What ping do you consider acceptable?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm interested in what ping range people consider acceptable when looking for servers. With players from different countries, not everyone is going to have the same experience, but what's the best compromise?

Personally, I don't mind anything up to 150ms, but I imagine this value would have to be much lower in PvP servers. What do you think?

Edit: And just to clarify, I'm talking about Minecraft servers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have pretty crappy internet due to being in a rural area of the UK with no cable coverage and restricted to ADSL via my phone line; I'm happy with anything under 200 really, but I'm a PvE survival player and builder, so a bit of lag from time to time is acceptable to me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I mention that I have 1500 because I can still, from time to time, get 0 lag while playing. I have no idea what causes lag between a server and a player, but ping is not an accurate judge of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I mention that I have 1500 because I can still, from time to time, get 0 lag while playing. I have no idea what causes lag between a server and a player, but ping is not an accurate judge of it.
Wow. In my case it's is. I found out my router is dying that way so I had to shutdown my server on till I get a new one in about a week. Don't want any idiot contractions made that could "break" the server while I'm gone for at least a good week. Hopefully no more.


Jul 29, 2019
250-300 is acceptable for pvp. Anything above that i wouldn't recommend it. As far as building servers, as long as you can move and are not rubberbanding every few seconds your ping can be 1000.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Since i live in China and not many servers are hosted here and the "great" firewall of china(blocks youtube, facebook and twitter) while slowing the internet down a ton. I usually can stand my ping going over 800


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I mention that I have 1500 because I can still, from time to time, get 0 lag while playing. I have no idea what causes lag between a server and a player, but ping is not an accurate judge of it.

50. Anything above and there's issues with the connection.

Not acceptable doesn't mean unplayable ofcourse. MC isn't really dependant on latency.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trained to TF2's ping rating,

0-30 = Really close to the server, no way in hell you're going to lag
60-90= Acceptable range, No notable lag
100-150= Starting to notice lag
150+ Inoperable lag


New Member
Jun 2, 2022
0-10 milliseconds is extraordinary, It's like your ping is a server, because you cannot get any lag, not even once. (except if your computer is low-end)
10-50 ms is abnormal, cannot get lag. This is my current ping on minecraft (maybe a short lag per 2 days)
50-150 ms is above average, can get lag or screen freeze per 7-10 hours or so. (youtuber pings)
150-300 ms can be accepted by average players. (current average players on hypixel)
300-320 ms is my own rank, lags per 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours and last for 5 to 10 seconds. (it is my ping when i first played minecraft, and its very annoying, especially when I'm bridging or pvping, but I recommend it to new players on minecraft if you wanna try it)
320-500 ms, your character in minecraft will get laggy, like when you're walking, but to them, your standing only on one spot. (I experienced it twice, it's f**ki*g annoying that I almost broke my keyboard and the screen).
500-1500 ms, you cannot walk, nor sprint. (Even if you are walking, to them you're teleporting.) I dont wanna experience this, i might get banned or kicked so very not recommend. (If the s**tty server have anti-hack, then you'll be banned or kicked immediately, because when you jump, there is a possibility that you'll be standing on an air (floating) for 20 seconds or more, than anti-hack is confused if your lagging or hacking)

If you are a new player, then get a ping range on 200-300

But if you have a lobby of playing minecraft 1-4 hours then you should get a ping range to 50-150

If you wanna standout, then 10-50 is the one you wanna get. (They say that a low ping is a good player)

If you don't need it, and likes to annoys players because of your lag, then 500-1500 ping is good (XD)

0-10 ping cannot be get, unless if you are near on the server, like 1-10km. [My max low ping is 17, I couldn't get any lower than that. :( ]
