In this world most things have been "done before" putting a new spin on things doesnt mean its not original![]()
And even if it's not original, who cares? It's your mod and as long as you're having fun...
In this world most things have been "done before" putting a new spin on things doesnt mean its not original![]()
Ok, want thoughts on some things that Ecu has convinced me about.
In the future (FAR FAR future) what would be everyones opinions on making machines models?
The models would show the vine sap render in a small tank.
You can interact with it in game (just like Bibliocraft) as well as a gui by shifting or something.
The reasoning for this is because Gui's take you out of the game, doing things like this keeps you in.
Sounds interesting i think.
Your opinions? Remember, this would be late into the future.
And more than likely a config option to change it to normal?
Other news, i have permission from the mods to post on r/feedthebeast, so expect small updates on that :3
If slow streams today (he said he wants to) I'll more than likely be on there, so say hi if you want :3
I was thinking vine grapples when I saw the thread title.
No need to blow the moderator whistle, we're already watching.
(A quick refresher of the policy on attacks & bullying found as the "Bullying" link in my signature may be useful in considering additional replies).
Well, another small update.
I'm kinda using twitter now, so i will be posting about vineacraft soon when its nearly ready for release, so follow if you want to be informed
The vinea wrench now works, doesnt change vinea machines yet, but it works on stuff like buildcraft engines.
The vineapedia is being implemented soon, more than likely after the first alpha, but i REALLY want to get this working well, expect it to be more like the "civilpedia" from civ 5 than TiC books
Working on NBT data stuff now, so machines can hold inventory after logout :3
Hey, I can do the wiki for you! I've some experience, and I'd be happy to help!
Just so you know, the VineaPedia is an ingame thing.
But if you wanna do a page on the wikia after the mod is released, go ahead.
I could start now if you like, just make a skeleton, maybe?
Also, I could do the writing and stuff, maybe make it a bit witty if I manage, for that VineaPedia!
I woudnt suggest anything past the basic skeleton.
But sure.
The stuff in the Vineapedia will more than likely be in a XML file format, so it will be easy to edit and translate![]()