What Mods do YOU Manually Add to the New Packs?

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I only added the ICBM mod. Turrets and the ability to launch missiles are just too cool :)
for the unleashed pack, ive enabled BoP worldgen and enchanting +.
i hate the dice rolls on armor/weapon enchants, amamazing the junk you get with level 30s...
BoP adds flavor back into a now fairly boring vanilla world.

EDIT: also working on adding GT right now. fixed one BlockID conflict, working out errors in loading the mod, have neutered it and tweaked adv. solars.
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Well, not playing unleashed right now, but when I do, I will probably add:
Atomic science, mekanism, icbm, electric expansion, and mffs 3 a.k.a. the UE mods
Either rei's minimap or mapwriter
Primitive and infernal mobs, both make monster hunting more fun and infernal mobs are absolutely terrifying when they get 8+ enchants.
Highlands, there's just something about that I like so much more than BoP or ebxl.
Maybe the mining world mod.
Some of the mods made by immibis, microblocks, redlogic, and advanced machines most likely.
Well, i prefer to stay independent from FTB (but still use many of it's mods), but here is my mod list:
*disclaimer: It is very overyly filled big mod list.* *actual disclaimer: my pack is distributed to nobody, ever.*
Mods folder


129 mods.
In 1.6 i'm going to try to do a bit of clean up with my mod list, and might add a few more.
I'm fairly new to playing modded & have been playing straight FTB Ultimate for 1.4.7, but I have recently added ChocoCraft to the Ampz for 1.5.2 pack (thanks to Guude & his Space Chickens videos) to hold me over while I wait for for the updates to catch up to 1.6. I hate starting over & don't want to get too advanced or do too much big building if I know the next update will require a fresh map. Most of the mods I love from Ultimate are missing from Ampz, but I am hoping to learn to love something new. ChocoCraft will likely be added to every pack I play in future.
I'm fairly new to playing modded & have been playing straight FTB Ultimate for 1.4.7, but I have recently added ChocoCraft to the Ampz for 1.5.2 pack (thanks to Guude & his Space Chickens videos) to hold me over while I wait for for the updates to catch up to 1.6. I hate starting over & don't want to get too advanced or do too much big building if I know the next update will require a fresh map. Most of the mods I love from Ultimate are missing from Ampz, but I am hoping to learn to love something new. ChocoCraft will likely be added to every pack I play in future.

Once you use the feather boots from ChocoCraft, you'll never want to play without them ever again. :(
i wonder how many post there will be saying: " i add gt"

the only mod that i`ever added(except optifine) was biotech, to test what it has to offer.

I added GT... granted, I severely neutered the difficulty... I do like the machines/concepts, just not the difficulty scaling.

I also added Advanced Machines, Millenaire and Better Dungeons.

ExtrabiomesXL. Personal preferance reason. While biomes o'plenty adds alot of quantity, I think it lacks severly in quality.

I actually disagree with you. I am enjoying the quality of BoP more than I was with EBXL (granted, I love both, it's like comparing 8.1 to an 8.0)
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Playing Unleashed. I enabled Biomes O' Plenty, Enchanting Plus and Xeno's Reliquary from the launcher and added Optifine and TreeCapitator. Given the staggering amount of things do to and explore, I don't think I'll be adding anything else for... Oh, about half a century or so.
Loving many of the mods you guys have suggested, which was one of my ULTERIOR MOTIVES for posting this topic (the other was a veiled plea for an invitation to a server that wasn't terrible---read between the lines, people!)

Regarding some of the mods that have been mentioned:

Optifine: Second only to GregTech in controversy, I keep hearing conflicting things about this. Lately, I've heard that recent changes to Forge have made Optifine obsolete, and that it might be doing more harm than good to have it installed. I use it mostly because I find Optifine's zoom function too hard to give up (especially with a Portal Gun). Anyone able to shed some light on the use/value of Optifine in this day and age?

Gravestones (I used to play on harcore, as I hate dying and losing my stuff, but after having gone through about 20 worlds, I decided on playing adventure mode hard with this mod, plus using keepInventory is too easy)
WAILA (helpful to know what blocks is from what mod, and easy switch on/off keybinding)
Gravestones is definitely making it into my pack, and thank you for discovering it for me! I think "losing items on death" is alright in vanilla, but in modded Minecraft, the value of items in your inventory skyrockets to the point that some kind of compromise on this is probably a good thing---losing everything to a lava derp is a bit too steep a price to pay, methinks. I like that this is a more balanced way to correct this than a straight "respawn with all your items" tweak.

Regarding WAILA, does it have the same problem as the NEI tooltip does with ThaumCraft flowers/trees and Twilight Forest vines? (Weird things happen when I hover over these with NEI's highlight tooltips active: Greatwood Leaves turn to Silverwood Leaves, flowers turn pink, and Twilight Forest vines disappear like I zapped them with laser vision.) If not, definite must-add for me; I never know what half the stuff in this game does, especially since I haven't played with vanilla textures in forever (honestly, how do you people distinguish all the different ores?! That speckled-green rock could be Uranium, Monazit, Emerald or Mossy Cobble... and both Silver and Apatite somehow look like Diamond to me; it's even worse than the old Nikolite fake-out.)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the trees generate by BoP aren't actualy new trees and as such doesn't drop sapplings and will only ever generate in new chunks. Then there are just alot of biomes it adds that I think are plain uggly/silly like trees made out of ice or the giant flowers that just look like big uggly blobs of color. But these are my opinions, and not fact. I think biomes XL has its own problems, like the pine trees being way way way to big, but at least they look nice.

Biomes o' Plenty: I agree that some of the biomes are a bit ... odd. I definitely reacted to the ice-trees with "dafuq were they thinking?", though I thought the native snowmen were cool. And yeah, agree about the flowers in the Garden biome---they could perhaps use a bit more detail, as they're blobs right now. I also don't like the sudden transitions of sky color between biomes (though I do love the various sky colors themselves). I doubt there's much they can do about this, but it would be nice if the change could be more gradual.

That said, I still prefer Biomes o' Plenty: It adds a ton of great content, and many of the biomes are simply better and more fully fleshed-out than those in ExtraBiomesXL, I find. I really like how each biome has its own little quirks (thorns, spring water, poison/poison ivy, etc). Crags, Jade Cliffs and Deadlands are especially awesome---I lived in a Deadlands biome during my 1.52 beta playthrough ("what the... SILVERFISH?!"), where I made my base like an abandoned missile silo and pretended I'd survived the apocalypse :D

Millenaire: I've been eyeing this mod for some time, but I'm hesitant only because it's a big mod where a lot could go wrong and I'm wondering why it hasn't made it into any of the FTB packs. In your experience, are there config/stability/compatibility issues with it, or does it work smoothly alongside the other worldgen mods in the pack (including Ars Magica, in case anyone has run both together)?

Speaking of...

Ars Magica: If you like ThaumCraft, but you haven't tried Ars Magica, you're really missing out! I only discovered it recently, but wow this mod is incredible (and well-balanced, too, I think). Leaving aside the awesome multiblocks (Dark Nexus? Coolest. Thing. Ever.), magical devices, and (of course) the spells, there's also an awesome amount of worldgen that makes the Overworld a lot of fun to explore. It also works well with ThaumCraft and Magic Bees, with more cross-functionality in the works. I definitely recommend checking out Direwolf20's mod spotlights on it if you're on the fence!
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Loving many of the mods you guys have suggested, which was one of my ULTERIOR MOTIVES for posting this topic (the other was a veiled plea for an invitation to a server that wasn't terrible---read between the lines, people!)

Millenaire: I've been eyeing this mod for some time, but I'm hesitant only because it's a big mod where a lot could go wrong and I'm wondering why it hasn't made it into any of the FTB packs. In your experience, are there config/stability/compatibility issues with it, or does it work smoothly alongside the other worldgen mods in the pack (including Ars Magica, in case anyone has run both together)?

I will say a few things with Millenaire. 1) For 1.6+ You can get a compatibility addon that allows BoP spawning, otherwise, I do not thing they spawn properly in BoP biomes (just an assumption, the only village I found so far was in a regular biome). 2) Editting the configs are a bitch. To get it to work I had to do some minor editings, and his config files are essentially all one line, so it is really hard to look through and make changes needed. Along with this, since I couldn't find out how many items he adds, and his config just has an auto-assign function, I had to find a large chunk of unused ID's to be safe (It is under 100 ID's, that I can say for sure). 3) I know it makes some vanilla villages, which are needed for a few other mods (Forestry, Thaumcraft) seem rarer. I haven't done a test to be certain, but it could be as simple as lowering the spawning distance between villages.
I will say a few things with Millenaire. 1) For 1.6+ You can get a compatibility addon that allows BoP spawning, otherwise, I do not thing they spawn properly in BoP biomes (just an assumption, the only village I found so far was in a regular biome). 2) Editting the configs are a bitch. To get it to work I had to do some minor editings, and his config files are essentially all one line, so it is really hard to look through and make changes needed. Along with this, since I couldn't find out how many items he adds, and his config just has an auto-assign function, I had to find a large chunk of unused ID's to be safe (It is under 100 ID's, that I can say for sure). 3) I know it makes some vanilla villages, which are needed for a few other mods (Forestry, Thaumcraft) seem rarer. I haven't done a test to be certain, but it could be as simple as lowering the spawning distance between villages.

Millenaire get's a bad rap from version 1. it was kinda laggy, certain events were tough to trigger, and only worked in single player at that time. It has been revised and should work better. I'm contemplating adding it to my server, but I would have to cheat in a village since so much area has already been explored. (still contemplating a world reset for 1.6, but that upgrade isnt on my chart yet)

it has NO effect on Vanilla village generation, but it will FEEL like it does. (my current map has the closest village to our original spawn at over 2000 blocks. we arent even running Millinare) I wish i had known a way to generate more villages at the time i started. at this point we're converting Zombie villagers to populate a town we built.[DOUBLEPOST=1374787577][/DOUBLEPOST]I'm running FTB lite. (looked at others, decided that the server wasnt up to running Direwolf)

we Added Enderchest, and Bibliocraft. plan to add AE now that we have a better server.
You don't have to add Flat Bedrock, there's an option inside the CoFH core config file.

really? I thought I read about that before, but never bothered to check it out.
I'll keep this in mind next time I start a new world

Optifine: Second only to GregTech in controversy, I keep hearing conflicting things about this. Lately, I've heard that recent changes to Forge have made Optifine obsolete, and that it might be doing more harm than good to have it installed. I use it mostly because I find Optifine's zoom function too hard to give up (especially with a Portal Gun). Anyone able to shed some light on the use/value of Optifine in this day and age?

I really like some of the options that optifine add, like disabling rain or snow on your side, removing fog and depth fog, the option for configuring specific details ingame, and ofcourse the zoom. I really hope optifine starts doing better, or an alternative comes out, but I just can't play without it anymore

Gravestones is definitely making it into my pack, and thank you for discovering it for me! I think "losing items on death" is alright in vanilla, but in modded Minecraft, the value of items in your inventory skyrockets to the point that some kind of compromise on this is probably a good thing---losing everything to a lava derp is a bit too steep a price to pay, methinks. I like that this is a more balanced way to correct this than a straight "respawn with all your items" tweak.

yea, gravestones is a really nice mod, also for aesthetics as you can make gravestones yourself (though it's a bit troublesome) but sadly they never were able to fix the creeper explosion death. when a creeper blows you up and you die, no grave will spawn and your stuff is still on the ground. also, I'd like to mention that there's another gravestone mod which adds some more things, which might be better for you if you like that extra content. for me, I just wanted a gravestone with my loot, nothing more nothing less

Regarding WAILA, does it have the same problem as the NEI tooltip does with ThaumCraft flowers/trees and Twilight Forest vines? (Weird things happen when I hover over these with NEI's highlight tooltips active: Greatwood Leaves turn to Silverwood Leaves, flowers turn pink, and Twilight Forest vines disappear like I zapped them with laser vision.) If not, definite must-add for me; I never know what half the stuff in this game does, especially since I haven't played with vanilla textures in forever (honestly, how do you people distinguish all the different ores?! That speckled-green rock could be Uranium, Monazit, Emerald or Mossy Cobble... and both Silver and Apatite somehow look like Diamond to me; it's even worse than the old Nikolite fake-out.)

no, sadly WAILA also has this problem, as it's using that NEI function. but with WAILA you can configure a keybinding to switch that function on and off with a single key, which is why I also really love WAILA, because you don't always want that window pop up

Biomes o' Plenty: I agree that some of the biomes are a bit ... odd. I definitely reacted to the ice-trees with "dafuq were they thinking?", though I thought the native snowmen were cool. And yeah, agree about the flowers in the Garden biome---they could perhaps use a bit more detail, as they're blobs right now. I also don't like the sudden transitions of sky color between biomes (though I do love the various sky colors themselves). I doubt there's much they can do about this, but it would be nice if the change could be more gradual.

That said, I still prefer Biomes o' Plenty: It adds a ton of great content, and many of the biomes are simply better and more fully fleshed-out than those in ExtraBiomesXL, I find. I really like how each biome has its own little quirks (thorns, spring water, poison/poison ivy, etc). Crags, Jade Cliffs and Deadlands are especially awesome---I lived in a Deadlands biome during my 1.52 beta playthrough ("what the... SILVERFISH?!"), where I made my base like an abandoned missile silo and pretended I'd survived the apocalypse :D

I'll be honest, I really like BoP, I also like EBXL, but after having gone through numerous worlds with them, I started wanting to play with just vanilla biomes again, because they just add too much for me, and I kind of have the tendency to collect everything that you can collect...
If you are using a texture pack that requires CTM, custom colours and random mobs, then optifine is required, even if your FPS is good enough without it. Personally, i can't really play minecraft with default textures, or packs without variations in base textures. Need more pixel variation to feast my eyes on :D
That's an interesting opinion, many people feel that BoP adds more to quality (as well as quantity). What quality is lacking from BoP in your opinion?

Lack of quality in BoP.. hmmh.. The biomes themselves are awesome, but bees are much harder to find in BoP biomes. It almost seems that some biomes / biome trees are not configured properly.
Common requests on the servers I play on are Chococraft or Mo'Creatures and Treepacitor.

For myself, I'm working on a personal pack using Ampz as a starting point. I then added most everything not related to IC2 from Unleashed, then DimDoors, Chococraft, and UndergroundBiomes...and spent an hour trying to deal with block id issues :)
Apart from Optifine I mostly just manually update the mods in the pack, I was surprised how horribly outdated the MPS mod included in Unleashed was, granted there were I think almost ten versions of the mod that were thoroughly broken and crashed when trying to use the menu to customise the appearance but the current version has fixed that.
Common requests on the servers I play on are Chococraft or Mo'Creatures and Treepacitor.

For myself, I'm working on a personal pack using Ampz as a starting point. I then added most everything not related to IC2 from Unleashed, then DimDoors, Chococraft, and UndergroundBiomes...and spent an hour trying to deal with block id issues :)
You know, IC2 and buildcraft are completely compatible with mekanism/UE. (compatible in that you can use the energy interchangably)