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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use a diamond pipe... put scrap in the colour for the fab... and leave the rest open. It will try and fill the fab first but if it is full it will go down any unassinged paths... then void it if you dont need it or feed it back or store it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm struggling with a lava powered Mass Fab on my server.

Basically I have a chicken tank with about... 60ish chickens in it, they lay eggs which are popped into one of three recyclers, they make scrap which is fed to a chest which is fed to a fabricator for amplifying.
The power source comes from the nether. I have a tank cart that goes back and forth through a mystcraft portal that delivers lava which is then fed into three geothermals, each with their own batbox of which two are connected to the middle one. This powers the fabricator VERY well even without scrap.

I'm struggling with overflow, once the redstone engine gets hotter it pumps out more scrap which overflows and drops into a pool which has an obby pipe at the bottom, it's then fed back into a chest.

All well and good, but it creates fps lag once there's more and more flying about in pipes.

Any ideas until RP comes out?

Have it drop the overflow in a pool of lava?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have it drop the overflow in a pool of lava?

Or use gates to redirect the excess scrap to a void pipe. If it's really producing that much, you could set a condition on the input to the mass fab to redirect to a void if it's full.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Put the autarchic gates on the recycler side, set to pulse with inventory. I tested 2 recylers with 3x OC feeding a Massfab with a dedicated MFSU, and the flow is smooth on both ends. There's enough timing gap to add more recyclers as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or use gates to redirect the excess scrap to a void pipe. If it's really producing that much, you could set a condition on the input to the mass fab to redirect to a void if it's full.
Seems like quite a waste.
Plus it's not exactly that fast, this is an accumulation of about 24 hours, given the random laying of eggs and the 12.5% chance of success with the recycler.

If I had a more reliable source to recycle, say cobble from a quarry, then yes. Maybe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to cooldown a redstone engine?

EDIT: Without switching it on and off manually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Redstone engines dont explode(unlesh you really want them to) if they are left running for to long so shouldnt really be needed.
but if you want to do it for the sake of it running slower there are a few option
break and replace (manual work)
set up a timer circuit with basic redsone and torches, they cool quite quickly when not turned on
or if you want more direct controle of how fast your engines pump you can set up a system with multiple engines each powered with delays from the same timer circuit

Red power is nice, but normal redstone is quite powerfull aswell


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
I'm struggling with a lava powered Mass Fab on my server.

Basically I have a chicken tank with about... 60ish chickens in it, they lay eggs which are popped into one of three recyclers, they make scrap which is fed to a chest which is fed to a fabricator for amplifying.
The power source comes from the nether. I have a tank cart that goes back and forth through a mystcraft portal that delivers lava which is then fed into three geothermals, each with their own batbox of which two are connected to the middle one. This powers the fabricator VERY well even without scrap.

I'm struggling with overflow, once the redstone engine gets hotter it pumps out more scrap which overflows and drops into a pool which has an obby pipe at the bottom, it's then fed back into a chest.

All well and good, but it creates fps lag once there's more and more flying about in pipes.

Any ideas until RP comes out?

Get rid of the batboxes, or re-align them so they all don't feed into the middle. (A batbox outputs 32Eu/t, and your geothermals will give you 60Eu/t - giving you a power bottleneck.)

Your geothermals should send power as 3 packets of 20Eu/t- so it should remain a low voltage network; If not then run them through an LV transformer.
(Which outputs any Eu/t at 32Eu packets)

With your massfab running at 60Eu/t, you'll burn nearly twice the scrap in it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there a way to cooldown a redstone engine?

EDIT: Without switching it on and off manually.

just figured a better way to controle the power of your redstone engines
Buildcraft or gates, there are two usefull set ups one is fully automatic the other needs some warm up time

if you want a redstone engine running only while in the blue or green state, you can use an iron or gate, put it on the wooded pipe and have conditons
Engine blue = redstone on
Engine green = redstone on

this can be expanded by using a gold or gate with more conditons

if you want to be cheap and use the iron gate you can opperate in green and yellow in the same way if you manually let it reach atleast green by the use of a lever
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most gates have engine temperature conditionals. [Edit- Ninja'd]

But redstone engines dont explode (unless you do very stupid things), so just leave them running
Exploding isn't what I'm worried about, output is.
It overflows my machine when it outputs too fast.

Trying gates now. Thanks~

EDIT: Okay, I've used an Iron OR Gate, this works very well with keeping it blue. Still slight overflow but this is to be expected given the consumption rate of scrap in the fabricator.

Thanks again for the tip.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Know what I love about this forum some days? Waking up from a nap and seeing a bunch of people still working for a better solution and trying things out. Don't you lovely people ever change!)


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Exploding isn't what I'm worried about, output is.
It overflows my machine when it outputs too fast.

Trying gates now. Thanks~

EDIT: Okay, I've used an Iron OR Gate, this works very well with keeping it blue. Still slight overflow but this is to be expected given the consumption rate of scrap in the fabricator.

Thanks again for the tip.

I guess if all else fails- try throttling your input to the recycler. About 8 items will make 1 scrap- so a single redstone engine pumping in will make 1/8th the scrap compared to pumping out at full power. (which is probably too little; try 4 and see what happens).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
you can put an iron pipe behind the pipe leading into the mass fab. anything that dong enter the mass fab in the first go (50%) chance will be bounced back through the pipe and try again, meaning that there is a total 75% chance of any scrap to enter the the fabricater. if the scrap doesnt enter the second time either it'll go all the way back to chest where it entered the system (assuming you are piping scrap from a chest)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My current method is using diamond pipes. It's a little expensive, but any item that can't go down it's own route will head down the default one, I use it to pipe dirt into a barrel to keep my tree farm stocked, aswell as to sort the results