Himself and Kill-Joy.So vike, who are you saying is a wolf?
Bad guys:
Erskine Ravel - any sensitives will see him as a good guy, but he can kill one person, and then will be seen as a bad guy
Remnant - each night, they pick a player, whose power and votes they control . Any attempt to tell someone else while possessed will result in the person's death
Bad guy - werewolf standard
Nefarian Serpine:
This role has three stages
1) Nefarian Serpine, Killer Supreme - a bad guy, who once killed will go to the next stage
2) Nefarian Serpine, Zombie King - another bad guy, who can do one of two things: each night, they must pick between converting a person to the bad guys’ side, with a 50% chance of success, or leaving the bad guys’ team and becoming the next Nefarian Serpine stage
3) Nefarian Serpine... Woman!?!? - can survive being attacked one night. The next attack kills them.Also, if they can solve and eency-weency little challenge I set for them, Valkyrie Cain will be revealed to them, and anyone with the sigil of the grand necromancers will be granted a night’s invulnerability
Thrasher - votes for whoever Nefarian Serpine votes for, and can survive one attack
Won't they change their target then?I still don't entirely trust Vike... Hey! Here's an idea! VikeStep, as a show of friendship, would you be so kind as to tell us who the wolves are attacking tonight?
Won't they change their target then?
Vote Kill-Joy
I thought that there would be bodyguards. Misread the list, oops.Why would they? What reason would they have to change a target in a game with no bodyguards?
Sure thing! We haven't decided yet. Gideon is not as much of a threat any more since after tonight all that will be left is Erskine and a sensitive won't really be able to do much against him, they are thinking of voting for me however but haven't done so yet as right now I am currently not a villager and their goal is to lynch all villagers. When it is decided (and if I am awake because of my backwards timezones in Aus) I will let you know. I haven't voted in the wolf convo yet though, I am going to wait to see what the other two decide to do.I still don't entirely trust Vike... Hey! Here's an idea! @VikeStep, as a show of friendship, would you be so kind as to tell us who the wolves are attacking tonight?
Vote Kill-Joy
Sure thing! We haven't decided yet. Gideon is not as much of a threat any more since after tonight all that will be left is Erskine and a sensitive won't really be able to do much against him, they are thinking of voting for me however but haven't done so yet as right now I am currently not a villager and their goal is to lynch all villagers. When it is decided (and if I am awake because of my backwards timezones in Aus) I will let you know. I haven't voted in the wolf convo yet though, I am going to wait to see what the other two decide to do.