In reference to traits on trees, it is similar with bees only slower. You aren't trying to get mutated trees, you are trying to cross breed them; meaning move the traits from one to the other. Usually when tree breeding, you get hybrids which are a mix of the two nearby pollenated trees and the mutattion to a new breed is the rarity. So take something like Omnicron's offering; put a sweet chesnut next to an apple oak. The two will mix on both trees. You will wind up with sweet chesnut-apple oak and apple-chesnut mixes. You then need to analyze them and winnow out the traits you don't like and replant the ones you want to reinforce. It is a process. Eventually the active and inactive traits will merge. If you graft the normal leaf blocks from that tree, it will be a sapling copy of the parent tree. Then you replant those children and add in the spalings with traits you want to impart. Rinse repeat....alot.