Void World + erosion delimma

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a problem. I always start my worlds playing on peaceful, gradually working up through difficulty levels. Unfortunately, I created a Mystcraft world [Mindcrack v7 + Mystcraft], a void world that I wrote up, and made it my new home. I've made a great deal of progress on this base.

But...as soon as I went up in difficulty, I noticed that I went blind and that blocks began to erode. My house was made of nether brick and marble, so the nether brick began to crumble. Well, okay. I'll use command blocks to switch my difficulty as soon as I enter the age, and have a command block on the outside that changes my difficulty back up. No problem, right?

Well...My power systems require chunk loaders to continue to work, due to an issue with biogas engines at the moment. I don't know why I didn't realize that changing my difficulty in another world with my void world still loaded would lead to erosion, but I didn't. So I came back to a world that was literally falling apart.

It seems clear that I'm going to need to move elsewhere, but I'd like to not have to recreate my entire base from scratch. Is there anyway to transfer the region data to another world, without also carrying over the effects of instability? Non-legit or file manipulating ways are fine at this point, I just don't want to have to place thousands of blocks again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe theres a command that lets you disable instability effects on a per-world basis.
Not sure if it removes pre-existing instability tho...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In the Mystcraft config you can disable instablity.
There is a command to disable it.

Both did not work for me. What worked was to change agedata_X.dat (world\data) files with an NBT editor (forgot the name). In the file you can remove the instablility effects and turn instablility off for that age.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This may be a bit crazy and there's probably an easier way, but I was thinking maybe just capturing it with the Architect table, either whole or in parts, placing the blueprint(s) in the Blueprint Library, then just place them in a different world/ age of your choice.

Remember that you may need to place them in the same direction as you capture them, there seems to be a problem where builders will build stuff only in the direction it was captured.
(For example, if stairs or logs and such are captured facing north, they will be placed facing north, even if you placed the builder so that they would've been facing south.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or you could take your time to learn how to create a stable age.

For a void world, it's not that hard anyway.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or you could take your time to learn how to create a stable age.

For a void world, it's not that hard anyway.

This has nothing at all to do with the question asked, as the original poster had already had an age, create in peaceful. Learning how to create ages that are stable, while a useful skill for the original poster's future usage of mystcraft, does not in any way help him currently.


It seems clear that I'm going to need to move elsewhere, but I'd like to not have to recreate my entire base from scratch. Is there anyway to transfer the region data to another world, without also carrying over the effects of instability? Non-legit or file manipulating ways are fine at this point, I just don't want to have to place thousands of blocks again.

I'd look into MCEdit if you are ok with just grabbing a copy of your void age home and dropping it elsewhere. It should be the easiest way to copy large chunks of area around. I am not sure if it handles mystcraft, but I cannot think of any reason it wouldn't. Good luck!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Another option is the Schematica mod. It won't copy your base, per se, but it would copy an image of your base and allow you to project a ghost image of it elsewhere so you could recreate. Sorta like a paint by numbers for minecraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This has nothing at all to do with the question asked, as the original poster had already had an age, create in peaceful. Learning how to create ages that are stable, while a useful skill for the original poster's future usage of mystcraft, does not in any way help him currently.


I'd look into MCEdit if you are ok with just grabbing a copy of your void age home and dropping it elsewhere. It should be the easiest way to copy large chunks of area around. I am not sure if it handles mystcraft, but I cannot think of any reason it wouldn't. Good luck!

Firstly, he is asking for a solution.
While mine might not be the best/fastest, it is definitely a way for him to have a void age devoid of the phenomenons.

As for McEdit, as far as I know, it hates mods, so there might be a lot of troubles with it.

To copy a base, you could also try the legitimate way: BuildCraft.
I would direct you to this page: http://minecraftbuildcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Automatic_Building
Basically, you would want an Architect Table, markers,a Builder and 1 or more blueprints.

After you made the blueprints, you can break down your "home" and get the materials from it.

When you find a place where to rebuild it, simply feed the blueprint(s) and the materials to the builder.

It sounds fair to me to have to do some work in order to move a house, even more when it's your own fault that there are problems with it, but that's just my point of view, so don't take it too much to heart if you don't want to go that way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As for McEdit, as far as I know, it hates mods, so there might be a lot of troubles with it.
There sure are: Anything non-vanilla gets replaced by something from vanilla. So unless he does not mind a base out of sponge, pumpkins and any weird other block that MCE likes, it's out of the window. it still is a viable option to modify a mod-pack world as it tends to only save /weird-i-fy the chunks it has made changes to - but as far as moving a base is concerned.. nope, he'd have to rebuild 99% of it anyways. Until someone brings up a version of MCE that can handle all the modded/added blocks, it's not of much use, sadly.
To copy a base, you could also try the legitimate way: BuildCraft.
Just a word of warning: The builder and filler are quite the resource-hogs (computerwise) and can cause anything between a bit of lag, a crash of minecraft and a corrupted world. They're known to be quite buggy as of now.

Evil Hamster

New Member
Jul 29, 2019


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a word of warning: The builder and filler are quite the resource-hogs (computerwise) and can cause anything between a bit of lag, a crash of minecraft and a corrupted world. They're known to be quite buggy as of now.

I've really never seen them give much problems, as long as you don't put multiple ones to build a bunch of stuff at once, it shouldn't give too much trouble.
I've been using it to move bases and other buildings from map to map and a few times even to other modpacks, and I've yet to come across a real problem.

Only time I recall having trouble with is is when I think I mixed about blueprints and templates or something, I don't really remember, it was long ago.
(Basically there was a problem and the builder would crash my world as soon as it started building, so just had to break the builder before it started building.)

I would still recommend backing up your world anyways, but once you get used to it you'll rarely run into trouble.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Firstly, he is asking for a solution.
While mine might not be the best/fastest, it is definitely a way for him to have a void age devoid of the phenomenons.

Unfortunately, I did know how to create a stable age, but thought that instability problems would appear even in peaceful.

I ended up going with Sphinx2k's solution, using NBT explorer. Just a few clicks and problem solved! Thanks for the help, everyone.