Honestly though, think I'm most excited for is to see what people do with ModTweaker. I actually really enjoy it everytime someone posts their scripts involving it xD.
im still trying to figure out how to use it.... im not that great....Honestly though, think I'm most excited for is to see what people do with ModTweaker. I actually really enjoy it everytime someone posts their scripts involving it xD.
Shameless self advertisingHonestly though, think I'm most excited for is to see what people do with ModTweaker. I actually really enjoy it everytime someone posts their scripts involving it xD.
I'm guessing extra utils.Shameless self advertisingBut I agree, these tools allow packs to evolve to the next stage, making for a more seamless experience. After all, mod makers can't cater for every possible combination of mods being used.
Just started working on a 1.7.10 pack (and apart from the really slow new chunk generation with just 8 mods so far) I'm looking forward to including Botania and Professor Flaxbeards Wonderous Steam Power Mod.
There's one mod though I'm not looking forward to having to include. I want it due to various useful things within it, but it's had so much recent development of other stuff thats inconsistent in functionality/usefulness/power, that I'm either going to have to consider removing the mod, or minetweaking/modtweaking the hell out of it.
(modder rage quit and took it down)
FTFYNooooope. They later made up their mind and just went to change hosts. You can still legally grab all the existing versions.
Also, don't forget incoming TE4 with huge changes, BuildCraft's builders and robots back, tons of new niche mods, BLOOD MAGIC and a few other things.
Nothing at all ?- IC2 updated and added tons of new features**
** yeah really they didn't
To look for myself I'd have to install of that. I demand pics or something.- And the last word goes to GT, I have never laughed so hard and pressed the quit button so fast when I saw GT for 1.7.10 (in NEI) , no I'm not saying why just go look for yourself.
AGREEDSorry but..
/me uhm, let me think, RUNNNNNN/me grumbles about a sacrifice
Bound Armour. End of story./me uhm, let me think, RUNNNNNN
EDIT: Ichor armour?
Meaning I win?bound armor is made of blood. ichor armor is the blood of gods.