What type of player are you? - Discussion Thread

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Phoenix Team Founder
Jun 11, 2013
The Immortal's Cemetery
Exactly why I believe tech in the later game of those mods should be tiered.

More tech tiers add more possibilites and objectives, that is in any mod - funny enough, magic based mods seem to do that even more than tech ones, Ars Magica can relate.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2013
Portland, Oregon
I'm a minimalist crossed with an aesthetician. I love making extremely compact designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Covered and hidden cables, flush walls with machines and all in as compact a space as possible.

Aw yiss.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm kinda a sci-fi player. Even at early game I seek to focus my entire base at one big skyscraper or citadel, and keep adding floors for each mod, or mod tier, I focus more on harder and complicated tech mods, and never really did magic, I try to automate everything on a fashion, yet simple and not soo compact style, since the sky is the limit but the limit is thousands of floors tall.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More tech tiers add more possibilites and objectives, that is in any mod - funny enough, magic based mods seem to do that even more than tech ones, Ars Magica can relate.
I never really realized how true this is. True, great Tech mods have Tiers. Almost every magic mod has them. Thaumcraft has tiers since day one. The tiers in magic mods are often somewhat blurry while you play, but take a step back, and they are very clear. TC 4 tiers are simple, wands are tiers, but so is how you obtain and process items. If you need Essentia for a item, early on it's made in a crucible. Break items down into aspects and add the item you want them added into. Before that, also, one has the arcane workbech, infuse items with primal aspects. Risk free, but limited by aspect limits in your wand, and how efficient your wand is(and your robes). The crucible has a good deal of things you can make with it.(and indeed, must, and no, just because there are countless reposts of someone saying one can use the infusion altar to make crucible recipes, has anyone actually got proof it can be done in TC 4.1 now that we have a automation solution for the crucible that is made by the dev for such a task?) Then comes the Infusion Altar, a way to use essentia to craft powerful things, but again, not without risk. That risk can be reduced and dealt with, but it's not always easy to do so. Nor do many things do so at a 100% risk reduction. I know of but one thing that can, and it takes 5 of them, but works great no matter how unstable your altar is, nor how tough your infusion will be.

AM2 is simpler, but I think that may just be because one has to step further back to see the tiers. Your Crafting Altar limits what spells you can make, you need certain types of essence for some spells, affinities are tiered, and what altars you can even really use is limited both by nether access and just getting enough rare resources at all.

...Guess I love GT for reasons similar to why I love magic mods, except magic mods also suit me more.

That said, I am an Engineer at heart. A truly fun task is finding a well designed solution to any task, even if it's just a Rube Goldberg frame machine just to shear sheep.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Snowballer, I get a basic base, then I set up some basic infrastructure. Then I build a bigger base and get some more advanced infrastructure. This continues until I have the top tier items in all my favourite mods and have a base that I never have to leave. I lean towards technology at first but when I have reached AE with decent auto-crafting I will start to use magic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Snowballer, I get a basic base, then I set up some basic infrastructure. Then I build a bigger base and get some more advanced infrastructure. This continues until I have the top tier items in all my favourite mods and have a base that I never have to leave. I lean towards technology at first but when I have reached AE with decent auto-crafting I will start to use magic.
Didn't we have a thread about snowballing? There were bonus points if your end result actually uses a Glacial Precipitatior.

That said, I couldn't be arsed to wait that long to do some magic. Auto-Crafting is great, except close to zero magic mods benefit from AE Auto-Crafting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Didn't we have a thread about snowballing? There were bonus points if your end result actually uses a Glacial Precipitatior.

That said, I couldn't be arsed to wait that long to do some magic. Auto-Crafting is great, except close to zero magic mods benefit from AE Auto-Crafting.

I just don't really find the need for magic until I get to that stage.