That's actually kind of funny to me for some weird reason. I also remember Vaskii complaining on twitter about how she hates KAMI and it's the worst thing she ever made, in which I kindly disagree. I haven't used KAMI much, other than for testing purposes, and it's OP, I will admit. I am not denying that. However, sometimes I don't think that OP is entirely a bad thing. Sure balance is nice, but think about some items and features that you use. Technically speaking, the light level and chunk barrier thing in NEI (Some say it's in forge, but no, it's in NEI. I've tested it) is cheating, hell F3 is cheating as that's debug information, and we aren't meant to see that information. Do I think they should be removed? No! Not in a thousand years. I been using F3 since I first started playing MInecraft back in 1.2.5. And I been using the light feature in NEI since I've known about it. (I don't remember when I started using those features in NEI

) Point is, OP isn't necessarily bad in all cases. I don't know what lead me on this rant, but I said it anyway >.>