Werewolf Organisation: Electric Boogaloo Redux

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I'd like to try an experimental game here at some point, maybe 11 or so players with no conversations apart from wolves. Put me in the queue Shazam08.

In this game since there is no conversations I will require a higher level of activity which is why I will have less people.

I will add power roles which I think was a problem the last time we tried this, we just tried to do a straight 1 cop, plain Mafia and plain vanilla.
Seriously vike, you and me sometimes....I was thinking of doing the exact same thing, and for the exact same reasons.

I was considering hedging a little bit: let people send 2 pms per day or something, but for the most part: if you're going to discuss stuff, only wolves get to keep it private.
Sweet! Complex games are fun. Many questions:
  1. "There will be a vote in the main thread if the role who killed the person shall be revealed": Can you elaborate on this? Won't the town always always always vote yes?
  2. "None of the roles will be certain, except for nobodies": Sorry, can you elaborate on this one too? Are you saying "None of these roles are guarenteed to be in the game, except for the nobodies"?
  3. "If a maf gets tagged by a tagger/Breaker, they can't rat out the maf either": In my experience, you can't stop someone from ratting out the mafia. Would you consider changing the Tagger and Breaker so that their swaps fail if they target a mafia?
  4. "One Nobody is added to the Nobody convo each night" and "You can't kill the nobodies directly, you have to find the main source": What main source? Am I missing a conversion role for the Nobodies?
  5. The Apparents: For their win condition, do "all the bad people" include the Nobodies?
  6. Tagger: They switch their own role with their target's role, correct? Can their target (the new Tagger) then tag someone else? Can the original Tagger switch roles again once his first target dies?
  7. Guide: What do you mean by "what they do is not known"?
  8. Apparent: Can you change the name, as "Apparent" and "The Apparents" can get confusing pretty quickly? Is the "someone" that dies chosen randomly? There's no role called the "overwatcher"; Did you mean Overseer? Will someone die when the overwatcher is killed (like, on that night), or just dead in general?
  9. Spy: Can he see the Watcher/Nobody convos?
  10. Scientist: Do you know which roles he'll be confused on, or is it just random?
  11. Smither: Is that a one-time-ability, or can he give out a gun every single day?
  12. Hider: Can they kill anyone, or only one of the people that voted for them? Does the kill happen on the night he dies, or the night after?
  13. Guarders: Shouldn't the name be singular ("Guarder")? Is he killed when he guards the same person successfully twice, or on his second successful guarding (regardless of target)? Does he kill the attacker whenever he guards someone, or only on the one where the Guarder dies as well.
  14. Wannabe: When you say "he must visit someone every night", what do you mean? Like, does the visit have any effect on his target?
  15. Lookout: If he follows one of the Watchers, does he see who they wolfkilled?
  16. Seeker: Define "find". Does he just have to tell you "x is [role]"?
  17. Trader: Will his target's decision take effect on the following night (Like, if he targeted me N4 and I chose to die, would I be killed as soon as I chose or on N5)?
  18. Watcher: Can you change the name (Watcher vs. The Watchers can get confusing)? Can you elaborate on his role? It sounds like "Watcher chooses someone N1, and his target dies when the Apparent dies".
  19. Nobody (Killer): Why does it matter if he's night immune if all nobodies are night immune (See Question #3)?
  20. Nobody (Stealer): What happens if he steals a gem when he's already holding one? Is the gem he was already holding destroyed?
  21. Presenter Gem: Can you elaborate on this? How can it "potentially prove the person's innocence"?
  22. Lovers: Are they in a convo together? Just to confirm- this is in addition to their normal win condition, right (So, if neither of them die, it would have no effect)?
  23. Breaker: He can do this once-per-game, any time, correct?
  24. Order of Powers: Spy, Smither, Hider, Guarder, Malke, Stealer (ability), and Breaker (ability) are not in the Order of Powers.
  25. Want me to add you to the queue? You'd be #5, after Vike.
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Sweet! Complex games are fun. Many questions:
  1. "There will be a vote in the main thread if the role who killed the person shall be revealed": Can you elaborate on this? Won't the town always always always vote yes?
  2. "None of the roles will be certain, except for nobodies": Sorry, can you elaborate on this one too? Are you saying "None of these roles are guarenteed to be in the game, except for the nobodies"?
  3. "If a maf gets tagged by a tagger/Breaker, they can't rat out the maf either": In my experience, you can't stop someone from ratting out the mafia. Would you consider changing the Tagger and Breaker so that their swaps fail if they target a mafia?
  4. "One Nobody is added to the Nobody convo each night" and "You can't kill the nobodies directly, you have to find the main source": What main source? Am I missing a conversion role for the Nobodies?
  5. The Apparents: For their win condition, do "all the bad people" include the Nobodies?
  6. Tagger: They switch their own role with their target's role, correct? Can their target (the new Tagger) then tag someone else? Can the original Tagger switch roles again once his first target dies?
  7. Guide: What do you mean by "what they do is not known"?
  8. Apparent: Can you change the name, as "Apparent" and "The Apparents" can get confusing pretty quickly? Is the "someone" that dies chosen randomly? There's no role called the "overwatcher"; Did you mean Overseer? Will someone die when the overwatcher is killed (like, on that night), or just dead in general?
  9. Spy: Can he see the Watcher/Nobody convos?
  10. Scientist: Do you know which roles he'll be confused on, or is it just random?
  11. Smither: Is that a one-time-ability, or can he give out a gun every single day?
  12. Hider: Can they kill anyone, or only one of the people that voted for them? Does the kill happen on the night he dies, or the night after?
  13. Guarders: Shouldn't the name be singular ("Guarder")? Is he killed when he guards the same person successfully twice, or on his second successful guarding (regardless of target)? Does he kill the attacker whenever he guards someone, or only on the one where the Guarder dies as well.
  14. Wannabe: When you say "he must visit someone every night", what do you mean? Like, does the visit have any effect on his target?
  15. Lookout: If he follows one of the Watchers, does he see who they wolfkilled?
  16. Seeker: Define "find". Does he just have to tell you "x is [role]"?
  17. Trader: Will his target's decision take effect on the following night (Like, if he targeted me N4 and I chose to die, would I be killed as soon as I chose or on N5)?
  18. Watcher: Can you change the name (Watcher vs. The Watchers can get confusing)? Can you elaborate on his role? It sounds like "Watcher chooses someone N1, and his target dies when the Apparent dies".
  19. Nobody (Killer): Why does it matter if he's night immune if all nobodies are night immune (See Question #3)?
  20. Nobody (Stealer): What happens if he steals a gem when he's already holding one? Is the gem he was already holding destroyed?
  21. Presenter Gem: Can you elaborate on this? How can it "potentially prove the person's innocence"?
  22. Lovers: Are they in a convo together? Just to confirm- this is in addition to their normal win condition, right (So, if neither of them die, it would have no effect)?
  23. Breaker: He can do this once-per-game, any time, correct?
  24. Order of Powers: Spy, Smither, Hider, Guarder, Malke, Stealer (ability), and Breaker (ability) are not in the Order of Powers.
  25. Want me to add you to the queue? You'd be #5, after Vike.

1: just cut that out
2: I'm saying that all the roles may not be there, there may be some dupes. The roles of the nobodies are certain though.
3: I'll change that.
4: You see, whoever is assigned the role nobody will have an alt. If someone such as a Malke targets the alt, no effect. However, if say, Lethcheese was a nobody and attacked, that nobody would die.
5: Yes.
6: They switch roles. Whenever the tagger dies, the tagged gets their role back. But not the other way around.
7: Just flava text.
8: I'll change the names. If the apparent (name to be changed) dies, the overwatcher can kill one person.
9: Yes.
10: The roles he'll be confused on are nobody's and their counterparts. Nobody (Killer) or Malke, Nobody (Searcher) or Scientist, Nobody (Healer) or Brewer, and Nobody (Searcher) or Hider.
11: One time.
12: Night after.
13: On his second successful guarding.
14: Nope, just adds suspicion.
15: Yes.
16: Yes.
17: N5.
18: Role name has been changed.
19: Only the killer is night immune, the other ones aren't.
20: It's a swap.
21: I can say what role they are, if they want.
22. Yes, there are in a convo.
23: Yes.
24: ?
25: Yes.
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So @sgbros1 was an idiot and lost the password to @Katniss Everdeen.

So I'm her replacement.

@Shazam08 replace her with me on the list of proxies.
Suggestion: PM yourself your own password this time.

Also, Shazzy might have Katniss-space-Everdeen's password written down somewhere... in which case, Katniss-space-Everdeen and Katniss-underscore-Everdeen are now two independent, functional, and almost identical alternate accounts. Good job.
Also, Shazzy might have Katniss-space-Everdeen's password written down somewhere... in which case, Katniss-space-Everdeen and Katniss-underscore-Everdeen are now two independent, functional, and almost identical alternate accounts. Good job.
Nah, he never gave me the original's password. Which is, like... Meh. If someone needs an alt, I'll almost always give them an account I know the password to over an account I don't. It's way faster and more convenient for me.
I wrote it down on Notepad.
Also, there's a "Forgot your Password?" link in the Javascript box that appears when you click the "Sign Up or Log In" button when you're not already logged in. It probably requires use of the email address that the account is currently bound to- if you used some "10-minute temporary email address" service when setting up Katniss-space-Everdeen or if you forgot the password to whatever email you did use... then she might indeed be lost to the winds.

I wonder if we could convince one of the admins to forcibly change the email address of Katniss-space-Everdeen... or the password, for that matter...

Hmm, maybe if I spamcleaner'd her, it would free up her namespace... which is a moot point, since she's been around long enough for the spam cleaner tool to stop working. Foo.
Also, there's a "Forgot your Password?" link in the Javascript box that appears when you click the "Sign Up or Log In" button when you're not already logged in. It probably requires use of the email address that the account is currently bound to- if you used some "10-minute temporary email address" service when setting up Katniss-space-Everdeen or if you forgot the password to whatever email you did use... then she might indeed be lost to the winds.

I wonder if we could convince one of the admins to forcibly change the email address of Katniss-space-Everdeen... or the password, for that matter...
I forgot the email as well.
Maybe we could ask a mod to remove the account, but I'm not gonna switch to @Katniss Everdeen
On the subject of complex games, does anyone fancy putting together some masterpiece of titanic complexity a la Heaven and Hell? (Secret roles, hidden abilities etc.) I know it makes the game an unplannable clusterfudge, but holy crap did it keep you on your toes.
On the subject of complex games, does anyone fancy putting together some masterpiece of titanic complexity a la Heaven and Hell? (Secret roles, hidden abilities etc.) I know it makes the game an unplannable clusterfudge, but holy crap did it keep you on your toes.
Sounds like a whole bunch of fun. I'd like to help in this idea. Or make it my self. Depending if there are other people willing to help?
On the subject of complex games, does anyone fancy putting together some masterpiece of titanic complexity a la Heaven and Hell? (Secret roles, hidden abilities etc.) I know it makes the game an unplannable clusterfudge, but holy crap did it keep you on your toes.
I may add quite a few of those into my game.