What are these thaumcraft 4?

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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Dont know anything about thaumcraft 4, but it looks like something I seem to recall seeing before. Wasn't there some sort of teleportation mechanic once(1.4.7 maybe?) that left behind a purple particle animation like that?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's best when having a question like this, to turn off your texture/resource pack. That way in the default we can accurately determine what's going on
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's best when having a question like this, to turn off your texture/resource pack. That way in the default we can accurately determine what's going on
I've found out what they are.
I ran into a Tainted biome and a Tainted Swarm attacked me and it looked exactly like this. However the ones in the screenshot are not the actual mob and just seem to be a visual glitch; my friend reported having seen the same random lights after encountering a swarm. I'm going to be reporting this as a bug.
Thanks for all the help guys and sorry for the op, it was kind of late.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've found out what they are.
I ran into a Tainted biome and a Tainted Swarm attacked me and it looked exactly like this. However the ones in the screenshot are not the actual mob and just seem to be a visual glitch; my friend reported having seen the same random lights after encountering a swarm. I'm going to be reporting this as a bug.
Thanks for all the help guys and sorry for the op, it was kind of late.

yup, it's from a tainted swarm mob, which seems to have glitched, causing this to happen.
they can only be found in the tainted biomes though, as they get spawned from a special block that acts like a spawner for them