I know we all have amnesia, but WE DON'T HAVE TO TALK CRAP.
Jesus. So now everyone calm down pls.
Look up "base64 decoder".UGgnbmdsdWkgbWdsdyduYWZoIEN0aHVsaHUgUidseWVoIHdnYWgnbmFnbCBmaHRhZ24=
Sacrifice yourself to cthulu. Or I'll do it.
# written in ruby
puts "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
* Eruantien used Suspicious-Looking EyeOk I think that I shall sacrifice you to Cthulu or what?
THE REFERENCES ARE TO STRONG* Eruantien used Suspicious-Looking Eye
I have collapsed the fourth wall... I can see beyond the boundaries of time and space... I cannot write constantly with a mechanical pencil without breaking the tip off...THE REFERENCES ARE TO STRONG