Featuring Horizons Modpack 1.6.4
IP: VenusCraft.ca
Whitelist: Off
IP: VenusCraft.ca
Website: DothrakiGaming.com
Featuring Horizons Modpack 1.6.4
IP: VenusCraft.ca
Whitelist: Off

IP: VenusCraft.ca
Website: DothrakiGaming.com
DothrakiGaming has been around for 2yrs running MC servers.
VenusCraft is our second server that we host professionally. Started back in Feb 2013, originally a MindCrack server, we decided to use the Horizons modpack.
VenusCraft world has been regenerated June 18th, 2014 for 1.6.4, brand new!
Hosted in Toronto, Canada, it's centralized for North America, no lag.
VenusCraft rules are very common among the Minecraft community:
No PvP
No Grief
No Advertising of other servers
No excessive vulgar language...
You get the idea, the focus is to build exciting projects and help each other along the way.
We have mature staff on duty.
Horizons mod list
VenusCraft Features:
- BloodMagic enabled
- Grief Prevention is available for anti-grief.
- Various plugins installed including Random Teleporting, Essentials and permissions.
- Map generated with Biomes O'Plenty with slightly larger biomes and landmass.
- World Border at 10,000 blocks around spawn.
- Staff on duty most of the time.
Download and Instructions
Feed The Beast
Download the launcher here and choose the Horizons modpack, edit mods, pick a minimap of your preference. (just one and nothing else).
Then go to IP: VenusCraft.ca
If whitelisting is on:
Whitelist application format:
In-Game name:
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