Ways to generate massive amounts of STONE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What are some ways to generate a massive amount of stone? I'm wanting to build a castle wall around an island, but I need a ton of stone materials. What can I use to generate a massive amount of stone relatively quickly? I'm currently using the Direwolf20 pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
igneous extruder with a couple buckets of lava, and an aqueous accumulator feeding it. each bucket of lava will get you 500 stone.

A silk-touch pick axe
A fiery pick axe
cobble + induction furnace
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only way I know of is thermal expansions Igneous Extruder. You can use it to make cobblestone which doesn't use up any lava or water (need one bucket of each to start) then you can dump all that cobble into furnaces. If you have a way of getting massive amounts of lava then you can have the Igneous Extruder make smooth stone for you.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, igneous extruders, but make cobblestone and shove it into an induction furnace. It's probably worse energy wise, but you won't keep filling up your igneous extruders with lava.

Or, ya know...quarry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yea, igneous extruders, but make cobblestone and shove it into an induction furnace. It's probably worse energy wise, but you won't keep filling up your igneous extruders with lava.

Or, ya know...quarry.
Yes, quarry= awesome for cobble. If you have a nether pump going then you don't have to worry about having to fill up the Igneous Extruders. Of course it is a problem if the OP is on a server that doesn't allow that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I personally quarry ('cept I used turtles) and pipe the cobble into hoppers going into my induction furnace, which I then pipe out of. Stone for days. Then that get's autocrafted into bricks, via xycraft fabricator, if you wanna go one step further...

I love castles, I built one in vanilla though. So many furnaces....
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could possibly use UUM. I think they have a recipe for stone for UUM.

Also, if you don't mind raping the world, yeah, quarry FTW. You'll be needing plenty of barrels(or maybe just a few with the upgrade) to store all that cobble if you use a quarry and make a custom quarry size and make it big. Or, y'know, some AE storage cells. Though making the bigger storage cells can drive you insane with all the crafting and materials needed. But the crafting can be automated(my first set of recipes I'll be building with AE when I finally get into it in my MA will be the parts needed to build more storage cells, and various other parts of the system). And gathering the resources can be done somewhat easily with mods.(I personally don't use Quarries if I can help it. I have... Other methods...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Get diamonds, and use EE3 :p
8192 cobblestone!
Waaiiit...lets see. 1 diamond = 4 gold ; 1 gold = 8 iron ; 1 iron = 4 clay blocks ; 1 clay block = 4 clay ; 1 clay = 4 gravel ; 1 gravel = 4 dirt ; 1 dirt = 1 cobble.


Huh. You're right. So theoretically I could reverse that for diamonds...eh. Not worth it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Waaiiit...lets see. 1 diamond = 4 gold ; 1 gold = 8 iron ; 1 iron = 4 clay blocks ; 1 clay block = 4 clay ; 1 clay = 4 gravel ; 1 gravel = 4 dirt ; 1 dirt = 1 cobble.


Huh. You're right. So theoretically I could reverse that for diamonds...eh. Not worth it.
It's more reasonable then converting 1 diamond into 8192 cobblestone. I think you can even do it on one Minum Stone. As opposed to turning one diamond into 8192 cobblestone, which takes more then 1 Philosophers Stone.(or maybe just one on 1.4.7, never used one until I got 1.5.1 up and running, but they have durability now)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Was wondering why this haven't been mentioned yet:

Igneous Extruder to get all the free cobble stone you need. Build your structure in cobble stone. When done, the Wrath Igniter is your friend!

It turns all of the cobble stone into stone. (just remember not to have any flammable materials nearby;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Set an Igneous extruder set to stone hooked up to an Aqeous Accumulator and Nether pump.
You could also use a redpower cobble generator hooked up to some furnaces.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Actually if an igneous extruder is given a little bit of lava and then you hook it up to an aqueous accumulator, it will produce stone indefinitely, with power of course. That's probably got to be the easiest way, but I wonder if you people can come up with a way which is much cooler and more fun.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why not just set it to cobble and send that though a furnace?[DOUBLEPOST=1367654834][/DOUBLEPOST]
Actually if an igneous extruder is given a little bit of lava and then you hook it up to an aqueous accumulator, it will produce stone indefinitely, with power of course. That's probably got to be the easiest way, but I wonder if you people can come up with a way which is much cooler and more fun.

Oh rly? I thought only cobble was free?


Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cobble is free, stone isn't, either way it doesn't use power.

Jackhammer is fairly cheap and collects cobble pretty quickly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think in the most recent version of thermal expansion, stone is free in the igneous extruder as well lava-wise, it only needs water now. Looks like the official wiki is out-of-date. Of course all this can be edited in the config anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even if it isn't, I did the number crunching a while ago when this same question was asked.

Turns out, Magma Crucible-ing lava from a piece of cobble and direct producing smoothstone in the extruder is more MJ effective by a HUGE margin.

So if you want a machine that just chugs and produces smoothstone forever, I'd recommend that, but you'll need an aqueous accumulator to feed the extruder (you can actually feed some of the smoothstone back into the crucible from the extruder if you want to save space, still more space-efficient)

Powered Furnace: 160 per smelt
160 x 500 = 80000

How much to make 500 smoothstone? A bucket of lava.
How much to make it using cobble/smoothstone? 20000, and 14000 if you're using netherrack instead.

So basically you're using 4x as much energy by smelting cobble.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even if it isn't, I did the number crunching a while ago when this same question was asked.

Turns out, Magma Crucible-ing lava from a piece of cobble and direct producing smoothstone in the extruder is more MJ effective by a HUGE margin.

So if you want a machine that just chugs and produces smoothstone forever, I'd recommend that, but you'll need an aqueous accumulator to feed the extruder (you can actually feed some of the smoothstone back into the crucible from the extruder if you want to save space, still more space-efficient)

Powered Furnace: 160 per smelt
160 x 500 = 80000

How much to make 500 smoothstone? A bucket of lava.
How much to make it using cobble/smoothstone? 20000, and 14000 if you're using netherrack instead.

So basically you're using 4x as much energy by smelting cobble.

Yup. And its also faster. I just have one crucible servicing a whole bunch of extruders that produce stone. My build uses a lot of stone bricks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Behold, I have made a simple design. I call it, the Simple Stone Supplier!

It produces stone using 4 igneous extruders, and is fed by lava (from the nether, barely uses any though and one cobblestone in a magma crucible will produce 500 stone worth of lava) and water (water is made with xychorium water, hence the 9 valves under the tank) and the enderchest in the middle goes to my AE network (could go to stone supply/barrel/wherever)

If you want to replicate my design, simply add the 4 tesseracts on each corner and adjust the igneous extruders to input from the tesseracts and output to the chest/middle.
For the tesseracts liquid and which tesseract should be inputting what, it's pretty simple.
Lava input in two corners, and water in two corners, like so:

Tada, now you have a very convenient, compact, and classy stone supplier!