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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello ladies and gents, I was curious as to what everyone is building using all of these crazy awesome mods! Care to share your latest creations? Post some pictures and maybe we can share ideas and feedback :P

I've only just started, so here is a picture of my hidey-hole in the mountain under a redwood forest! I've also got a mine going on as well as a village not too far to the north (: My seed is -4822488768732204921

Currently I'm just gathering materials to build an outdoor farm/house area, sort of based off of Harvest Moon. I'll do the massive fields and what not. along with a portal to my main base which will be where I do most of my construction. I'm at work and its kinda sad and pathetic looking so far, but I'll throw some pictures up once it gets better.
I am currently working on a automated factorization ore processing facility. About 90% theory is done but the crystalizer is killing me lol. I will have to look at routers and figure these machines out
Turning a complete mountain in my glacier biome into Ice and then hollowing it so I can build my base in that hollow ice mountain, I'll try to get a pic when it's done :)
when Rp hit's the mod pack, we will start to create city's, complete with infrastructure such as railways, subways, power, and item-transport.
I'm struggling with a lava powered Mass Fab on my server.

Basically I have a chicken tank with about... 60ish chickens in it, they lay eggs which are popped into one of three recyclers, they make scrap which is fed to a chest which is fed to a fabricator for amplifying.
The power source comes from the nether. I have a tank cart that goes back and forth through a mystcraft portal that delivers lava which is then fed into three geothermals, each with their own batbox of which two are connected to the middle one. This powers the fabricator VERY well even without scrap.

I'm struggling with overflow, once the redstone engine gets hotter it pumps out more scrap which overflows and drops into a pool which has an obby pipe at the bottom, it's then fed back into a chest.

All well and good, but it creates fps lag once there's more and more flying about in pipes.

Any ideas until RP comes out?
Any ideas until RP comes out?
"Ghetto" stopgap solution: buffer it with some hoppers? I'm guessing you're using the vanilla IC2 massfab though, in which case that's a fail (stupid insert-from-the-bottom behavior).

I would recommend the Factorization Router to you but unfortunately this one of the few instances where it'd be hard to make it work: vanilla IC2 machines don't play nice with Factorization Routers when using the Machine Filter. :<

I am also not enamored of how IC2 machines and BC logic gates are playing together at the moment or I'd try something with that.
"Ghetto" stopgap solution: buffer it with some hoppers? I'm guessing you're using the vanilla IC2 massfab though, in which case that's a fail (stupid insert-from-the-bottom behavior).

I would recommend the Factorization Router to you but unfortunately this one of the few instances where it'd be hard to make it work: vanilla IC2 machines don't play nice with Factorization Routers when using the Machine Filter. :<
Wouldn't a hopper just end up overflowing too? I know what it is but I know very little about the newer BC stuff.
Wouldn't a hopper just end up overflowing too? I know what it is but I know very little about the newer BC stuff.
Problem with the hopper is that it's a top-insertion-only thing... and yes, it would eventually overflow, but you could stack those to extend the buffer (each hopper has a capacity of 4x64 slots). If only it'd work.

This should be technically possible with buildcraft gates but it's been a pain in my butt to get them cooperate lately. What you COULD do, though, is just have a "dumb" Autarchic Gate with the Energy Pulser always on, now that I think of it: the Energy Pulser of the Autarchic Gate never gets fast enough to be a pain in a circumstance like this, and if standard redstone pulsing is keeping up and not overflowing it should be all right (irony: I hate that I can't get a faster Autarchic Gate, it can't keep up with our biomass production facility).
Problem with the hopper is that it's a top-insertion-only thing... and yes, it would eventually overflow, but you could stack those to extend the buffer (each hopper has a capacity of 4x64 slots). If only it'd work.

This should be technically possible with buildcraft gates but it's been a pain in my butt to get them cooperate lately. What you COULD do, though, is just have a "dumb" Autarchic Gate with the Energy Pulser always on, now that I think of it: the Energy Pulser of the Autarchic Gate never gets fast enough to be a pain in a circumstance like this, and if standard redstone pulsing is keeping up and not overflowing it should be all right (irony: I hate that I can't get a faster Autarchic Gate, it can't keep up with our biomass production facility).
I've tried BC gates too, issue is putting them on the pipe directly attached to the massfab just turns it off when you set it to emit a signal and it's timing isn't good enough to keep it from overflowing. There's probably a way to do it that I'm not seeing, but honestly I'm not that good with technical stuff. The mere fact I got this far is amazing for me.
I've tried BC gates too, issue is putting them on the pipe directly attached to the massfab just turns it off when you set it to emit a signal and it's timing isn't good enough to keep it from overflowing. There's probably a way to do it that I'm not seeing, but honestly I'm not that good with technical stuff. The mere fact I got this far is amazing for me.
Don't emit a signal then? Autarchic Gate, conditional is Redstone Signal = off -> Energy Pulser (that's my usual conditional for an Energy Pulser I want to have "always on" without futzing with signalling). Have the "buffer inventory" of scrap directly connected, so no wire timing lag is involved. Then the question becomes if the Massfab processes faster or slower than the autarchic gate pulses (which isn't as fast as a fully revved up Redstone Engine).

I don't have a vanilla IC2 massfab test environment set up at the moment or I'd look and see if there's a better conditional. The other way to try and do this is to run a loop with the buildcraft pipes but... gah, messy, laggy, and if you ever pulled that on a server that isn't yours the admin would probably skin you.'

Guess I'll go turn on massfab on my 1.4.5 testbed and test conditionals and report back, while we wait and see if anybody else has a better suggestion. =)
As the server owner I agree, I really don't like the obby pipe loop I have right now, it's just a pain in the ass and it murders the server.
I think the best and most obvious solution is patience until Eloraam releases redpower and FTB releases it in the modpack.
As the server owner I agree, I really don't like the obby pipe loop I have right now, it's just a pain in the ass and it murders the server.
I think the best and most obvious solution is patience until Eloraam releases redpower and FTB releases it in the modpack.
There's a "No Amplifier" conditional that you could try and use, it looks like. Would only signal to pump when there's no scrap in the thing.

Included screenshots of the quick and dirty test as well as the conditional.


You can also greatly ramp up the power going to the mass fab. It will use any amount of power you send it. The more you send, the faster it gobbles up scrap.

I'm putting in about 1,500 EU/T and it causes scrap to almost instantly disappear, far faster than I can pump it in with 2 quarries worth of cobble and dirt. ( Both quarries running at full 10 MJ/T with redstone cells. )

I actually had to turn the quarry/scrap system off because I was overflowing with UU matter and other resources while working on bees. ( Actually, even without scrap I'm still having issues with UU Matter, lol. )

Anyways, I've been only semi-automating the bees, and I can no longer keep up. So, my current project is to fully automate this. Never messed with bees before, so got a lot of learning to do too:)