Whitelist Server VisCraft 2.0 | Monster 1.1.0 | Whitelist | Small Community | Mature | 20 slot | No Banned Items

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Active Member
Dec 11, 2012
VisCraft 2.0
DireWolf20 1.0.18

Hey everyone!!! Have played on several servers, and decided with a friend to start my own. We are looking for a small community to play with, about 15-20 people. I am looking for people semi active a few days a week. The map is about a month old. Still lots of room room to build, and catch up to others.

Looking for all kinds of people from the new person to FTB, to the computercraft wiz, to the crazy designer.

I Don't mind people who go off on there own and build, but would like you to be involved in the community as well.​

No Griefing
No Stealing
No Rudeness
No Hacks / Xray - Fly ect.
Must be 18+
Must have a base in the overworld​

Whitelist Application (Applications Open)
Apply on this forum or on this website: http://viscraft.enjin.com/home
Ingame Name:
Mod Experience:
About Yourself:
How long have you played minecraft?:
Do you/ Will you use Mumble:
Have you been banned before?:
If so why?:​

Server Owner: SG1CSIfan
Server Admin: Envison
Sever Admin: XiledSniper
Server Admin:Texaporta

All issues / questions send to me by emial [email protected] or Skype SG1CSIfan. I'll respond a lot faster then this forum thanks. I check my emails more than skype.
(This doesnt mean apply through emial or skype you WILL be ignored)

Server Location: Kansas City, Missouri, USA

We are now on mumble!:)
Server: viscraft.mumble.com
Port: 4003

Current Players:
1. SG1CSIfan
2. Envison
3. Xiledsniper

4. Xeynobrand
6. Spendowali
7. mjmac85
8. Texaporta
9. Ponder07​
Ingame Name: Halo4356
Age: 16
Mod Experience: Moderation? Lots. game Mods? Some, I'm a buildcraft/forestry kinda guy.
About Yourself: I'm a cool dude, mature, like building things, LOVE automation.
How long have you played minecraft?: 3 years now?
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I will, I do.
Have you been banned before?: Yep
If so why?: Administrator of the server, got banned by the other admin. laughs ensued ;)

EDIT: Sorry about that. Didn't notice the 18+ limit until after. I'd still like to join, and my voice makes me sound like I'm 30, no jokes. I'm a mature guy too, but It's understandable if I don't make it.
Ingame Name: Kushrenadat
Age: 30
Mod Experience: Been playing with Technic from over 3 years now, have played all the DW20 packs, Unleashed, Unhinged and Horizon
About Yourself: I enjoy making integrated working systems automation, have not dabbled much into the magic mods but would be willing to give it a shot.
How long have you played minecraft?: From Alpha
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I have not used it before but have a good headset and would be willing to.
Have you been banned before?: No.
If so why?:
Ingame Name: dunnyboy2003 (Dont ask about the "2003")
Age: 17 (18 in a few months!)
Mod Experience: 2-3 Years
About Yourself: I am a very easy going person, always up for fun and having a little joke around, No fanboy but id compare myself to direwolf20 haha, Im always looking for new ways to do things and this is something that can set me aside from most back seat gamers that just go with the ordinary! Also, im from Yorkshire, England and im currently studying accountancy!
How long have you played minecraft?: 2-3 Years, Vanilla for about 2 months and then mods ever since
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: Yeah Sure!
Have you been banned before?: Nope
If so why?: X

If i get accepted please add me on skype: xbfcxtykezx Really hope to talk soon cant wait to begin!!
Thanks a bunch,
Connor Littlewood
Ingame Name: Spider1357
Age: 20
Mod Experience: Many years with the varying mod packs
About Yourself: Always use a diverse range of mods, try to look at using all of them
How long have you played minecraft?: Close to 4 years now, since beta
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I can if the need be
Have you been banned before?: No
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Ingame Name: Baradin
Age: 21
Mod Experience: I've been playing modded minecraft for a couple of years now.
About Yourself: My designs tend to be fairly convoluted but get the job done. I mostly enjoy messing with the mods just to see what makes them tick.
How long have you played minecraft?: Since alpha
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: Yes
Have you been banned before?: No
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Ingame Name:Shadowed420
Mod Experience:Lots and Lots :)
About Yourself:Just ask
How long have you played minecraft?:Since early alpha
Do you/ Will you use Mumble:depends on if other people do or not
Have you been banned before?: never
Mod Experience:Lots and Lots :)
About Yourself:Just ask

Shadowed, not to sound bad or anything, but the whole point of an application is to know a bit about you so that we can decide if you are a fit for our server or not. "Lots and lots" and "Just ask" personally, don't cut it. If you'd like to elaborate a bit, I'd be will to reconsider your application.

I'm also currently on our Mumble server if you would prefer to talk to me on that instead.
Ingame Name: Robet24 and Nadiin
Age: Both 25
Mod Experience: Lots and lots of experience with mods that have been in the ftb packs since the beginning. Not so much with the newer ones.
About Yourself: A couple that enjoy playing the game together. Have been playing modded minecraft for about 3 years now. Also enjoy playing diablo and WoW.
How long have you played minecraft?: About 3 and a half years.
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I have it, but don't use it very often at all.
Have you been banned before?: Nope.
If so why?: N/A
Ingame Name: Aldante
Age: 21
Mod Experience: Tekkit was my first mod pack, then I eventually moved on to FTB, and even helped orchestrate a few custom modpacks.
About Yourself: Name's Dante, I like goofing about and building whatever comes to mind. I switch between ideas pretty quickly and get inspired rather often, so expect to see a lot of unfinished builds lying around, but don't expect them to stay unfinished, heh. I like mods with a mad science-y feel, and love mods with a wizard-y feel. Expect lots of labs and towers, with the occasional Frankenstein-esque castle!
How long have you played minecraft?: Bought it during Beta.
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: Absolutely
Have you been banned before?: Not that I'm aware of.
Ingame Name: Unyieldingvenom
Age: 25
Mod Experience: Been playing with mods since about a week after I got the game back in beta and have followed the FTB progress since the first challenge map.
About Yourself: Im 25, married, live in the UK, work full time and play minecraft and other games whenever I can, basically me in a nutshell (help help Im in a nutshell, how did I get in this nutshell?!?).
How long have you played minecraft?: Since beta
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I dont atm but Im sure I will at some point
Have you been banned before?: Nope never
If so why?: N/A
Ingame Name: leon920
Mod Experience: I've played pixelmon several different feed the beast modpacks and a few voids of wrath mod packs as well
About Yourself: I'm a bit shy but once I get to know people i'm very friendly and a very good team player and I'm really just looking for a server with no griefers
How long have you played minecraft?: probably 2 to 3 years
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I use mumble to talk to two of my good friends but as I get to know people I might use it with more people
Have you been banned before?: nope
Hey guys I'm afk for a bit but I'll try and process the applications this evening. Thanks for being patient :)
Unyieldingvenom, Robet24 and Nadiin- Whitelisted- Welcome to Viscraft

PunyPwner- Application denied- Reason: Age, didn't bother to read server rules.
I thought I would just post this here as well. I made a few revisions from the application I posted on the site.

Ingame Name: SageHiero

Age: 22

Mod Experience: I have some experience with FTB mods, but it has been a while since I've played. Looking at all the new mods available, I feel like a newbie again, haha.

About Yourself: I like to build big structures that look nice, but I don't always finish because I am a scatterbrain and like to derp around.
I also like to hang and help out other people who need it.

How long have you played minecraft?: I have played Minecraft ever since Beta 1.3. It's been an off and off relationship, though. I'm using mods to keep myself entertained.

Do you/ Will you use Mumble: If you guys seem nice enough I probably will. I'm a pretty shy person when talking to new people though, so I might not say much at first when on mumble. :x I am a lot more open in chat, though.

Have you been banned before?: I have never been banned before.
Ingame Name: eqpp4u
Age: 49 (guess I'm the old guy lol
Mod Experience: been playing about a year, still kinda a noob
About Yourself: Over the road truck driver / minecrafter
How long have you played minecraft?: about a year
Do you/ Will you use mumble: sure.
Have you been banned before?: this would be my first server application so nope.
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Ingame Name: Korrollir
Age: 35
Mod Experience: Tekkit 1.2.5, FTB since beta, Resonant Rise for a bit
About Yourself: Supervisor/Therapist, married with a highly energetic 4 year old, and avid minecrafter.
How long have you played minecraft?: 2 years
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: Have and can
Have you been banned before?: Nah. Rules are easy to follow when you play to have fun.