In the meantime you might do well to look further into
Thermal Expansion (itemducts work like tubes, also there is a project table replacement)
Minefactory Reloaded (rednet cable is like bundled cable and is really good/ rednet controller contains logic gates. It is not quite the same as the RP2 style of redstone but it is interesting and powerful)
I have only seen it being used by other people but XACT crafting tables seem to be like project tables
Project Red is a good mod to add. Translocators is another that works well with applied energistics to mimic the effects of the regulator (or manager, I forget what that machine was called)
Frames aren't reimplemented by any of the mods in Tech world 2. I haven't used a frame mod since redpower so I can't recommend any particular one but there exists Truss, Remain in motion and MFFS (calclavia)