What are some "Smooth" blocks?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know, like Smooth Stone or Basalt, where you can't really tell the edge of the block when placing a bunch of them together, unlike things like Iron and such where there is a big, obvious outline around each block. xD

Marble is nice as well, but the big spot and white line do show the repetitive pattern really easily.

But yeah looking for blocks that blend to look like a single large block when put next to each other, even if from non-FTB mods, I wouldn't mind installing a few extra mods for blocks like that. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Same here, damn man, I'd kill for whitewashed walls.

Yes, those would be great, or of any color for modern style houses.

Oh or maybe smooth chrome and glass blocks for large buildings would just be amazing.
Mainly smooth glass, which I think the new update to Thaumcraft will be bringing.

But yeah, really wish there were more smooth blocks.
Hopefully someone knows of a mod that adds some.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Railcraft's concrete, Twilight Forest's mazestone, and ExtraBiomesXL's red rock and cracked sand are the ones that come readily to mind. I'm sure you could find a lot more by browsing through NEI.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Railcraft's concrete, Twilight Forest's mazestone, and ExtraBiomesXL's red rock and cracked sand are the ones that come readily to mind. I'm sure you could find a lot more by browsing through NEI.
Ah Concrete looks nice, the rest seem to have notably large patterns tho.

By smooth I mean plain or with small/ unnoticeable patterns.
You know, to like, make large plain walls of specific colors or build larger stuff that'll look "smooth" rather than being able to see every individual block.

That's why I mentioned Smooth Stone or Basalt, there's also maybe clay and snow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could always change your textures. Good options for changing textures are thermal expansions rockwool or IC2s construction foam wall.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah Concrete looks nice, [...]
The only real problem I had and still have with concrete is: There's no RP2 microblocks for them. Which, in turn, makes hiding cables a pita. If you don't mind that (or have thick enough walls), ignore what I said. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bricks, obsidian, netherrack, wool, clay
No no, I think you misunderstood as well.

Hmm, how to explain it...

No big "noticeable" patterns, not big lines and no obvious edges that show where the block starts/ ends.
I want to be able to build a wall that looks like a single wall, not a bunch of blocks placed to be a wall, or floors/ roads that look like one single, continuous object.

Sorry, I'm not great at explaining something like this and English not being my native language sure doesn't help.
I'll go take some pictures in a bit and try to show what I mean instead, a picture is worth a thousand words after all. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OK hopefully this explains a tad better what I mean:


1. They're almost blank and blocks don't show separately, patterns aren't too obvious unless you're really looking for them (except for clay), there's not much on the blocks.
(Concrete, Clay, Mazestone)

2. Warded Glass is a great example, except for that purple line border, but that one expands to the edge of the wall, so it doesn't matter much.

3. Basalt makes for really great road, its borderless and (almost) patternless.


1: It'd be good if it wasn't for the borders.
2: Too "bumpy," has too many noticeable marks.
3: No edges, but pattern too noticeable.
4: The exact opposite of what I I'm looking for, not smooth in the slightest.

Hopefully that explains a bit better what I meant.
Also, those blocks up there are the closest thngs i could find to what I'm looking for, that's why I'm looking for more, there's almost none, and they're all grey-ish.

Does this help?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not quite looking for texture packs, I don't want to change the looks of the other materials or existing ones, I'm looking for said blocks to add/ combine with current blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, see, I like the current blocks as they are, they are useful for different things, they are good for building various buildings and room as they are, I don't want to "replace" blocks, I am looking for new blocks, added, be it by mods or something, to add to the existing ones, or to list existing ones I've missed, so I can build with them without having to give up current ones or change the looks of existing buildings.

When I said the other blocks are not what I was looking for, I was just setting examples, simply stating that's not the kind of block style I'm looking for, I still like those blocks for separate things, but that's not the kind of blocks I've been looking, I don't want to replace them or get rid of them, I'm just showing which kind of block I am not referring to.

I am looking for blocks, either already in current FTB mods I just may not have found, or new blocks from mods people around here may not, that add said kind of blocks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not describing what you think I am.

Either have a look at what optifine does and how the block smoothing works, or don't.

I use it because I like what it does with vanilla minecraft blocks. It causes regular glass to look more like warded glass by moving the intrusive dividing lines to the edge, instead of breaking up the window, just for one example.

It does this without adding any blocks, or any texture pack changes.

I don't mind that those blocks have that, those dividing lines on those blocks are fine by me, I don't want to fix or change or modify any current blocks, all I am asking for is new, different, plain-ish blocks of different colors, that's it, current blocks in the game are perfectly fine and I don't want to change that, all I ask for is to have other blocks, apart from the ones we already have, that are the way I've been trying to explain.

I WANT to add the extra blocks, I want to add them if they're not in the game/ any of the mods, I don't want to change the current ones in any way shape or form.

I apologize, I know my explanation skills are not the best and I may just end up confusing people more the more I post, hopefully I manage to get it right soon, since I'm guessing I may be annoying some people with this already. :(