What Mods do YOU Manually Add to the New Packs?

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I just use map writer.[DOUBLEPOST=1375854822][/DOUBLEPOST]Also I hate BOP so I don't use a biomes mod. The only one I would use is Highlands.
Also I hate BOP so I don't use a biomes mod. The only one I would use is Highlands.

Highlands should get more love - it's my favourite as well out of all of the biome mods and usually gets added into packs I use, custom or otherwise.
Hmm, to my 1.4.7, I've added the adjusted TC, LogPipes, DamageSomethingMod so I can see health and Optifine.
Using Unleashed, I usually update any mods that have newer versions and add
-Additional Buildcraft Objects (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/682821-15xbc37x106-additional-buildcraft-objects/)
-Advanced Machines (Immibis)
-AlgeaCraft (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...sponges-seafood-coral-and-more-500-downloads/)
-Armor Status HUD (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-armorstatushud-directionhud-statuseffecthud/)
-Better Anvils (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1576006-152better-anvils-removes-the-level-limit/)
-Better Furnaces (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/869534-162spmpbetter-furnace-mod/)
-Biomes O' Plenty (Enabled)
-Desired Blocks (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...d-blocks-v-47-phobophobe-and-slicedbread1991/)
-Dynamic Earth (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1533239-152-dynamic-earth-giving-life-to-dirt-v170/)
-Enhanced Portals (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1301217-162-enhancedportals-2/)
-GraveStone Mod (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1711328-162-sspsmp-gravestone-mod-v232/)
-GrowthCraft Mods (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-mod-cross-supportcompatibilitythingy-update/)
-Hats/Hat Stand (Enabled)
-Hostile Drops (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...drops-crafting-recipes-for-hostile-mob-drops/)
-Liquid XP (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-with-857-less-version-numbers-in-this-title/)
-Magic Crops (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...301-beta-available-to-download-update-050813/)
-Mob Dismemberment
-Mutant Creatures (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1336132-152-spmp-mutant-creatures-mutant-enderman-v134/)
-Harvestcraft (+Clay Spawn, Melon Spawn, Get all the Seeds) (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...s-aug-6th-donation-drive-additions-bug-fixes/)
-Hunger Overhaul (Lowered the difficulty though, mostly use it for the integration parts) (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1813158-152-iguanamans-hunger-overhaul/)
-Project Bench (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1550010-152sspsmp-project-bench-v175forge5000-downloads/)
-Random Things (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1832047-16215x-random-things-16-teleport-around-and-move-stuff/)
-Underground Biomes (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1593704-16x15x147-underground-biomes-forge-smp-compatible/)
-Zombie Leather (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1905318-162152-zombie-leather-10-sspsmp-updated-220713/)

Working on putting Village Up (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1645510-162-village-up-better-npcs-villages/), Hardcore Enderdragon, and Zombie Awareness on. Also looking at some of the UE mods once I update to 1.6.2 or higher (especially Resonant Induction)
Using Unleashed, I usually update any mods that have newer versions and add
-Additional Buildcraft Objects (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/682821-15xbc37x106-additional-buildcraft-objects/)
-Advanced Machines (Immibis)
-AlgeaCraft (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...sponges-seafood-coral-and-more-500-downloads/)
-Armor Status HUD (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-armorstatushud-directionhud-statuseffecthud/)
-Better Anvils (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1576006-152better-anvils-removes-the-level-limit/)
-Better Furnaces (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/869534-162spmpbetter-furnace-mod/)
-Biomes O' Plenty (Enabled)
-Desired Blocks (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...d-blocks-v-47-phobophobe-and-slicedbread1991/)
-Dynamic Earth (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1533239-152-dynamic-earth-giving-life-to-dirt-v170/)
-Enhanced Portals (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1301217-162-enhancedportals-2/)
-GraveStone Mod (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1711328-162-sspsmp-gravestone-mod-v232/)
-GrowthCraft Mods (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-mod-cross-supportcompatibilitythingy-update/)
-Hats/Hat Stand (Enabled)
-Hostile Drops (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...drops-crafting-recipes-for-hostile-mob-drops/)
-Liquid XP (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...-with-857-less-version-numbers-in-this-title/)
-Magic Crops (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...301-beta-available-to-download-update-050813/)
-Mob Dismemberment
-Mutant Creatures (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1336132-152-spmp-mutant-creatures-mutant-enderman-v134/)
-Harvestcraft (+Clay Spawn, Melon Spawn, Get all the Seeds) (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...s-aug-6th-donation-drive-additions-bug-fixes/)
-Hunger Overhaul (Lowered the difficulty though, mostly use it for the integration parts) (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1813158-152-iguanamans-hunger-overhaul/)
-Project Bench (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1550010-152sspsmp-project-bench-v175forge5000-downloads/)
-Random Things (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1832047-16215x-random-things-16-teleport-around-and-move-stuff/)
-Underground Biomes (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1593704-16x15x147-underground-biomes-forge-smp-compatible/)
-Zombie Leather (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1905318-162152-zombie-leather-10-sspsmp-updated-220713/)

Working on putting Village Up (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1645510-162-village-up-better-npcs-villages/), Hardcore Enderdragon, and Zombie Awareness on. Also looking at some of the UE mods once I update to 1.6.2 or higher (especially Resonant Induction)

Could you post the config file for harvestcraft?
There are so many id's in there i don't know where to begin.
That's an interesting opinion, many people feel that BoP adds more to quality (as well as quantity). What quality is lacking from BoP in your opinion?

I personally feel many of the biomes from BoP are too over the top and unrealistic. The biomes added by extrabiomes XL are more realistic and sombre. Also, some of the trees are just modified oak wood and thus un-replantable. Worst offender is the redwood biome, since I really would love to replant those. I love the redwood biome from EBXL
Could you post the config file for harvestcraft?
There are so many id's in there i don't know where to begin.

Actually HarvestCraft was the hardest for me this time around, once I get them tweaked well enough I'll post some configs, I'm still having a few conflicts, but not many (I can't wait to update to 1.6.2, the crops are tile entities now \o/ ).
I'll try and post them soon (hopefully 1.1.3 comes out so I know if I need to tweak anything)
I personally feel many of the biomes from BoP are too over the top and unrealistic. The biomes added by extrabiomes XL are more realistic and sombre. Also, some of the trees are just modified oak wood and thus un-replantable. Worst offender is the redwood biome, since I really would love to replant those. I love the redwood biome from EBXL
Also the colors hurts my head.
Actually HarvestCraft was the hardest for me this time around, once I get them tweaked well enough I'll post some configs, I'm still having a few conflicts, but not many (I can't wait to update to 1.6.2, the crops are tile entities now \o/ ).
I'll try and post them soon (hopefully 1.1.3 comes out so I know if I need to tweak anything)
Awesome. Thanks for figuring this out.
added: Gregtech, Universal Electricity, Mekanism, ICBM, MineChem, Atomic science

Removed: Tinkers Construct, Natura(I careless for berries and doors)
Unleashed added balkons weapon mod,growth craft and pams harvest craft and then I disabled anything with computers got rid of portal gun as a sort of challenge for this map that's about it.
Awesome. Thanks for figuring this out.

As promised my configs for HarvestCraft, they should work with the current Unleashed. http://www.mediafire.com/download/5o64a9hkn62e64n/PhoenixCraft_Configs.zip *Edit* and Updated PamsPeanut config http://www.mediafire.com/download/913z8gu253j63di/PamHCPeanut.cfg

One thing to note, the console keeps throwing up an item id conflict for 31743 and 31998 for Pams and another mod, but for the life of me, I can't find either one in the config files :/
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Reactions: frannic
Ars Magicka, UgoCraft, Mo Creatures, Gulliver, Balkons Weaponmod, Archimedes Ships, Atomic Science and ICBM

Remove: Soul Shards. Always. Worst mod ever imo. Not sure when MC mods became about removing gameplay instead of adding to it.
Enabled: BOP, Enchanting+, Zeno's, Nether Ores
Added: LXP and Advanced Machines (Both by Immibis)
Really considering dropping BOP, doesn't look nearly as good as XBXL in my opinion. Any tips on how to do that without destroying my world?
As promised my configs for HarvestCraft, they should work with the current Unleashed. http://www.mediafire.com/download/5o64a9hkn62e64n/PhoenixCraft_Configs.zip *Edit* and Updated PamsPeanut config http://www.mediafire.com/download/913z8gu253j63di/PamHCPeanut.cfg

One thing to note, the console keeps throwing up an item id conflict for 31743 and 31998 for Pams and another mod, but for the life of me, I can't find either one in the config files :/

You can dump the id and see what items related to what mod using the nei. I faced that problem before between bop and gt on my unleashed and thay fix it. As long as you know what mod is that

Enabled: BOP, Enchanting+, Zeno's, Nether Ores
Added: LXP and Advanced Machines (Both by Immibis)
Really considering dropping BOP, doesn't look nearly as good as XBXL in my opinion. Any tips on how to do that without destroying my world?

I think there is no way if you have already have world with bop and you replace the bop with xbxl with keeping the same world
I add to FTB Unleashed these mods:
Mouse Tweaks
Nether Ores
Power Converters

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You can dump the id and see what items related to what mod using the nei. I faced that problem before between bop and gt on my unleashed and thay fix it. As long as you know what mod is that

Well I know what mods are conflicting, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to change any of the FTB Unleashed ID's and only change the mods I added in, but since I can't find those item ID's in Pams configs I guess I'll have to tweak the other mods a little. It's an easy fix, just one I was hoping I could work around by editing HarvestCraft configs only :p
Enabled: BOP, Enchanting+, Zeno's, Nether Ores
Added: LXP and Advanced Machines (Both by Immibis)
Really considering dropping BOP, doesn't look nearly as good as XBXL in my opinion. Any tips on how to do that without destroying my world?
Keep BoP installed, but set all the biomes to "false" in the config, and then any biomes generated in new areas should be EBXL biomes and not BoP ones. Existing parts of your world will still be BoP biomes, no way around that.