What Do You Guys Think About Cheating?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really, this all comes down to what you define as cheating.

For example, some would call me a cheat for spawning in the odd one or two item after losing it as a result of a glitch or big that deleted or otherwise broke the block/item.
And then there are those that exploit dupe bugs or ways around certain elements of mods by using other mods that bypass the former mod's restrictions and you just have to ask, why did you bother going through all the trouble of compiling a modpack/installing a modpack if you're just going to cheat you're way through it? It's not impressive, it's not satisfying, it's just there. Screaming a reminder to you of the illegitimacy of it's acquisition.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally disagree. If they wanted to ban enchanting chainsaws, they would have banned enchanting chainsaws. They didn't. So how is that cheating?
So getting two blocks of leaves from one block of leaves with a Silk Touch chainsaw is not cheating?
Enchanting the electric tools wasn't intended by mod authors so it is getting fixed. While it is still possible you can either consider it cheating or not. Personally I think it is cheating but I still do it because everyone else does. Would you continue using the enchanted electrical tools after the fix, though? I wouldn't, I'm going to use TC tools anyway and I am using 3 pieces of normally enchantable armor anyway so I won't need to have enchanted jetpack or whichever chest armor I use.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll go into creative to retrieve stuff if I die sometimes. Like Mo' Creatures tigers. Those guys suck. Also the crocodiles, the grab functionality of those is kind of broken so I creatived to get stuff back. It's just not fun to lose all your stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was just wondering what the community thinks about cheating in general.
I think there are a few types of cheating, personally.
I think there is, let's call it "Hardcore Cheating," and then there's like, "Little cheating".
...Now, little cheating is small things.
For example, you were making a machine, and you were missing 2 iron or like 4 redstone. But you don't wanna to back into the mines, go ALL the way back to your base, cook up the iron, and then finish your crafting, so you just open up NEI and click in 2 iron.

...The most cheating I did in my Survival was I had an ugly, gross spawn, in a Savannah, and with my Texture pack I jus could t stand it, so I flew to a RedWood forest in creative.
That, I have no issues with. I could've spent hours at the spawn, making a jet pack, and then flying till I found one, or I could have looked around and tested dozens of seeds to find one that was near spawn, but instead I just flew till I found one.
That is cheating just because you're lazy.
Stop being lazy.

The only time I cheated was when I put my Portal Gun on a Portal Gun Pedestal (man those things are buggy as heck), and when I came back, both the gun and the pedestal had just disappeared as if they never existed in the first place.
This happened twice. I never use the pedestal anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That is cheating just because you're lazy.
Stop being lazy.

The only time I cheated was when I put my Portal Gun on a Portal Gun Pedestal (man those things are buggy as heck), and when I came back, both the gun and the pedestal had just disappeared as if they never existed in the first place.
This happened twice. I never use the pedestal anymore.

I fly out of biomes a lot. Problem?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
for the most part, these days i use magnet mode, but that's about it. I occasionally change time to day/night if i don't have access to a legit way to do it and i'll just be sitting in a 2x1 hole or waiting on night to come around for an unreasonable amount of time.

i usually play on peaceful for the first 1-2 in game days as well, though that's not really cheating.

also back before we had an option to get lossless mode on electric wrenches i would replace IC2 machines that failed to properly wrench because it was a mechanic that only existed to increase tedium. now that there's an option available though, i don't need to do that anymore.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The time I cheated was when I went into a mystcraft worl with out a linking book and had to spawn in a nether portal to get back !! Not really cheating in items but allowing me to carry on gameplay :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It depends on the context.
I was an OP on a previous server, and I did several things to try and improve the overall "goodness" of the server.

I spawned in a mystcraft creative notebook, and made a mining age with a plains, a forest, an extreme hills, 2 oceans and a mushroom island flat age so that people wouldn't tear up the overworld with quarry's.

Then, after seeing the fact that everyone was nether pumping anyway, and this flowing lava was having a detrimental effect on server performance, I set up a public lava tesseract along with a liquid duplicator (from tubestuff by the amazing Immibis) so that people could still have access to unlimited lava without slowing the server.

But in single play, I have found that once I cheat, I can never devote myself to that world again, so I don't cheat there.

Enchanted electric tools AE basically what Dartcraft and Tinkers construct are used for anyways, so I see no problem with the enchantment of nano armour, nor tools.
Yeah there's problems when it duplicated leaves etc, but there's no problem with the principle itself.

And "duplicating" mob Essense via spawning slimes was fine, due to simply being able to spawn soul shards instead, this is just fancier.

However Rediculous things, such as canvas bag abuse are silly, pointless and annoying.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, if I ever catch myself cheating in my own games (I only play SSP), well... let me tell you, I don't stand for it.

I sit myself down and have a good talk with myself. Putting on as stern a face as I can, the conversations usually go something like this.

"Self", I say... "Self... listen here. You know all too well that the only person you're hurting in the long run with this cheating is ... well... yourself. Or myself. You know what I mean".

At this point I usually get a puzzled look. From err... myself. Undeterred by this minor setback, I continue.

"Cheaters never prosper, self! Don't you look at me like that, you know it's true! And anyway, is this how you, err... I was brought up? No! Be honest with... yourself. Myself. Gah!"

The conversation usually devolves into existential arguments, sometimes even to the depths of debating Sartre with myself... it' gets ugly, sometimes.

But, but! The point is, I don't let myself off the hook! No sirree... of course, it usually ends in tears. And some scotch. But it's for the best, you know?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yesterday, I was messing with TC on a server where me and my cousin play and making blank casts to shape in the stencil table, but when i tried to make a pickaxe head cast it didn't work then I looked on the TC forum and saw that blank cast was only useful for making Ingot cast and I had 6 blank casts so I cheated 6 aluminum brass and deleted the casts. I think this kind of cheat is good for me do not lose the interes. I try not to cheat but I get frustated when I make something wrong and useless for me and waste a lot of resources so i end up cheating to get my resources back. On SSP you can cheat everything you want, it's yours. If you get bored and don't have fun playing the game so you're only wasting your time.
I think on big servers cheating is unacceptable unless everyone agree.
Sorry for horrible english, it's my second language


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't like it when people cheat in games, because afterward they still somehow feel like they have the right to review it.

They say stuff like, "lol this game sux, i had 2 put on godmode and it wuz 2 short."

I'm very careful about using my admin powers in MC because it is something of a slippery slope. However, I have no problem for using cheats for debugging or replacing things destroyed by bugs.

I actually save my inv in NEI from time to time because the only way I could die at this point is by either lag or getting stuck/corrupted some way.

What do I consider cheating in FTB mods? Well that depends on the intent of the player. If they just want to build stuff that looks cool, then creative-mode it up. If they want to build something that's functional as either a test or innovating a design, creative-mode is still a good way to do that. However, if they are making their main base and decide they want to give themselves extra mats because "their quarries would have picked them up anyway" or "they would have mined them eventually anyway" then it becomes cheating.

Building and running a factory (ESPECIALLY YOUR FIRST ONE) is an ongoing project. You'll run into snags along the way, you'll have a few accidents, you'll make a few bad calculations and some things may take longer or more effort than expected. On the flip side some things aren't as daunting as they seem, discoveries are made to seriously boost power output and helpful items are received from chests. Cheating in machines and mats robs you of the many midpoint experiences you would have while trying to reach the end goal.

A few things that I would have fun doing / What would have happened if I cheated past them

1. My buddy and I worked together to gather pages and create a desert mining world / I could have skipped that and given myself tons of rubies and never delved into Mystctraft
2. I learned how to use the ExtraBees machines to make bee breeding easier / I could have adminned in the bee breeds I wanted and never experienced actual beekeeping
3. I created a working creeper farm / I could have given myself all of the gunpowder (or ITNT) I needed and never figured out what to do with that empty spawner sized space under my base
4. I created a fusion reactor from months of my own materials and experiences / I could have spawned one in at the start and missed out on solars, nuclear power, steam boilers, lava power, RS Engine power (embarrassed about that one though) and generator power along with the great base redesigns along the way

For starters.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I die I sometimes give myself creative just to get my items back, to get to the top of a tree or out of lava or from the floor of the nether to my portal I use creative and fly up, if I need to move a mob from a farm to another I kill 2 and give myself spawn eggs, if I loose an item in lava I cheat it in, if i forgot to bring X item to the end I wont bother going back to my base, I just cheat it in and delete the other one later, cheat some coal for the almost empty boiler that i cant keep up to heat it up, cheat mystcraft ages...
and the 2 that I couldnt't care less: I teleport a lot around, from a cave to my base, from being lost in the nether to my base, from my base to that village i do my thaumcraft in... oh, and I also change time whenever I feel like.

/tp 0 120 276
/time set 14000
just to get slimeballs


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most of my cheating occurs when I return to a SSP world after working out a factory design in creative. I'll click on something in NEI to see the recipe and receive a stack of it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Usually I only use NEI for

1. I be stupid or don't pay attention, or if the game bullshits me because it's random and I loose something valuable that I cannot reasonably replace, or just don't want to replace due to rage. A recent example; I was just starting out in this recent world, and basically everything of value I had was an iron jackhammer, an advanced lappack (I was aiming for an advanced jetppack) a jetpack, and something else I can't remember. I noticed a creeper spawn in the dark side of the ravine I was in, and I decide to fight it, since I had a decent sword. However, while it was coming toward me, I accidentally looked at an enderman, which blocked my path away from the creeper, and killed me JUST before the creeper blew up. It destroyed everything I had on me. My exact response was, "Fuck that."

2. I derp up and do something small and stupid. For example, just recently I was making an iron chest upgrade, and forgot to put the planks in and made an iron furnace instead. I deleted the furnace and cheated the iron back in, things like that.

3. To fill in a recipe I feel should be in there, or to make some other form of exchange. For example, I had the idea of 2 sticks + 1 creosote bottle/bucket + 1 wool = 8 torches. This recipe obviously isn't in the game, so I just delete the items in NEI and spawn in the results.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or any time I, or anyone else, suffocates in a wall, particularly due to portal
If you place portals on the ground you WILL get screwed over and suffocate between the two.
And all your stuff is deleted/made uncontainable due to you trying to go into the portal
Means you die again.