I had hoped with that much real estate dedicated to trees, I'd have enough saplings to supply 3 fermenters. I'm still in the production phase for biofuel, out of 4,000 buckets I've only filled up 3,000. So right now the 3 fermenters and 3 stills are working to fill that up. I do have a 36HP Boiler going running off of the biofuel, but I'm producing it faster than it can use it.
I believe you have fermenters/stills backwards. It's safer to assume you'd need 4-7 fermenters to stills, since it takes 10 buckets to make 1 bucket of biofuel. That and using water you have to go through 1 fertalizer (200 work cycles) to produce 11-12 buckets. No idea how many ticks that is, but it's definitely more than 1 minute. I may just shut off two of the stills for now, fermenters use 17mj each... and I'm not too keen on having 10+ fermenters going lol.
Holy sons of bitches, I never read this before. You can use a refinery instead of a still for a 4:1 ratio.............................. Damn.