But why would you lynch them because of that?Three peeps were told that playerismc was a mortician. Now she's dead. I'm lynching them sequentially. If Strikingwolf is a villager I'm sure he'll confirm that this is a reasonable course of action.
But why would you lynch them because of that?Three peeps were told that playerismc was a mortician. Now she's dead. I'm lynching them sequentially. If Strikingwolf is a villager I'm sure he'll confirm that this is a reasonable course of action.
I don't want to disrespect playerismc, but she's typically going to be a low-priority target to wolves. On the other hand, every time the wolves kill a mortician, they get a kill that reveals zero information. That makes killing morticians priceless.But why would you lynch them because of that?
Okay then, I see your point.I don't want to disrespect playerismc, but she's typically going to be a low-priority target to wolves. On the other hand, every time the wolves kill a mortician, they get a kill that reveals zero information. That makes killing morticians priceless.
The fact that only a few people heard the mortician rumour means one or more of them is a wolf.
I picked strikingwolf to go first because of some sketchy pms he's been sending me.
<3Well, nooOOoot only was that unexpected, that was also a bad idea. Thanks alot, @Shazwagon
Well, nooOOoot only was that unexpected, that was also a bad idea. Thanks alot, @Shazwagon
How could player be a mortician? All roles were revealed last night.
I'm glad sooOOOoomebody caught that.![]()
I'm dead, I just couldn't resist an alot joke.
This is a good idea, I wasn't going to say anything.This next comment is directed at Pyure:
"Stop complaining about my altering the rules. I'm GMing on the fly."
a look of surprise spread across his face.
Any proof of that?I am explaining what is happening to Pyure right now. Let it suffice to say I was accidentally swapped with player
Any proof of that?
That should be proof of the swap.However, once he realized who he has killed, a look of surprise spread across his face.
lockThat should be proof of the swap.
On top of that. I know the wizard. They have said that they did swap me and player. However, the wizard does not want to reveal him/herself for fear of the church.
He said they weren't necessarily true not that they meant nothing. I'm gonna be completely honest as to what happenedThe GM specifically pointed out the parts not in bold didn't mean anything