Okay, so, first note because people glancing at this thread will notice something:
When a moderator tells you to do something/stop doing something, the proper response is to please do as directed, not to keep doing it and making us play whack-a-mole with you. When you fail to do so, you accrue Warnings. Warnings eventually lead into temporary or even permanent bans.
As a corollary to that, if you are tempbanned and you create an account to circumvent that, you automatically become permanently banned from the forums. Just don't do it. If you have read the rules that should be readily understood. If it isn't obvious to you, well... you've been told.
Now then, sorry for that digression but it apparently needed to be noted.
Let me cover a few points in regards to people having issues with this decision:
- These are the Feed The Beast forums, not the modded Minecraft forums. Our first priority is our own community here. While we're open for discussion of many topics involving modded Minecraft, we are not obligated to provide services (like Server Promotions) to general non-FTB users.
- What /r/feedthebeast does is their own business. They are not directly affiliated with the FTB Team.
- We know you haven't heard much in a long while and it makes you anxious. Slowpoke has a post coming tonight that will cover a lot of concerns and that has some exciting news including information on how private packs will be working going forward (in fact, if you're watching his stream right now, you're getting a sneak peek at this announcement).
To provide context on this decision, we discussed this over the weekend during a general FTB Team meeting. It was decided at that time that we would not allow 1.6.x private pack postings to continue and that, because we have no quickly verifiable what postings were made as 1.6.x initially vs. folks usually running FTB launcher packs but treading water between releases that we would remove the 1.6.x listings whose first post dates from September 1st, 2013 (three months), as at that point 1.6.x mods were generally propagating.
We do not have the staff bandwidth to pursue other solutions than to stop these postings and to say "wait until the launcher is updated". The moderation pool is very small relative to the amount of content the forums produce and we simply don't have the manpower to do a more manual sifting and making rules and verifying things like "do you have permissions to include these mods in your download?".
We know the wait has been long. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. Your continued patience while this sorts out is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.