Who suggested that argument?
That's probably his interpretation of my admonition to not just hire a bunch of people and throw them at it. And I stand by that admonition; because it's a spike-phenomenon, you aren't going to retain the long-term interest of would-be moderators such that they'll be attentive for the spikes they're meant to handle anyway. If they were attentive enough to stick around, they'd be stepping all over each other toes for the off-periods. This doesn't mean don't get
any more people, but understand the consequences of such (and I offer this same admonition on almost any issue of this nature because that's my political leaning; it's often not about more manpower/funding, it's about the
right manpower/funding).
And I think now I will discuss the elephant in the room that's probably impolitic of me to discuss but that I stupidly assume people already know about: very simply and inelegantly put,
the forum does not loom very largely in the FTB brass' day-to-day priority list.
This doesn't mean it isn't important, but it isn't important
enough given the resource allocation in FTB's hierarchy. The main person who can handle all that administrivia I've mentioned, Captainnana, just so happens to have the skill set and list of duties that has him handling far more important issues in the org (namely, the actual management of FTB's actual services/launcher, which
always come first, and which require a bit more attention than you might think; as a former executive in a firm whose primary products were home-grown secure information management solutions, I know this very very well). A few other people do have admin here, yes, but they don't necessarily have the know-how to craft the appropriate solutions and it's rather outside their field to be handling it anyway.
As I said before, it's hard to get the right convergence of qualities to have somebody on hand to fix this more regularly. They have to be trusted enough to be given the access, knowledgeable enough to know what to do with it, and not end up diverted to other projects where they'll get engrossed and not deal with the issues here. It's harder than it sounds in a volunteer organization where a lot of triage is going around, particularly in keeping somebody on something that's not at the top of the triage list when other things are (things just tend to drop off the list, like deactivating the account of a global moderator who retired several months ago when he really isn't logging in anyway to cause trouble
Obviously barring getting an admin here who focuses on this stuff, if I had a wish list it would be:
- Lift the report cooldown, at least from the accounts who meet the "is actually a human and has been around the forum a little bit" criterion, with the publicly transmitted understanding that people who use the button to harass moderators will get a sledgehammer to their face.
- Get a few more spam cleaners activated, particularly if their activity period is 0400-1200 GMT (i.e. when the spambots are running rampant).
- Get at least one more moderator who is regularly and normally awake and active in that same 0400-1200 GMT period (not only to be there for the onslaught, but to reduce the queue actively; I can say from experience that it's super-annoying to wake up to a 90+ mod queue and have to clean it all).
That would at least shore up the defenses a bit, but is also an "easier said than done" list; somebody with decision-making capacity has to handle doing all of that, and as I've already said, that isn't necessarily a high-priority process here.
I do wish folks luck on figuring it all out and making it work. The prosecution of the spambot war kept me good and angry for a long time myself and still has the potential to agitate me (some people get mad and flip tables when they're irritated about something, I tend to make numbered and bulleted lists; it took many years of honing to channel it into that, because I used to rage in all caps myself). Luckily now all I need to do about it is find a spot in the shade and wish folks well with it. =)