Whitelist Server VisCraft 2.0 | Monster 1.1.0 | Whitelist | Small Community | Mature | 20 slot | No Banned Items

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Ingame Name: johahs95
Mod Experience: Been playing different mod packs for a while, trying out all the mods. As far as experience goes I'd say that about a year or so of experience.
About Yourself: I live in Sweden and I'm 18 years old. Currently studying and planning to doing so once I've gratuated from my current school. I like sitting infront of the computer playing games, but I don't mind some football now and then.
How long have you played minecraft?: Since 1.2 beta.
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I am not a Mumble user, but if the people on the server seem alright I'll for sure get on it!
Have you been banned before?: I have never been banned for something I've done, however, I believe my account has been banned. I think my account was spamming servers with other server promotions. But I've never been the cause to any bans.
If so why?: ^
Just a note, we have just updated to 1.1.1, I'll get SG to update the Thread title when he's back!

Also, Mojang servers seem to be having issues right now, so connecting may be an issue for some people.

Ingame Name: Aleckohol and Marouk
Age: 26 and 30something
Mod Experience: from Tekkit to Monster and everything in between.
About Yourself: Couple with good sense of humour and bad luck with other servers looking for a stable, chill server to play on and enjoy the Monster pack
How long have you played minecraft?: Enough to hate it.
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I can be
Have you been banned before?: Yes
If so why?: because children can host servers and/or purchase administrative rights on many
Ingame Name: Cyan3
Age: 20
Mod Experience: Old fag.. played tekkit, ftb-ultimate, ftb-ulished. Know a lot of mods.
About Yourself: I am very chill, nice and friendly, if u need my help i'm always at hand.
How long have you played minecraft?: 3-4 years
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: If needed yea, why not.
Have you been banned before?:No
If so why?:
For the allocations that are waiting, I'm unable to review them at the moment. (Waiting for new computer) I'll get one of the guys to check it when they can.
Ingame Name:Blaze_stigma
Mod Experience: been Playing feed the beast for about two years since was told about it
About Yourself: fun and friendly player who like to give gifts some times to other
How long have you played minecraft?:4 years
Do you/ Will you use Mumble:Yes i have use on eve online will have to download the thing once more
Have you been banned before?: Never been banned
If so why?:
Ingame Name: Sanryo
Age: 22
Mod Experience: I am familiar with several of the larger mods like buildcraft and IC2, and a big fan of Foresty. But my ultimate goal is to learn about all the different mods in most FTB packs.
About Yourself: Pretty mellow fellow that's currently unemployed and looking for something to do during the downtime. Very friendly person and like to joke around. I can be a very bad procrastinator at times. (Can't say that's bad or good) I tend to just keep to myself unless something's needed from me.
How long have you played minecraft?: On and off since Beta, pretty much. There was a downtime of about a year or so until I discovered the wonderful world of mods and the amazing Feed the Beast series of packs.
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: I do have mumble but don't use voice comms very often except with close friends or if nessecary, just a personal preference of mine.
Have you been banned before?: If I have been banned before it's news to me, I tend to stir up as little trouble as possible.
If so why?: N/A

Also, are you Monster pack or direwolf 20? At the top of your post it says direwolf...but the thread title is Monster. Please clarify!
I am not sure been waiting since wenday last week. also email owner of the server and didnt get a reply.

so i will ask here / I can get idea what your server is running on? like ram and memory or cpu stats

will have been great if those will have been post up stop
Okay, I'm still not accessable just yet, but I'll try and see what I can do tomorrow. (Posting from mobile atm)

Life has got in the way for our admins the last few days.

We are running on a decent server, with a decent bit of power ;)
Ingame Name:nemof09
Age: 23
Mod Experience: pretty experienced
About Yourself: Just graduated bs in comp sci, love WoW(tich horde ftw)
How long have you played minecraft?: since the beginning
Do you/ Will you use Mumble: have and can
Have you been banned before?: nope
Logged on a couple times the over the last few days, who is still active? Looked liked a lot of completed builds.