What can FTB do and what can it no do?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I'm new around here. I am a CS student and fairly competent with Java.

I've been wanting to make a Supreme Commander style mod and I have already made sure, using MineCraft Forge, that I could make everything I wanted in the mod.

However I need to know what kind of API's I can use in FTB. Because what I made in MineCraft Forge includes entities like defense turrets that visible rotate, aim at the target in the (x,y,z) axis and then plaster the poor bastard all over the floor, leaving massive craters. It had friend or foe target filters, placement requirements (it required certain blocks to be placed) and I could also make it have to be powered and/or require ammo.

Since that was the most complicated aspect of the game I'm pretty confident I could make the rest.

So my question is, can FTB do this?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's not an FTB issue as FTB is just the team putting mods together into mod packs.

Who you should be asking should be the Minecraft team, Mojang. Or other modders if your idea would work or not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FTB is just a modpack, nothing more. There's no FTB 'API', but if you mod is based no Forge it should work without issues.

What you can consider is detecting of mods like IC2 and BC are there, and accept their power to power stuff like your turrets for example.