Okay, game's wrapped up. Mostly because most people seem bored at this point. Here's the skinny j:
- Last night I posted a hint, the sheriff saying "BUT YOU'RE INNOCENT!" and absolutely nobody game it a second thought. Geez guys.
- That hint was supposed to alert you that a trusted member of the town was in fact a wolf. And one was. Good ol mayor vikestep the wolololf.
- He was never detected because the wolves gained a boon that hides his role from public non death-triggered role reveals.
- The sheriff revealed the role because he couldn't kill vike. Lethosos was also a living wolf at the time.
- Vikestep also got a private win condition: kill all wolves, with at least one of them being sacrificed.
- I frakked up with the tribute mechanic. It was supposed to only work if the tribute is still alive at the end of the day so he can be killed instead of a vllager but I screwed up there. Any laws that were gained from that would take effect from the start of the night because gods are omniscient and stuff and know that you were successful or whatever.
- I really like that you went into space. I tip my hat to you sirs.
- Shazam was indeed a wolf as if that was not glaringly obvious.
- The pyrophobiac was playerismc.
This was a good test. Now that it's had a trial run and I know what works and what don't I can make a revised rule sheet for next time. There will be more ground rules, like all bodies are inspected at death because that's a rather obvious thing to do in that situation, and instead of three action votes on the first day, there will only be one per player, but the top three actions will be executed, and if there's a tie, then I'll choose whichever one I like best. The absence of a lynch vote is a necessity. Players could choose to banish a player from the town instead, which would circumvent protections, or they could choose alternate killing styles like burning at the stake or hanging or guillotine. There's a lot of possibilities.
The one big thing I'm doing next game is definitions, like so:
- Rule: something all players must follow. Cannot specifically target any one player, role, trait, etc. Must be something possible for a person in that situation to do. "summon cthulu" does not work. "Go to the clinic each night for mandatory skin inspections" is valid.
- Role: any job a player has. Seer, sheriff, gravedigger, etc. Roles are randomly given to a roleless player upon creation. Roles only have one effect, and cannot give total immunity, and cannot give lynch immunity.
- Law: made by giving a sacrifice to the gods. These are powerful private rules that bypass many of the guidelines. These can be used to kill someone regardless of protections, provide immunity to a certain type of damage, reveal, etc.
- Death: Anything triggered by a death cannot be prevented, but can be deflected. For example, if a vigilante dies they are going to shoot their arrow no matter what, but if their target is protected, they won't die.
- Action: Anything the village wants to do. This can be starting a new role, rule, or event.
- Event: anything that the village does together, whether it be "summon cthulu", "build a spaceship and live in low earth orbit" or "paint the town red" doesn't matter. Every event has some sort of impact on the game.