What will be the next ultimate FTB sandbox?

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What will be the next FTB sandbox?

Monster was a blast. Infinity was awesome!

What will be the next sandbox. Skyfactory, Skyblock, Infinity are all the same mods you either build on the ground or in the air (flaming starts here right).

So what will be next. I'm talking about using mods that are awesome/unique but doesn't get that much attention Practical Logistics, Rotarycraft/Reactorcraft, Ancient Warfare, Matter Overdrive, very popular but one of my favorites RFTools, etc some of these mods are used I'm aware.

But less combine all major packs. Put Infinity and RRM (with all options btw), though a little big of galaticraft in there and stargate. Boom! Popular world wide server friend (with alittle work) super sandbox modpack.

Go ahead FTB team I can't give you all the ideas :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ideas are cheap and this one belongs in the bargain bin.

Loading all the mods in a large pack can be done by anyone. Making a monster is easy, especially these days where you don't have ID conflicts.

I think we should be a focusing on a "less is more" philosophy.

Infinity and monster where not so much sandboxes as they where junkyards. You only used the good bits and avoided the muck like it was diseased.

What I want to see is a pack that plays like it has 500 mods worth of content but only using double digit numbers.

This means either choosing mods with vast swaths of content and or small simple ideas that expand on the game immensely.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2013
I wouldn't mind seeing Mekanism and some of Reika's mods (primarily Rotarycraft) in the next large pack. Not sure if there will be another large one for 1.7.10, or if the sights are set on 1.9.4 now.

Also, maybe more mod crossovers for recipes even in normal mode. Not as a progress gating mechanism, but to create options and reward players for progressing in other mods. Such as using Buildcraft lasers to make AE2 processors slightly cheaper / easier, etc.
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Jul 24, 2013
What will be the next FTB sandbox?

Monster was a blast. Infinity was awesome!

What will be the next sandbox. Skyfactory, Skyblock, Infinity are all the same mods you either build on the ground or in the air (flaming starts here right).

So what will be next. I'm talking about using mods that are awesome/unique but doesn't get that much attention Practical Logistics, Rotarycraft/Reactorcraft, Ancient Warfare, Matter Overdrive, very popular but one of my favorites RFTools, etc some of these mods are used I'm aware.

But less combine all major packs. Put Infinity and RRM (with all options btw), though a little big of galaticraft in there and stargate. Boom! Popular world wide server friend (with alittle work) super sandbox modpack.

Go ahead FTB team I can't give you all the ideas :D

A few issues:

1). Conflicting mods. These still exist, and having one may cause the other to crash the game, or invalidate recipes, or any of a number of other problems.
2). Permission to use some mods. Some mod developers will not allow their mods to be used with certain other mods and, in fact in the past have even go so far as to crash the game if the other mod was there.
3). Over-zealous ore spawn. Who likes having 6 different versions of Copper? Especially if they aren't ore-dictionaried somehow and different recipes use different versions?
4). System performance. The more mods in a pack the slower the game will run on a given system... This could be caused by slower CPUs or lack of sufficient Ram.

Basically, these kind of packs only exist for one or two reasons... Having permission to use the mods in the first place and months of tweaking configs and beta testing the gameplay. You cannot just gleefully throw mods into a pack and expect everything to run well the first time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A few issues:

1). Conflicting mods. These still exist, and having one may cause the other to crash the game, or invalidate recipes, or any of a number of other problems.
2). Permission to use some mods. Some mod developers will not allow their mods to be used with certain other mods and, in fact in the past have even go so far as to crash the game if the other mod was there.
3). Over-zealous ore spawn. Who likes having 6 different versions of Copper? Especially if they aren't ore-dictionaried somehow and different recipes use different versions?
4). System performance. The more mods in a pack the slower the game will run on a given system... This could be caused by slower CPUs or lack of sufficient Ram.

Basically, these kind of packs only exist for one or two reasons... Having permission to use the mods in the first place and months of tweaking configs and beta testing the gameplay. You cannot just gleefully throw mods into a pack and expect everything to run well the first time.
I don't know, while it's not advised you can actually get away with jumbleing up a mod salad by throwing a bunch of mods together and have a decent expectation tjat they will work.

Modding has come a long way.

Of course there are a few curve balls, like how in 1.7.10 you still had potion and chant id conflict. And mods slated as being for 1.7.10 actually utilizing different versions of Forge.

But mod salad is totally doable.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ideas are cheap and this one belongs in the bargain bin.

Loading all the mods in a large pack can be done by anyone. Making a monster is easy, especially these days where you don't have ID conflicts.

I think we should be a focusing on a "less is more" philosophy.

Infinity and monster where not so much sandboxes as they where junkyards. You only used the good bits and avoided the muck like it was diseased.

What I want to see is a pack that plays like it has 500 mods worth of content but only using double digit numbers.

This means either choosing mods with vast swaths of content and or small simple ideas that expand on the game immensely.

Less is more is a fast way of doing things. Expert mode is the proper way. I don't see anything beating Infinity Evolved Expert for quite some time. It has almost all the good mods, and practically everything has a use at some point. I hope that they start developing a similar pack for 1.9 right from the start.

For me, the mega pack will be used to learn all the new mods and changes. Then I will be waiting for an expert mode pack that has actual progression paths.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like expert mode, though crafting that Certus wrench... oh my god that nearly broke me.. talk about going down the rabbit hole of rabbit holes!!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found expert mode to be tiring and contrived. The tech side was done OK but the magic side took it way too far. It might have been the point but it didn't feeo intuitive.

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Well FTB just Presented "The Crackpack" I'm happy now. It's a well put together kitchen sink pack, just getting started. Galaticraft, RF Tools, Mekanism, are some of my favorite mods. Now if they could have squeezed rotarycraft/nuclearcraft in there it would just have been icing on the cake. Anyways back to the game!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, if you want variety and new mods, the official FTB packs are the wrong choice. None of them are very adventuresome in selection, they have a terrible update cycle, and they get abandoned at the drop of a hat. There's no change logs and they don't even give enough of a damn to even list the mods used in their packs on Curse.

For a great selection, choose 3rd party or packs on other launchers. Infinity is a garbage modpack that only made any sense once they dumped weeks of effort into Minetweaking recipes. Even then, it's forced progression only proved how archaic and out of place mods like IC2Exp are in the current mod zeitgeist. FTB packs are the Justin Beiber packs of modded Minecraft. Insanely popular but lacking quality, substance, or staying power.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Quite frankly, it's time to either completely remake IC2, or dump it into waste bin of dead mods. I've recently had a spirited discussion about the utter uselessness of Railcraft. But it's always been a niche mod. IC2 was 'THE THING' for years, and it rode it's fame into the ground, until no one cares any more. (Except Direwolf for some reason.)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quite frankly, it's time to either completely remake IC2, or dump it into waste bin of dead mods. I've recently had a spirited discussion about the utter uselessness of Railcraft. But it's always been a niche mod. IC2 was 'THE THING' for years, and it rode it's fame into the ground, until no one cares any more. (Except Direwolf for some reason.)
IC2 is dead. Exp didn't kill it. Exp just re-animated the corpse. The ONLY reason IC2 remains in FTB packs is because of the Forgecraft clique. It's completely due to the devs being friends with the FTB team and the insulated clique of Forgecraft. Which is fine. People often hook up their friends. But let us not be coy about why the mod is shoved into FTB packs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wouldn't mind seeing IC2 remain a thing, even though I dislike the mod. Just don't shove it down my throat (Infinity Expert). If it was the only power system in play in a pack, I can see it doing alright, but forcing people to build dual infrastructure is asking not to be played with, and let's face it, there's way more RF mods than EU. Having IC2 and associated addons would give it a chance to shine on its own - which was where it shined all those years ago.

I seem to remember, but can't source, the FTB team saying they were moving away from EU as a whole unless it was the backbone power system of a pack back around the beginning of 1.7. Maybe I'm wrong, as I have nothing but my intuition leading me here, but I can't help feeling that GT being in limbo for so long shot that plan to hell. Either way, I'm still adamant about having IC2 shoved down my throat being a bad idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A mod is only truly dead when no one downloads it. So until such time as that? FTB will be able to force IC2 on us. Personally? I think a sandbox pack (if done with the correct intent ex: no progression to follow just a pure do it your way pack) is ok and I would appreciate seeing one. Be it 3rd party or FTB themselves


Jul 24, 2013
I'm not worried about IC2... The launcher I use makes it very easy to either disable or remove a mod with a single click, as I usually do with things like BoP.
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BIG mac

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC2 would be a lot more fun IMO if I didn't have to turn ingots into plates into casings to craft everything. It is not like that adds any kind of a challenge, just an annoyance, and it also takes up a lot more inventory space if I miscalculate how many ingots I need to turn in to plates. Also there is the fact that thermal expansion can do a lot of the things that IC2 can, but it is a lot more easy to use. (Please don't start an IC2 Vs. TE flame thread because I said that.) Also pretty much every mod has it's own ore doubling method, unlike when industrialcraft was first released.

BIG mac

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And yet they keep on adding the broken ic2 when you have Mekanism :/
Also, how is mekanism now? I really liked it, but I haven't played it since it was pretty glitchy and solar panels were the most overpowered things ever.

EDIT: Why didn't it merge my double post for me?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Mekanism is like if Thermal Dynamics and EIO sired a cocain fueld love child that then grew up and ended up on the juice.

Mekanism shouldn't be added because it would supplant half the popular tech mods.

That being said I say bring it on.

Edit: pressed the post button by mistake.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Mekanism has my favorite Jetpack. Fast flight, excellent, HOLDING hover. Plus he fixed it so if you're on the ground, it's no longer consuming fuel if you're in hover mode. Also has a flame thrower. And who doesn't love a flame thrower?

Windmills and solar are still pretty OP, but it's also got it's own reactor and turbine now.