my antismite thing is vote for the poster above me#notanantismitewhentheyalreadyhaveavote
I've been away and I'm too exhausted to analyze anything right now.
antismite trajing
HeilMewTwo(5): VikeStep, Playerismc, Strikingwolf x3
VikeStep(2): Molly(༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ), Heilmewtwo
RJS(2): SpwnX, Quaz
Eruantien: Someone Else 37,
Someone Else 37: SoraZodia
playerismc: Eruantien
ljfa: RJS
Quaz: The_J,RJS
The_J: Trajing
Trajing: Ljfa
Sorazodia: Exedra
Where's my vote?Well let me give you a short summary of the votes!
Vote tally!! (Also the last from me of this day )
Currently we are looking at the following people joining me!
@HeilMewTwo & [S]@Exedra[/S]
Edit: Nevermind the last part! Cause @Exedra just ninja'd me! I've updated the list
Then why vote for me? -_-I'm sorry for you, TwoMew kappa
Don't worry! here in heaven its fun.Then why vote for me? -_-
So don't worry my friend it is really fun being deadThis Epilogue is so much nicer than that stupid New Sadnessdeath...
Then why vote for me? -_-
I'm sorry for you, TwoMew kappa
I'm not Tord. Harasser! *files lawsuit*
Edit2: I also suck at making vote tally's. The_J You got the allias of RJS, because im stupid like that! fixed it
Kappa means "the previous statement was sarcasm or a lie"I have no idea what that means.
You mean kappa?I have no idea what that means.
The main symbol/emote of It represents sarcasm, irony, puns, jokes, and trolls alike. If you see this term used outside of, then this is not the correct definition. Usually used at the end of an ironic or sarcastic sentence. Sentences that contain a Kappa should not be taken seriously. If you search "Kappa" in Google you can see what the emote looks like, and why it is used as it is. Sentences that use Kappa do not always have to make sense.
You hold the speedrun world record of this game, but I bet you'll die on level 1, Kappa.