Want to get a FTB hosting for me and my friends, what hosting should I pick up?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks man! I think I'm gonna go with creeperhost. And I'm not saying my provider is bad, I just live in a rather old section of town, so the network cables are pretty old and can't handle high down/up speed. There is an option avilable that would give me like 20 down and 2 or 3 down, but again, my cables can't handle that.
So, the next question is, what option should I pick up if I want, say, Unleashed for 3-4 people?

I'd probably go with Spider or maybe Skeleton. The main resource I see that will run out first will be memory, and Spider and Skeleton will get you 3 and 4 GB respectively. As I mentioned earlier, I'm on Zombie, which has 2 GB. With no one on the server currently, we have 89% of that 2 GB being used according to the Creeper Panel. I looked up the exact number of chunks we currently keep loaded when the server is empty, and its 277 over 4 loaders.

This is FTB Ultimate by the way, not any of the 1.5.2 packs.

Not a single person that has "issues" with them has been able to produce any kind of argument once asked "what issues?" Downtime? It happens, report it and they'll fix it.

I can definitely back up my complaints any time. I've already mentioned in this thread that their reliability was not up to par, and that we would randomly have the MC server stop(which admittedly could go either way on if that's an MC issue or hosting issue). They ran well for the first week or two when we first started up with them, but for about 4-6 weeks, they went down at least once a week, and commonly it was on the weekends when I had the time to play for extended periods. All that being said, it has been improved recently, but that experience led to me not being able to recommend them at this time.

I can also relate to the fact that downtime happens, as I work in IT, but when outages happen to anyone(even me), negative feedback should be expected.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suggest NFO Servers, they give you full root access to the server with use of remote desktop, Creeperhost does not (since the last time I used them 9 months ago).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I suggest NFO Servers, they give you full root access to the server with use of remote desktop, Creeperhost does not (since the last time I used them 9 months ago).

They allow full root access, and have ever since I've used them (beginning of the year, possibly?). They don't have a remote desktop, mainly because it's daft to do so. When running a remote server, CLI is all you should need, running the programs and daemons on top of that to generate a desktop would just slow it down and cause more issues.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How technically competent are you? A good VPS or dedicated machine is under $50 a month and will destroy a GSP like CreeperHost in terms of performance.
You would have to setup everything yourself though, no fancy control panel unless you buy something like McMyAdmin or code your own.

Actually McMyAdmin doesn't cost a dime if your using the personal version but good luck installing it and fixing anything it's comes up. (took me 3 hours and still no anvil at it)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, so i just wanted to add my two cents to this. Myself and my friend are co owners of a server with creeperhost. And i can say right now, that in the 2-3 months of owning this server, we have had to submit at least 15 tickets to deal with the crashes, lag issues and one of the biggest problems we have are the wisps being spawned in MASSIVE AMOUNTS. Now, the other big issue we have is the aspeople of creeperhost go by the policy of YOU FIX IT. they will tell you how and send you links to fix it but they will not get their lazy cracks up and actually fix it. Right now we are dealing with a leaking world issue and the response they gave us is very technical (beyond our skill). I had asked them very nicely, can you guys please do this for us, its beyond our technical know how and they replied with why do we have to do it. Their exact words. I am totally sick of creeperhost. They act like everyone should be masters of computers and know everything. For the money we are paying, ITS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!! we have upgraded to higher amounts(and more money) and we get the exact same issues. Our server is 3gb of ram and it works just the same as when we had 1gb of ram. I strongly suggest you spend the time to look for someone else other than creeperhost. They are just not a good choice and that is coming from personal experience. Hope you find some one else. I am starting to find something else just in case they want to throw more attitude our way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be fair to them, you are wanting a game made by one party (which isn't spectacularly stable, at the best of times), with mods made by a second party, a pack put together by a third, and hosted on hardware provided by a fourth. They only have control of one (the lowest level) of these. If your server had latency issues, then your denouncement might be valid, but most of the issues you mention are related to mods, and gameplay, which is outside their remit. They would give advice, but that's about your lot.

The simple fact of the matter is, if you're playing an FTB pack, you're dealing with 70-160 mods, which causes instability and unforeseen issues. There are many people that do a lot of work to reduce this, but it's a fact of modded minecraft. Running a server is not a simple "click and play" activity.

Also, necro-ing a 4 month old thread to bitch out someone is not clever.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be fair to them, you are wanting a game made by one party (which isn't spectacularly stable, at the best of times), with mods made by a second party, a pack put together by a third, and hosted on hardware provided by a fourth. They only have control of one (the lowest level) of these. If your server had latency issues, then your denouncement might be valid, but most of the issues you mention are related to mods, and gameplay, which is outside their remit. They would give advice, but that's about your lot.

The simple fact of the matter is, if you're playing an FTB pack, you're dealing with 70-160 mods, which causes instability and unforeseen issues. There are many people that do a lot of work to reduce this, but it's a fact of modded minecraft. Running a server is not a simple "click and play" activity.

Also, necro-ing a 4 month old thread to bitch out someone is not clever.

That's why I make sure I get hold of full support. Not idiots that don't help at all outside of installs and server related problems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's why I make sure I get hold of full support. Not idiots that don't help at all outside of installs and server related problems.
My point (perhaps not spectacularly made, because I was on my phone last night) is that, even at their most helpful and supportive, there's still a vast amount that such a system would not be able to do.

One of the issues mentioned was wisp spawning, and I do remember there being an issue in one of the packs where it was an issue, but one in ThaumCraft (some odd confluence of events that made them spawn too often, or something), which is not something that anyone other than Azanor could fix. You could roll it back, but then it might not work with your version of forge, which is needed for all the other mods.

Also mentioned is crash issues and lag issues, which can be tricky to pin down if you do know what you're doing. It could be that players are doing server-killing things like massive pipe loops or similar. There's a load of "best practices" that the community of server owners and players have because it reduces problems, but they still happen. If you assume that the server is going to work, and be unkillable then you're going to have problems, and the best support package in the world can only change mod versions and configs. That's where their help has to stop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the best support package in the world can only change mod versions and configs. That's where their help has to stop.

Oh I don't buy idiots support package, I make sure the company's server pack INCLUDES the full support. Support isn't a god darn option you idiots out that doesn't know that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh I don't buy idiots support package, I make sure the company's server pack INCLUDES the full support. Support isn't a god darn option you idiots out that doesn't know that.
The point that I was trying to make was that any hosting company is unable to provide full support, for modded minecraft, in the way that you might be able to get for other games (i.e. if there is a problem, there is a direct chain of people to complain to to get the issue fixed). All that any support system would be able to do would be mess with versions and configs. They wouldn't be able to bugfix a mod, and they wouldn't be able to fix any conflict between mods, or even with the base game.

The issues described here sounded a lot like issues that the packs had in and of themselves, or issues possibly caused by users. There's not a lot of info about the issues, but I was just trying to make the point that, if you are going to get a server, and expect it to be a simple point-and-shoot matter, you are likely to have problems.


Jul 24, 2013
The point that I was trying to make was that any hosting company is unable to provide full support, for modded minecraft, in the way that you might be able to get for other games (i.e. if there is a problem, there is a direct chain of people to complain to to get the issue fixed). All that any support system would be able to do would be mess with versions and configs. They wouldn't be able to bugfix a mod, and they wouldn't be able to fix any conflict between mods, or even with the base game.

The issues described here sounded a lot like issues that the packs had in and of themselves, or issues possibly caused by users. There's not a lot of info about the issues, but I was just trying to make the point that, if you are going to get a server, and expect it to be a simple point-and-shoot matter, you are likely to have problems.

To paraphrase Bibble, it sounds as if most if not all of your issues are Application related, and not at all caused by the server. No sane public server provider has support for application side errors, unless those applications are written in-house or are so standard, say like Microsoft Office where they can get advanced support for a yearly fee.

If a server provider did maintain a person or group to "fix" specific applications and they removed all your favorite mods to improve reliability would you still want to use their service?

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Honestly, if you want to go VPS go creeperhost. Not a single person that has "issues" with them has been able to produce any kind of argument once asked "what issues?" Downtime? It happens, report it and they'll fix it.

If you want to go with a dedicated go with OVH. They are probably the best dedi provider I have ever seen, but you have set up most of the server yourself. Something I prefer anyway.

Just my 2 cents, but play nice. If someone asks a question about providers, don't talk bad about a provider unless you can give details about the bad experience.

I'll second the idea of using OVH. I currently have a KS1 from them and there have been no support issues at all. I have full CLI access to the server and the problems we have had on it have been more related to bugs in the mods and modpack not due to the server.

BTW: I believe in minimal server overhead. So to that end I don't install MC MyAdmin or other web based utilities. The only services running on my server are SFT, SSH (so I can access the CLI), FTB(java), Cron & DropBox (backups) and TeamSpeak3.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can say that I went with CreeperHost to host my sons FTB server, after a disaster with another hosting company. I can tell you they have been wonderful. They are polite helpful, prompt, and even have phone support. We have had some issues, and probably caused by my own ignorance and yet they always are there to help. We have the Creeper package have had almost no lag issues. We have had zero outages so far due to CreeperHost. We are happy with them, and highly recommend them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The point that I was trying to make was that any hosting company is unable to provide full support, for modded minecraft, in the way that you might be able to get for other games (i.e. if there is a problem, there is a direct chain of people to complain to to get the issue fixed). All that any support system would be able to do would be mess with versions and configs. They wouldn't be able to bugfix a mod, and they wouldn't be able to fix any conflict between mods, or even with the base game.

The issues described here sounded a lot like issues that the packs had in and of themselves, or issues possibly caused by users. There's not a lot of info about the issues, but I was just trying to make the point that, if you are going to get a server, and expect it to be a simple point-and-shoot matter, you are likely to have problems.

Actually a good system support can do conflicts, there were ID conflicts that I didn't know about until they told me and that they fixed them for me at my other provider. A good support system should do what they can do to counter problems as best they can. Obviously you can't expect everything to be prefect but a good support system should get you as close as that as possible. The problem is that like someone said 99% of providers ether don't provide that or expects you to pay for that support. (Creeperhost is a prime example of having to pay for "more" support) It's because most providers don't care about you and your server beyond your invoice cycles and therefore doesn't give you the support you need.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually a good system support can do conflicts, there were ID conflicts that I didn't know about until they told me and that they fixed them for me at my other provider.
Except that this is still a config issue. The kind of conflicts I was talking about would be something like:
BoP registers all of it's blocks as plants. 
Thaumcraft uses the plant density in an area to determine stability of a node. 
Increased plant blocks cause excessive wisp spawns
This is fictional, but makes the point. It's something that's not the fault of either mod, but, together, it's causing a problem.

The problems previously described sounded more like issues with that sort of conflict (TC wisp spawning), and management issues (players loading lots of chunks, causing server-slowdown). In those cases, there really isn't anything that ANY server owner could do, except point you in the direction of other cases of the same thing, or server management tools (which wouldn't do much good if you didn't know how to use them).

As I recall, CreeperHost provide support for FTB packs. And, if it's an FTB pack, then there wouldn't BE any conflicts. If you go off-piste, it's expected that you understand the consequences and know how to deal with them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As I recall, CreeperHost provide support for FTB packs. And, if it's an FTB pack, then there wouldn't BE any conflicts. If you go off-piste, it's expected that you understand the consequences and know how to deal with them.

Even with a custom mod pack, CreeperHost has been remarkably friendly and useful in resolving issues. Sure, they won't trouble-shoot ID conflicts and such, but they assisted me with world recovery when some less-than-cautious updating corrupted my world and I hadn't made a back-up.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Except that this is still a config issue. The kind of conflicts I was talking about would be something like:
In those cases, there really isn't anything that ANY server owner could do, except point you in the direction of other cases of the same thing, or server management tools (which wouldn't do much good if you didn't know how to use them).

Yep that what I means all I expects is a good company to do is try their best to assist you with the problems you run into and KEEP your god darn promises.