Im currently not sure as to what pack I should use so I decided to come onto these forums and ask for your advice
Luckily though my computer canI would probably like monster the best if I had a computer that could run it... So I guess I have to go with tech world 2.
Not once have I crashed running MF2, and I usually only allocate 1-2GB out of my 6GB RAM.My personal favorite is Magic Farm 2. It's great for when you think survival is too easy in other packs and/or you don't like tech (or suck at it like me). But if you like tech, I would suggest Unleashed. It was my favorite before MF2. But be careful with MF2; it is pretty CPU intensive. On my 4GB RAM laptop, it crashes frequently because it has "run out of memory". It is also quite hard starting out in the game, and you will probably need to use guides (I certainly did).
Really? I really gotta allocate more RAM to it then.Not once have I crashed running MF2, and I usually only allocate 1-2GB out of my 6GB RAM.
My favorite modpack has to be Resonant-Rise....OH WAIT!! I can't talk about that because it's not related to FTB....
What of the new 1.6.4 ftb packs have both Thermal expansion and Project Red in them?
I don't think any of them pack's have those two in 'em..
So I guess my answer would be none..
Monster has both.
Sent from my Tin can using a piece of string
Im currently not sure as to what pack I should use so I decided to come onto these forums and ask for your advice
Looks like you haven't experienced a meteor shower yet. Now THAT's a load of hurt.I was having the most god-awful time with strange lag in monster after I generated quite a bit of land and built a pretty significant sized base with ATG gen.. right until I disabled AGT. Now I have virtually no block-lag, significantly less issues, and never lost the beauty of the ATG generation. I recommend going this route if you experience issues after you get a bit of your map explored.
Also, disable/don't enable meteorcraft. It was awesome for the very beginning, lots of ores with the occassional "tidy-up" until it hits a tree and throws crappy pieces of ore/stone/netherrack/endstone all over your base and a 100 block radius making the landscape look worse than it would if a bunch of 5 year olds in creative had their way with it.