upgrade Kit upgrades through the MineTweaker integration
  • Fixed bugs where recipes added through MineTweaker(through this integration) wouldn't display in JEI
  • You can now cast bow and crossbow parts with AbyssalCraft materials
  • The Better Questing integration is disabled until it's been rewritten to support BQ 2.x.x
  • Now runs on Forge
  • Like
Reactions: Ommina and Yusunoha
new day, new update, and today it's @FireCube with Pet Behaviour
FireCube said:

This mod adds a new behaviour to your pets, so that they can do something else than sitting or following you. It simply leave you the choice to tell the to walk around the place, at a maximum of about 20 blocks(if they don't just run away after a skelleton, which can happen sometime). To let the pet roam freely, just right click it with a stick. A pet in free roam mode can still sit normally, without getting back to it's original behaviour.

The mod also add a whistle, that you can use to turn free roaming pets back to their original behaviour. it's craftable with 5 iron ingots.

You can use this mod in any modpack, and I support you doing so :)
RFTools Dimensions 5.00 released with lots of changes including a new Invertigo dimension (upside down world) and the Lost Worlds:




Have fun!
new day, new update, and today it's @McJty with The Lost Cities
McJty said:
The Lost Cities is a mod that allows the player to play in an old abandoned city instead of the normal overworld. When you create your world you can select 'Lost Cities' as your worldtype. You spawn in an old and partially destroyed city that takes over the entire overworld.

This mod is very configurable and in future versions it will be even more so. You will be able to add custom buildings and use modded building blocks.

This mod can be used server-side only (so vanilla clients can connect)

Modpack policy: Feel free to use this mod in any modpack you want.

and @lazylazuli1 with Lazy Lazuli's Pipes
lazylazuli1 said:
Adds a pipe block that transports items. This can be crafted with iron ingots using the same pattern as slab recipes.


- cheaper than hoppers (3 iron ingots)

- can transport items upwards

- may be reoriented without taking block out (right click on face while unarmed)

- loads items into inventory or silently drops items like a dropper

Pipes do not extract items on its own and must be fed by a hopper.

Pipes have only 1 slot and have a max stack limit of 16.
  • Like
Reactions: Lethosos
new day, new update, and today it's @PRIMETOXINZ with Meltery
primetoxinz said:
The Meltery -
A simple block that allows melting materials into the Tinker's Construct fluids without the need for a

Smeltery, but does not allow Ore doubling or Alloying, giving a means to progression in modpacks.


How it works:
The Meltery is a simple block that does not have a GUI, instead is it entirely player or world interactions

The block has one internal slot for 64 items and a tank which can hold 10 ingots worth (1440 millibuckets).

Fuel: To fuel the Meltery it must be above a lava block, flowing or source and will be passively used to heat up the block.

Melting: Once fueled and a valid item is inserted, the Meltery will light up and slowly heat up to the require recipe temperature,

when the temperature is reached it will make a noise indicating that the fluid was added to the tank or will sizzle to indicate that the tank is full and will continue to sizzle until it can continue the recipe.

Inserting: To insert items into the meltery, simply right click with the item or insert via item transportation such as a hopper.

Extracting Items: Items can be removed by simply shift-right clicking with an empty-hand (or the same item which is being extracted).

Extracting Fluid: Any fluid pipe, including the Tic Faucet, can extract from the Meltery to be used else where.


Meltery comes default with compat for the following

JEI - Has a recipe handler to show all melting recipes

Minetweaker - Has a handler for adding or removing melting recipes like so

To add

meltery.Meltery.addMelting(ILiquidStack output, IIngredient input, int temp)
To remove

meltery.Meltery.removeMelting(IItemStack input)

Thanks to Gil for the idea and the textures

and @guriguridqm4 with DungeonDQ
guriguridqm4 said:
It is MOD which adds about 90 large, medium and small various dungeons, towns and other buildings.· This building is based on what I was creating for MOD called DQM 4 which I had previously created.· It is possible to make detailed settings such as changing the generation rate and what kind of buildings are to be created in config.· We have added some special blocks necessary for dungeon gimmicks.· Treasures are prepared for villagers in the city and dungeons. Other simple structures only exist.· Some dungeons may be difficult to clear by a rather complicated configuration.

· All the buildings are changed variously each time the building is created.

· Since almost all blocks are existing blocks of Minecraft, you can enjoy changing by texture.· It is beta version. Be sure to back it up before installation.I will introduce the image of the building although it is only a part.

The image is changing the texture.





This is the MOD I created.



Ver 4.00

Spoiler (click to hide)
・It corresponds to the server.


Ver 2.00 & 3.00

Spoiler (click to hide)
It was fixed because it was forcibly terminated.


and @Davenonymous with OC Sensors
Davenonymous said:
Sensor Addon for OpenComputers

Similiar to the old OpenCCSensors mod this mod adds a sensor block that allows computers to scan surrounding blocks.

Available Methods
Method Description
scan(x:number, y:number, z:number, [side:number]) Scans a block relative to the sensor
search([name:string=""], [meta:number=-1], [section:string=""], [range:number=]) Search for blocks matching the given criteria in the given range
Get stored energy of all energy-capable nearby blocks
local component = require('component')

local sensor = component.sensor

local totalCapacity = 0
local totalStored = 0

print("Searching for blocks handling energy")
local positions = sensor.search("", -1, "energy")

print("Scanning " .. #positions .. " blocks")
for _,pos in ipairs(positions) do
local info = sensor.scan(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)

print(" " .. info.block.label .. " @ " .. pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z)
totalStored = totalStored + info.data.energy.energyStored
totalCapacity = totalCapacity + info.data.energy.maxEnergyStored

print("Energy summary:")
print(" Total capacity: " .. totalCapacity);
print(" Total stored: " .. totalStored);
Output a redstone signal when all nearby extra utilities 2 generators are ready to run
local component = require("component")
local sides = require("sides")

local sensor = component.sensor
local redstone = component.redstone

local redstoneSide = sides.back

-- Search for generators once
local generators = sensor.search("", -1, "extrautils2")

while(true) do
-- Loop over nearby machines and see if they are all satisfied
local missing = 0
for _,pos in ipairs(generators) do
local info = sensor.scan(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
local xu = info.data.extrautils2

-- Is the generator already running?
local alreadyRunning = info.data.extrautils2.processTime > 0

-- Is the Generator satisfied with items?
local enoughItems = info.data.items.n == 0 or info.data.items.n == #info.data.items

-- Is it satisfied with fluid?
local enoughFluid = true
if(info.data.fluid.n > 0) then
for _,tank in ipairs(info.data.fluid) do
if(tank.contents == nil or tank.contents.amount == 0) then
enoughFluid = false

if(alreadyRunning or (enoughItems and enoughFluid)) then
--print(info.block.label .. ": " .. serialization.serialize(info.data))
print("Ready: " .. info.block.label)
print("Missing: " .. info.block.label)

-- Immediately turn off all other generators
redstone.setOutput(redstoneSide, 0)
missing = missing + 1

-- React accordingly
if(missing == 0) then
print("--> All generators good to go")
redstone.setOutput(redstoneSide, 15)
print("--> Missing " .. missing .. " generators")


and @BloodWorkXGaming with Pam's Cookables
BloodWorkXGaming said:
This Mod adds back the ability to smelt your bread (and more) in the Furnace, just like in the old times of Pam's Harvestcraft.

It adds all the furnace recipes back which were removed in a recent update of Pam's Harvestcraft.

Now you can use this thing
again to make all your favorite goods again, including

  • Bread
  • Toast
  • Roasted pumpkin seeds
  • Grilled mushroom
  • Grilled asparagus
  • Rice cake
  • Popcorn
  • Baked sweet potato
  • Grilled eggplant
  • Raisins
  • Toasted coconut
  • Vanilla
  • Roasted chestnut
  • Toasted sesame seeds

To clarify, I have no connection in any way to Pam, this mod is neither approved nor disapproved by her. This is only a small addon to the mod which reverts some of the changes that were made to Pam's Harvestcraft.

and @lazylazuli1 with Lazy Lazuli's Pipes
lazylazuli1 said:
Lazy Lazuli's Pipes 1.11.2-1.4.0
Added new feature:

Windowed Pipe for your viewing pleasure. Shapeless craft pipe with glass pane.

and @Rubironi with Crafting Handbook
Rubironi said:
For more information and additional credits visit the MinecraftForum thread.

Crafting Handbook adds a Recipe Book to the game which allows you to execute crafting recipes with a simple click and on the go.
Create multiple categories for a better overview or search for items directly.
You can craft any item you like as long as you have all required ingredients in your inventory.


Quick Gameplay:

Screenshot (Main Interface):


Modpack Policy:
You're allowed to put the mod into any modpack. You are not allowed to sell the mod or contents of the mod (like items).
new day, new update, and today it's @lazylazuli1 with Lazy Lazuli's Traps
lazylazuli1 said:
A simple trap mod. Currently only has spike blocks. More features will be added later.



  • main crafting ingredient for spikes block
  • does nothing special otherwise



All entities that fall or walk on this block will take damage based on the spike material.


  • deals damage
    • deals damage to entities that fall on it
    • slightly less damage to entities walking on it
    • deals no damage when sneaking
  • takes damage every use (like a tool) and eventually breaks
  • can be enchanted with
    • Sharpness
    • Bane of Arthropods
    • Smite
    • Fire Aspect
    • Unbreaking
    • Blast Protection
  • can be colored by
    • crafting with stained hardened clay, or
    • crafting spikes block shapelessly with dyes to change its color
Basic Recipes:

Crafted with hardened clay (or stained hardened clay) blocks and spikes

Spoiler (click to show)
Colored Recipes:

Spoiler (click to show)

and @Ferrettomato with Bottled Milk
Ferrettomato said:
Have you ever been accosted by cave spiders, only to find yourself woefully low on buckets of milk?

Well, I have the mod for you!



Bottled Milk is a mod that adds Milk Bottles, items that function like milk buckets, curing all status effects when consumed, but can stack up to 16 by default (this can be changed in the config file). This makes milk far easier to carry in large quantities, ensuring that you don't have to fill half your inventory to be safe from status effects.

The mod also adds Splash Milk Bottles and Lingering Milk Bottles. These behave like their potion counterparts when thrown, and remove the status effects of any mob they hit. (They can be prevented from removing certain effects or disabled outright in the config file.)


Bottled Milk for 1.11.2 now supports Glitchfiend's Tough As Nails mod! If TAN is installed (this mod can be used without TAN), Milk Bottles will replenish 6 thirst points (3 droplets) when consumed, the same as a milk bucket.

Milk Bottle



Crafting Milk Bottles returns the empty bucket. Milk Bottles return an empty glass bottle when consumed.

Note: A single bucket of milk can make 2 bottles at most by default. Additional recipes can be enabled in the config file to get more milk from a single bucket (up to 8 bottles per bucket).

Splash Milk Bottle


Lingering Milk Bottle


1.11.2 v1.1:

+ Added Tough As Nails support! If TAN is installed (optional), milk bottles replenish 3 thirst droplets (6 thirst points), the same as a milk bucket.

- Milk bottles no longer cure effects that are immune to milk.

1.10.2 v1.0

+ Backported the 1.11.2 version to 1.10.2.

1.11.2 v1.0

+ Released the mod.

  • Cake recipe using milk bottles?

Thanks for reading! As always, feedback is appreciated.


and @sir_boops39597 with Force Feed
sir_boops39597 said:

Force feed is a mod that aims to do one thing, Force feed you. Currently this mod adds one item the "Force feeder" this item is crafted as such:


Once crafted all you have to do is leave the force feeder anywhere in your inventory along with your choice of food and as you go about your Minecraft day you will automatically be fed whenever you drop below 18 food (9 hunches on the bar) Without ever having to hear yourself burp again!

and @OmegaJak with Power Drop
OmegaJak said:
This is a small mod that adds the ability to throw objects when dropping them. The longer you hold Q, the farther the item is thrown.

Feel free to use this in modpacks.

and @BubbleTrouble14 with StaminaPlus
BubbleTrouble14 said:

Ok, how should we begin. Well basicly I was messing around with forge capabilities whilst coding and thought of some mod I could make of it .So a friend and I came up with the idea of adding stamina to minecraft, as most other games have it as act of making the game a little bit harder.


There are probaly still some bugs, so please tell me if you find some and then I will try to fix them.

What does it do at the moment ?

For now I've just implemented stamina decrease when sprinting and jumping, whilst walking, standing or sleeping the stamina will regain itself.

It's still pretty simple and could have some potential to improve with complexcity if you would be interested !

Futur plans

Well to be honest i dont really have in futur plans except fix a few little bugs here and there, but if you interested in the concept we can defnitely improve on it together !

Can i add it to my modpack or make a video ?

Yes of course, i would be very grateful !

So thanks to everyone who took the time to read this through or download it !

I really appreciate it !

new day, new update, and today it's @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.10.2 - 1.4.2
- Add special 'Fire axe' made of opinium
- If a generator energy buffer is full, progress meter will slowly tick forward at 1/10 speed (as opposed to pausing)
- If a machines energy buffer is empty, progress meter will slowly tick backwards at 1/10 speed (as opposed to pausing)
- Add an initial pass for overriding the builtin models for XU2 blocks and items with resource packs. See model_locations.txt.
- Achievements for obtaining items are now awarded for having the items in your inventory (only checked periodically)
- Fix crash when block model generation is called in an unexpected way
- Fix crash with silver fish spawning in the 'quantum quarry' dim
- Fix scala dependency
Dynamic Surroundings v3.4.5.3 released for 1.10.2/1.11.x!
  • Auroras are 100% client side! This means that the aurora effect will render even though a server may not have Dynamic Surroundings installed. The RNG is seeded with the current Minecraft day so all players would see a similar aurora.
  • Auroras render as a panorama in the northern sky rather than as bands hovering above the terrain. Gives more of the borealis feel I think.
  • Biome matching rules now use traits rather than regex matching based on name. Should provide better support for biomes that Dynamic Surroundings is not aware of.
  • Battle Music. Special music sound tracks will play when battle is taking place nearby. The Wither and Dragon have their own special music. Currently this feature is turned off by default.
  • Presets. Minecraft and Dynamic Surroundings configuration settings can be saved to external Json files and reloaded as needed. This allows you to save your configuration state, try out tweaks, and rollback changes as needed. These preset files can also be shared. Dialog can be accessed via mod configuration pages or hitting P in game.
  • Footprints, footsteps, and item use sounds are now coordinated between attached clients. This means you can see the prints and hear footsteps of other players walking around you.
  • F9 to show chunk borders. Shortcut for Minecraft's built-in chunk fence display (F3+G).
  • Volume quickset dialog activated by pressing V.
  • Stack of nether stars + creative mode allows you to inspect the Dynamic Surroundings configuration for in-world blocks. Useful when creating your own config files.
  • Clock HUD that renders when holding a Minecraft clock. Displays the current Minecraft Time of Day as well as the amount of time of the current Minecraft session.
  • Horseshoe print style for use in combination with....
  • Quadruped configuration option for those Bronies out there. Turning it on will make footstep sounds like a horse. Useful with Mine Little Pony.
  • Also added bird and animal footprint styles as well. Animal footprint looks good with Quadruped enabled as well.
  • Item equip sounds ala MAtmos. Swapping items in the hotbar as well as shield slot will trigger these sounds.
  • Rain water hitting liquid source blocks generate water ripples rather than rain splashes.
  • Daytime biome sound for bogs, fens, marshes, bayou etc.
  • Crow spot sound that will play in forest, bogs, fens, and various "dead" biomes.
  • Consolidated sound configuration dialog where you can set block, culling, and sound scale. Features a Play button so you can hear the sound.
  • Option to override Overworld sea level setting. Useful when using world gen mods such as Open Terrain Generator and Biome Bundle.
  • Option to disable the water suspend particle effect (those black wandering particles underwater).
  • Options to change Dynamic Surroundings command names and aliases. Useful when resolving command conflicts with servers and other mods.
  • Option to disable auto-restart of crashed sound system.
  • Turning off desert and biome fog effects will turn off all fog processing in Dynamic Surroundings. Intended to address compatibility issues with certain mod combinations, such as BoP + OptiFine + Dynamic Surroundings.
  • Per dimension configuration option to control dimension wide fog effects. Improves compatibility with mods like Galacticraft.
  • Bunch of performance/responsiveness tweaks.
new day, new update, and today it's @Purplicious_Cow with Animania
Purplicious_Cow said:
Animania 1.10.2-1.1.3

Release Notes 1.1.3 (for 1.10.2 and 1.11.2)

“Release Your Inner Hamster ”

Major Feature:

  • Make your own Hamster Balls! Choose from 16 different colors. Place the ball on your tamed Hamster and take him for a stroll. Right click again to remove the Hamster Ball.
  • Recipe: 8 Glass Panes, plus any Dye (or none for Clear) in the middle.

  • Cows now extend vanilla cows, for better cross-mod compatibilities (for instance, Cow in a Jar, from Cooking for Blockheads) – (credit: Darkosto)
  • Chickens now extend vanilla chickens, making them now compatible with Hatchery (credit: InkDragon)
  • Animania for 1.11.2 is now working properly with world generation mods such as Biomes of Plenty (1.10 was always ok) – (credit: saraminecraft, kokjoo89)
  • [1.11.2 only] Fixed crashing issue using pipes to the Trough from Immersive Engineering and Embers (credit: Eufranio, Jomik)

  • Reduced horse stride size to be more realistic
  • Vanilla mobs riding Animania animals can now be turned off in config
  • Enlarged calf hitboxes
Bug Fixes:

  • Nightmare horse head animation has been eliminated. Apologies to all players and their immediate families (credit: LeKoopa and @stacyplays)
  • Animals no longer suffocate and drown when being pushed by currents or attempting to leave water areas into solid blocks (credit: Seth0067, TheCoolGuy937)
  • Foals no longer have the possibility of changing color when they grow up
  • Foals no longer shrink after turning into Mares or Stallions
  • Foals no longer ‘moo’ when born (sheesh)
  • Animals no longer occasionally ‘drink dirt’ when floating in water
  • [1.11.2 only] Milking cows no longer has chance of losing bucket (credit: sfPlayer1, Soaryn)
  • [1.11.2 only] Bucket no longer duped when exchanging special milk for vanilla milk (credit: TheCoolGuy937, sfPlayer1)
  • [1.11.2 only] Fixed issue for some players who were logged out after placing trough (credit: ionutsoran)
  • [1.11.2 only] Fixed bug where water not being scooped out of trough with Empty Bucket (credit: 19nrussell)

  • [1.11.2 only] Patreons Gold172 and Xorbah have received access to the highly coveted Golden Patreon Hamster™

and @2piradians with Minewatch
2piradians said:
Minewatch 1.10.2-2.0
Added Tracer.

Added 3D models for all current weapons.

Added config option to change between 3D and 2D weapon models.
new day, new update, and today it's @SuperJedi224 with Configurable XP Drops
SuperJedi224 said:
This is a fairly small mod that allows you to change the amount of XP dropped by the majority vanilla mobs via the mod's configuration file. Support for mobs from other mods may be added in the future.

and @Ellpeck with Wopper
Ellpeck said:
This is a very simple mod that adds the Wooden Hopper, or Wopper for short, a Hopper crafted out of wood.

It acts like a normal Hopper, the only difference being that it doesn't have an internal buffer, meaning it has no slots. This means that it can pull items from inventories above it and pick them up from the world and push those items into containers that it is pointing at. However, it cannot be inserted into by other Hoppers meaning you cannot chain them.

Values like its speed and if it can be disabled by a redstone signal can be changed in the config file.

If you like this mod, please consider supporting me on Patreon by clicking here. Thanks a lot!
Updated AbyssalCraft (1.10.2) (1.11.2) to 1.9.4-pre-4:
  • Changed the ritual for the Staff of The Gatekeeper to require Cha'garoth's R'lyehian Gateway Key (1.10.2 only)
  • Fixed a small derp in the Crystallizer recipe handling code
  • Improved explosion code for ODB and ODB Cores (along with some performance improvements)
  • Fixed a crash with BoP (or any other mod adding specific blocks to the OreDictionary with the wildcard value as meta)
new day, new update, and today it's @TeamCoFH with Thermal Expansion, Redstone Arsenal, Thermal Dynamics, Thermal Foundation & CoFH Core
TeamCoFH said:
Thermal Expansion 1.10.2-
Thermal Expansion


-JEI Integration has been improved.
-Numbers have commas now. :)
-Various graphical improvements.

-Item Allocator - moves things around, kind of like a hopper, but way better.
-Strongboxes - yeah, you know what these do.

-Flux Capacitors - 3 modes now! Read the tooltip!

-Machines now have sounds. Again.
-New side configuration: blue/orange for input/output.
-Tons of new machine recipes. :)
-New Augments:
-Elemental Catalyzer - Boosts output of Reactant Dynamo, for Elemental Reactions.
-Flurry Stratum - Glacial Precipitator can make snow layers.
-Pyroclastic Injection - Igneous Extruder no longer requires Water for operation.
-Pyrolytic Conversion - Redstone Furnace can produce Creosote Oil by burning certain material.
-Sapling Infuser - Phytogenic Insolator can grow trees with this installed.

-Arboreal Extractor now accepts fertilizer to boost production.
-Reactant Dynamo has been completely overhauled. Refer to JEI.

-Fluid Transposer now properly handles certain IFluidHandler Items.
-Issue where GUI tabs would not consistently remain.
-Some rare corner case crashes.

TeamCoFH said:
Redstone Arsenal 1.10.2-
Redstone Arsenal


-Shovels can now create path blocks.
-Some corner case crashes have been fixed.
-Thermal Expansion integration is now properly working in all cases.

TeamCoFH said:
Thermal Dynamics 1.10.2-
Thermal Dynamics

It's back! Changelog to follow. I'm sure you don't want the release to be held up. ;)

TeamCoFH said:
Thermal Foundation 1.10.2-
Thermal Foundation


-Hardened Glass Blocks now tint beacon beams.
-New Fluids: Sap and Syrup.

-Fixed a minor issue with elemental sounds not always playing correctly on Sponge servers.
-Shovels can now create path blocks.

TeamCoFH said:
CoFH Core 1.10.2-
CoFH Core


-More refactoring! Lots of little optimizations and improvements.
-Horse armor and saddles are now craftable. This can be toggled in the configuration files.

-Fixed a couple of corner case crash issues.

and @McJty with The Lost Cities
McJty said:
The Lost Cities 1.1x-0.0.3beta

  • New json system that is used for the building pallete, cities, stairs, bridges, fountains, and so on. Not yet documented though and may still change
  • If Biomes O Plenty is present then there will be a new world type 'lostcities_bop' that generates the lost city world with Biomes O Plenty biomes
  • Buildings can now be on multiple levels and will try to fit with the terrain better
  • Stairs are sometimes generated between different city levels
  • Explosion craters and debris should be slightly better (less noisy) and there should be less cases of blocks that defeat gravity
  • There should be less floating vines
  • By default explosions will no longer occur outside cities (but non city chunks next to an explosion can still get damage). You can turn back the old behaviour (explosions everywhere) in the config
  • Prevent bridges from generating adjacent to each other
new day, new update, and today it's @Brandon3055 with Draconic Evolution
brandon3055 said:
Draconic Evolution 1.10.2-
######## (1.10.2 Feature Complete) ########
-Switched from java 7 to java 8
-Fixed arrow shockwave effect not rendering.
-Fixed capacitors not charging FE items in your inventory.
-Updated Mob Soul.
-Updated Stabilized Spawner.
-Updated and Upgraded Draconium Chest.
-Fixed generator not respecting sides when sending energy (Prevented generator sending to IO crystals)
-Changed LivingDeathEvent priority for armor to high to hopefully avoid issues with other mods.
-Fixed wrenching a placed item caused it to break and delete the item.
-Reset the minimum fusion injector distance to 1 block. Did not mean to change it to 2.
-Change: Higher tier crafting injectors now reduce charge and crafting time.
-Blacklisted tinker tools in the Diss-Enchanter.
-Hopefully made it impossible to pick up a guardian crystal with items that can pickup mobs.
new day, new update, and today it's @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 2 - 1.10.2 - 1.4.4
- Right click a 'cursed' mob with a bucket of milk will cure the curse and prevent the mob from disappearing after a minute
- A transfer node with a mining upgrade will 'mine' snowballs from the small layer of snow a snowman is standing on (provided the biome temperature is low enough for the snowman to create snow)
- 'Press T to search nearby inventories for highlighted item' feature now has configurable keybinding and is not dependent on JEI
- Altered fire axe texture slightly
- Machines now recalculate current recipe on inventory changes
- Fix crash in the creative tab when the angel block is disabled
- Fix issue with internal set class incorrectly hashing entries (fixes numerous obscure bugs)
- Fix missing localization on creative tabs

and @Flaxbeard with Immersive Petroleum
Flaxbeard said:
Immersive Petroleum 1.10.2-1.0.5


+ Added Multiblock Projectors, templates that show how to build specific multiblocks

+ Reworked fluid reservoir system, added Aquifers and Magma Chambers

+ Fluid reservoir system is now highly configurable for modpack makers

+ Core samples now display a chunk's liquids in their model

! Fixed distillation tower resource numbers in the manual

! Fixed mirrored multiblock I/O locations
  • Like
Reactions: Ommina
new day, new update, and today it's @thebest108 with Valkyrien Warfare
thebest108 said:
Valkyrien Warfare 0.9_pre_1
*Added feature to name and teleport directly to named ships
*Added ability to set bed spawn on ship
*Added new weapons and ammo types for the cannon
*Added tooltips and models for every item in VW
*Added all missing step sounds and particle effects onto ships
*Ships now dynamically change biome based on what terrain they exist in
*Added passenger chairs
*Added a ramming collision system (Ships break blocks when they hit them)
*Added a /VW help command
*Added explosive arrows, Thrust Relays, Thrust Wire, and Thrust Modulators
*Etherium Ore now spawns naturally underground
*Added recipes for most everything
*Added multiple tiers of Ether Compressors
*Implemented automatic control onto the Hovercraft Controller

*Fixed collision bugs
*Fixed Chicken Chunks compatibility
*Fixed conflicts with the World Border
*Fixed dupe bugs
*Fixed pressure plates and slime blocks
*Fixed pistons crashing the game
*Fixed Ships occasionally not loading Client-Side
*Rebalanced the mass of blocks

*Fixed launch crash with Sponge (Though not the other issues with Sponge)
*And countless other fixes and bugs not important enough to be mentioned

and @BluSunrize with Immersive Engineering
BluSunrize said:
Immersive Engineering 0.10 - 60
- added Forestry's fertilizer to the Garden Cloche
- changed recipe-output on coal- and blastbrick, reducing earlygame resource costs
- changed balance on Drills:
- Heads have more durability
- Lubrication reduces wear
- Augers boost speed and damage
- changed turret rendering to improve performance (thanks malte)
- fixed the cloche exploding when planting Enderlilies
- fixed Inferium seeds not working in the cloche (thanks SanAndreasP)
- fixed recipe-wildcard handlign in the manual (thanks Landmaster)
- fixed breakerswitch sound in Multiplayer
- fixed attackspeed values for revolver and drill
- fixed covered conveyors having a split second where they don't protect items from pickup
- fixed recipes for redstone-ignoring conveyors not being NBT sensitive
- fixed Tesla Coils reading RS signals incorrectly, improved render (thanks malte)
- fixed Improved Blast Furnace using up too much fuel (thanks malte)
- fixed Multiblock's disassembly functions, improving them greatly (thanks malte)
- fixed Current Transformer being derpy on interaction (thanks malte)
- fixed possible NBT overflow issues with toolboxes and crates (thanks malte)
- fixed pipe covers being broken (thanks malte)
- fixed multiblocks not breaking properly to multi-break items (drill, TCon Hammer) (thanks malte)
- fixed Itme Use functions (thanks malte)
- Translations Added/Updated: ru_RU (lex1975), zh_CN(Jellyslime)

and @WhichOnesPink with No Fist
WhichOnesPink said:

No Fist is a small, server-side mod that prevents players from breaking blocks with their fist, and damages them if they try.

Most wooden blocks are unpunchable by default, but this can be changed in the config file.

The default damage inflicted is half a heart, but this can also be changed (or disabled) in the config file.

and @CAS_ual_TY with Mundus Magicus
CAS_ual_TY said:




The Mundus Magicus Mod allows You to design, create and customize your own spells. Thanks to a "system" You can decide:

- When to activate the spell (Right click? Every second? When you take fall damage?)

- Who/What to affect (The player or mob you are looking at? The blocks around you? All players in your dimension?)

- What these effects are (Ignite the target? Inflict simple damage? Create an ice sphere around it?)

and some more details. This system basically breaks spells down into different parts which can be (ex)changed and customized (more about that below). My goal with this mod is to make it feel like an extension of minecraft rather than a mod introducing completely new features and mechanics. Thats why this mod also only uses vanilla textures (it doesnt copy them, it uses them - 100% texture pack compatible).


The "System"

A Spell Book consists of different parts. Some of these parts can be broken down once more into even smaller parts. That was the short explanation. Now the detailed one:

A Spell Book item consists of Spells. Those can be activated individually or all together depending on what Activation IDs they are holding. You do something (or someone does something to You) and the Spell has that particular Activation ID matching that action, the Spell gets activated. However, to completely resolve the Spell, You also need to fulfill the Owner Conditions and Sender Conditions. The Owner is the one who owns the Spell that got activated. The Sender is the one who is holding it. Example: You put an over-time effect on someone that does damage over time; You are the owner, the player affected by the Spell is the sender (he would probably be the Target, as well, but more on that later). The last part missing is the Spell Part (or rather Spell Parts - plural). Once the conditions are met this thing gets activated.

The Spell Part contains the actual fun of this mod. The first thing it does is calling its Detector Chains. These basically detect the Targets. A target is either a player, a living mob (doesnt matter if hostile, neutral or friendly) or a block. The way these things detect targets is by chaining Detectors one by one to activate them out of different perspectives. Example: A "range" Detector gives you all Targets within X blocks. A "look at" Detector gives you the Target you are looking at. Now chaining the "look at" Detector on to the "range" Detector gives you all Targets within X blocks of the Target you are looking at. Now you have the Targets, these need to meet the Target Conditions. A Target that does not meet the conditions gets sorted out. And now, of course, the last mechanic of the Spell Part are the Effects. These affect all Targets found earlier. They can basically to everything (or rather: everything I added so far).

A visualization:


How To - Startup

The first thing you need to obtain is the Ancient Book. This item allows you to simply combine pages and books to create Spell Books. To to that you put an item on top, and it will get forged with the bottom. No button and no going back. Once there is an item in both slots and they can be combined, they will be combined immediately. You can also ruin your items if they somehow interfere with each other. So, be careful!

The GUI looks like this (for now, I will probably change the look):


How To - Crafting Theory

Let me explain these 3 items in the picture first:

The first item (Paper icon) is a Page. This page is either an Activation ID, a Condition, a Detector Chain, a Detector or an Effect.

The second item (Written book icon) is a Spell Part. It already contains atleast one Effect, one Target Condition or one Detector Chain.

The third item (Book icon) is a Spell. It already contains atleast one Spell Part, one Sender Condition, one Target Condition or one Activation ID.

The fourth item (Enchanted book icon) is a Spell Book. It already contains atleast one Spell.

To successfully create a Spell Book, you need work in this order. First create a Spell Part with atleast one Effect and one Detector Chain (a Target Condition is not needed for an operational Spell Part). Then create a Spell, containing this Spell Part and add atleast one Activation ID (once again, the Sender Conditions and Owner Conditions are optional). And finally, add that Spell to a Spell Book. Important: Spells and Spell Parts that do not meet the minimum requirements can not be used! Example: You can not add a Spell Part containing only Effects to a Spell!

To make this easier: The items (non-pages) change their rarity once they meet all requirements to be added to the next "stage" (rarity is displayed as color when mouse hovering over an item). Pages change their rarity depending on if they are "clean" or not (more on that later). A short introduction on what colors on items mean:

This page is fully usable. However, random modifiers (like Conditions, Effects ...) may be in there as well!

This page is fully usable, as well, and it does not add any randomness to whatever you are planning to do.

This indicates that the Spell Part is not done yet and can thus not be added to a Spell yet. It requires atleast one Effect and one Detector Chain.

This Spell Part meets all minimum requirements and can be added to a Spell.

This Spell is not ready yet. It requires atleast one Spell Part and one Activation ID.

This spell meets all minimum requirements and can be added to a Spell Book.

How To - Crafting Practice

You can obtain Pages by <I have no idea yet. I am still figuring out the best way to do this. I am thinking about adding trades to villagers. And if its hard to obtain pages I will add a way to copy them (with a more or lesse expensive cost). I will also add a way to "purify" (= remove random modifiers from ->) pages.>.

For crafting, you need to open your Ancient Book:

- To add a Page to a Spell Part (Page = Effect/Detector/Detector Chain/Target Condition) or a Spell (Page = Sender Condition/Target Condition/Activation ID) and simply put the Page in the top slot and put the Spell Part/Spell in the bottom slot. Done.

- To add a Spell Part to a Spell, put the Spell Part in the top slot and put the Spell in the bottom slot. Done.

- To add a Spell to a Spell Book, put the Spell in the top slot and put the Spell Book in the bottom slot. Didnt expect that, did you?

But now you might ask, how do you obtain a Spell Part, Spell or Spell Book? Well, you dont. You create it:

- To create a Spell Part, put a Page being a possible content of that Spell Part (Page = Effect/Detector/Detector Chain/Target Condition) in the top slot and put a Book and Quill in the bottom slot. After combining you will get a Spell Part containing the used Page.

- To create a Spell, put a Spell Part meeting all requirements or a Page being a possible content of that Spell (Page = Sender Condition/Target Condition/Activation ID) in the top slot and put a Book and Quill in the bottom slot. After combining... blabla you know what is going to happen.

- To create a Spell Book, put a Spell meeting all requirements in the top slot and a Book and Quill in the bottom slot.

Note: By adding a single Detector instead of a Chain Detector to a Spell Part/Book and Quill this Detector becomes a one-chain-Chain Detector. By adding another single Detector it will add another one-chain Chain Detector. To Create a Chain Detector you need to combine them before adding them to a Spell Part/Book and Quill. And when creating a Chain Detector, its important to know, that when combining two Detectors, the top one will be chained on the bottom one (or rather: The bottom Detector will be used first, then the top Detector). By combining a Detector and a Chain Detector (Detector in top slot), the Detector will be added at the end of the Chain Detector.

And finally, this is important: Once you added something onto something, there is no going back!

Pages List

First of all, Pages are unnamed when obtaining them (unless you copy them). So you need to find out what they are and what they are doing by <not implemented yet. The only way to obtain them right now is via creative mode and they come in correct names already. Though you might need to check this site here to know what these names mean exactly.> Once you did that, there is no surprise for you (unless it contains random modifiers of course. Dont know what I am talking about? Read "How To - Crafting Theory"!).

Now the list (<X>, <Y>... are dynamic variables); <of course I will add a lot more stuff. I am just focusing on the core mechanic as of right now>

Only use the ones that are listed here! The others could bring horrible lag if used the wrong way! I will add them here and explain them once everything is ready for them!

Spoiler (click to hide)
Every Activation ID begins with "A":

A Right Click This Book: Activate a Spell Book by right clicking that exact Spell Book.

A Right Click Any Book: Activate a Spell Book by right clicking any Spell Book.

A Potion Effect Tick: Currently unused.

A Skillshot Tick: Called every second during a skillshots lifetime. The sender here is the position of the skillshot.

A Skillshot Impact: Called when a skillshot hits a target.

Spoiler (click to hide)
Its a bit more advanced with Conditions since there are Owner Conditions, Sender Conditions and Target Conditions,

Owner Conditions begin with "CO",

Sender Conditions begin with "CS",

Target Conditions begin with "CT".

Every type of Condition is available in all three forms. In this list, we will use "C" as placeholder for "CO", "CS" and "CT":

C Target Type <X>: The Owner/Sender/Target must be a player (<X> = "P"), an animal or a mob (<X> = "L") or a block (<X> = "B") or one of multiple of these types (Example; CS Target Type BP: The Sender must be a block or a player.).

Spoiler (click to hide)
Every Detector begins with "D":

D Owner: The owner will be a target.

D Sender: The sender will be a target.

DL Range <X>: All mobs and animals within <X> blocks (Example; DL Range 35: All mobs and animals within 35 blocks.).

DP Dimension: All players in the same dimension as the sender.

D Look At: The player/mob or animal/block the sender is looking at.

D Skillshot Impact: The player/mob or animal/block hit by the skillshot.

Spoiler (click to hide)
Every Effect begins with "E":

E Cancel Event: Currently unused.

E Cooldown <X>: Sets the Spell Book on cooldown for <X> seconds (Example; E Cooldown 17: Sets the Spell Book on cooldown for 17 seconds.).

E Damage <X>: Inflicts <X> damage (1 damage = 1 half heart) (Example; E Damage 5: Inflicts 5 damage.).

E Consume: Destroys the Spell Book.

E Ignite <X>: Ignites the target for <X> seconds (infinite amount of time for blocks!) (Example; E Ignite 5: Ignites the target for 5 seconds.).

E <X>x Particle <Y>: Spawns <X> particles of type "<Y>" (Example; E 10x Particle lava: Spawns 10 particles of type "lava").

E Skillshot: Fires a skillshot containing all Spells of the Spell Book that contains this Effect.

How To - Potions (WIP)

The mechanics are there and potions work perfectly. However, there is no way of creating them yet. You are also not able to add any spells to them yet. There are potions without any spells in the creative tab already, tho.

TODO - Stuff you will see in the future

- More Activation IDs, Conditions, Detectors and Effects

- A system that allows you to cancel certain events (like fall damage, healing, attacks, death, drowning, whatever)

- Skillshots - Fire the spell as some sort of fireball DONE! I will add more tweaks tho (and a different texture)

- Add the spell to potions (over time effects in general)

- Example Spell Books in the creative tab. I added a single skillshot so far hehe xd

- Even more Activation IDs, Conditions, Detectors and Effects

Some Final Words

I hope I could gain some interest in this mod. If not, well then I guess the interest is here once I start adding gifs of fireballs and teleportation magic and other stuff in here.

Anyways, I am looking for Ideas in general. How to obtain pages? What Pages do you think are missing to allow more different spells?

and @mangoose with Adventurer's Toolbox
mangoose said:
Adventurer's Toolbox

Adventurer's Toolbox is a mod that allows for the creation of custom tools and weapons from a variety of different parts. The aim is for all the tools and materials to be balanced against vanilla, to avoid adding unnecessary or unrelated content, to maintain decent mod compatibility, and to keep things as simple as possible. To that end, there is nothing else in this mod besides the tools, the tool parts, the guide book, and rocks, which are like gold or iron nuggets, but for cobblestone. All tools and parts are made with the vanilla crafting table, and although the mod adds no new materials, it allows for tools and tool parts to be made with a number of common materials from other mods.

To get started in-game, just craft any tool head to receive the guidebook.


  • Tools
    • Pickaxes
    • Axes
    • Shovels
    • Hoes
    • Hand Picks
    • Hammers
    • Climbing Picks
  • Weapons
    • Swords
    • Daggers
    • Maces
  • Documentation
    • A detailed guidebook

  • Disable Vanilla Tools
    • Removes the recipes for vanilla tools, and attempts to replace instances of vanilla tools in crafting recipes from other mods
  • Hide Uncraftables
    • Prevents tool parts made from unavailable materials from being shown in the creative menu or JEI
NYAQs (Not Yet Asked Questions):

Q: How do I craft tools?

A: Look in the guide book to see what parts you need, and then place all the required parts in a crafting table in any configuration.

Q: How do I get the guidebook?

A: Craft any tool head, or combine a book with any tool head in a crafting table.

Q: Will you backport this mod to 1.2.5/1.4.7/1.5.2/1.6.4/1.7.10/1.10.2?

A: No, sorry.

Q: When will you update the mod to the latest Minecraft version (assuming I haven't already)?

A: Whenever Forge is released and stable, and I have time to do the porting.

Q: Can you add support for [material] from [mod]?

A: Maybe. Depends on whether or not I want to/think it's necessary/hate the other mod even more than I even hate myself.

Q: This is just a copy of Tinker's Construct!

A: While I can't say there aren't similarities between this and Tinker's Construct (that's sarcasm, by the way), Adventurer's Toolbox is generally much simpler, smaller, less powerful, and more grounded than Tinker's Construct. If you think that makes my this mod worse, then don't use it.

Q: I found a bug!

A: Please create an issue on the mod's Github repository, which should be linked at the top of this page.
new day, new update, and today it's @jaredlll08 with Visualize
jaredlll08 said:
Visualize syncs video options between modpacks! Using Visualize, you will never have to change video options again!

Visualize saves specific information from the local modpack options.txt and saves it onto your computer, when running another pack, Visualize reads from the saved file and loads the options based on those saved options!

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