useful and much produce?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Guys,

i just started on a new Server.
I was thinking about Solar Panels but in the beginning (advanced -> .. -> ..) are very expensive.

So i thought "how do i power my EU machines useful?"
I was planning to make an Water Mill-Park, which looks like this
Glass Fibre Cable
Water - Water Mill -Water
Glass Fibre Cable

Why Cable down and above? For getting the EU transported.
Now, i tested it with a few (8 or so) and i'm not sure if this is going well, for example when i want to power my mass fabricator (playing without gregtech).

Are the Wind Mills an alternative to Water Mills? Or do i just have to use much more, so that Water Mills are a great eu-producer?

I would really appreciate if somebody could help me out with that.

Kind Regards
If you want a constant EU production, water mills are your best bet.

If you want a slightly better, but fluctuating EU production, you want windmills.

Generators running off of coal/wood are also good choices early game.

Geothermal generators can last you for a little bit if you pump out a pool of lava on the surface, however it's much better to pump from the nether.

If your modpack has power converters and Factorization, you can easily make a Factorization steam boiler to get a small but steady supply of steam, and then you can use that steam to make EU via an a steam consumer, an energy bridge, and an EU producer. (you never want EV, since you aren't using GregTech, there isn't much point to using EV besides sending more EU per packet to a mass fabricator)

EDIT: Math for the water mills vs. wind mills is here. I'm just going off of what I remember. If Omicron anyone wants to correct me on any of this, go ahead.

Water mills:
2 EU/t if given water as an item (water buckets, water cells, water capsules, etc.)
0.01 EU/t per water block around the water mill in a 9x9 area around the watermill. (The most EU/t you can get from this method is 7.28 EU/t, excluding the block the watermill is occupying)

Wind mills:
0-11 EU/t, depending on the height of the wind mill (Y coordinates), the number of blocks around the windmill in a 9x9 area, and the strength of the wind (A random variable), it'll generate different amounts of power.
So, i need a steam consumer, an energy bridge, and an EU producer to make eu from steam, correct? Nice..

I also just need MUCH MORE Water Mills if i want an really good EU production, right? Or is there a limit, how much water-mills are useful to run?
So, i need a steam consumer, an energy bridge, and an EU producer to make eu from steam, correct? Nice..

I also just need MUCH MORE Water Mills if i want an really good EU production, right? Or is there a limit, how much water-mills are useful to run?

Depending on how many you want, and also depending on how much space you have available.

Water mills and wind mills take up tons of space, they're vulnerable to griefers (Not sure if your server is prone to griefing raids or not), and they're generally quite ugly in the landscape.

32 EU/t should be fine, so you need either five incredibly large 9x9 cubes of water, or you need a huge array of wind mills in the sky, separated by 8 blocks apart.

If you're limited on space or if you don't want to cause a scar in the landscape with a bunch of random tanks full of water, I suggest you have water buckets fed into the water mills via RP2 tubes, AE, or Extra Utilities. There's no way to hide windmills, sorry.

Also, if you're wondering how to set up the steam system that I was talking about earlier:

• = Steam Power Plant (Steam boilers surrounded by mirrors on all sides)
◘ = Liquiducts/Waterproof BC Piping
♦ = Steam Consumer
♣ = Energy Bridge
♥ = EU Producer (Any tier, preferably LV/MV/HV)
▼ = IC2 Cable
▒ = Base

• ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ ♦ ♣ ♥ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▒
The water mill generates more power when more water is adjacent (within a 3x3x3 cube centred on itself), so for maximum power per water mill you want exactly one cable attached and every other block to be water. The FTB wiki depicts a tower design that accomplishes this in a relatively compact space. Alternatively, a second tower design is also depicted which reduces EU per water mill but allows you to generate more power in the same space. Link: (the heading "Water Towers" depicts the max power per water mill design, while the heading "Detailed Mechanics" depicts the space efficient design).

Also note that water mills should run nicely off of tin cable, I believe with exactly the same loss rate as glass fibre.
Hey Guys,

i set up a few "tanks" with Watermills and everything is working good.
Now i just have a few questions about an MFE / Batbox.

Here is a Screenshot from the Setup atm:

In the middle there is an MFE which is getting powered by the Water Mills and on the right side is a Batbox which is also getting powered (the output is connected to other machines).

Now, how do i use the energy from the MFE without blowing machines up? Do i have an Transformer like LV or MV? And which site do i have to take when i want to use the energy from the MFE?

I really thank you guys.
A quick note about IC2 power tiers: there are several levels/tiers of IC2 power, often with their own associated machines and energy storage blocks. Supplying power of a higher tier to a lower tier device will blow it up, and using the wrong cable will destroy it (if all machines on the cable are able to accept the packet the cable will just disappear, not explode). The main tiers for machines are 32 EU/packet for batboxes and your basic machines (e.g. macerator, compressor, electric furnace etc, copper cable), 128 EU/packet for MFEs and induction furnaces (probably others as well, uses gold cable), 512 EU/packet for MFSUs and mass fabricators (and possibly others, uses glass fibre or HV cable), and finally 2048 EU/packet, which is only really involved in high output reactors and certain power transmission setups, and requires HV cable. Use the lowest cable suitable for your power transmission requirements, as at a given packet size bigger cables are lossier (although larger packets on larger cables are generally less lossy), unless you feel like investing in glass fibre cable, which is very low loss. Certain power generators (e.g. solar panels, water/wind mills) use very low power, and can be wired to energy storage through tin cable (which can't even carry 32 EU/packet).

EU/packet represents the size of a pulse of energy. An energy storage will emit at most one pulse per tick, so batboxes emit 32 EU/tick, however transformers accept 1 packet/tick, so a fully powered LV transformer can provide up to 4 packets per tick, potentially providing 128 EU/tick at LV. The important point is that EU/tick is important to determine how much power to make available and how (e.g. how many parallel storage devices, potentially using higher power tiers and then transforming or upgrading) whereas EU/packet tells you if your setup will explode.

IC2 energy storage blocks (including your MFE) have a face with a dot on them (I don't know about your texture pack, but there should be 1 face with some sort of mark) that will emit power at the tier of the storage into an attached wire, while all other sides will receive power from other sources. Note that you should never have any link between the output (dot) face of the energy storage and the input faces as the energy storage will repeatedly send power to itself and bog down your computer/server.

On any IC2 transformer the 3 dot face is the higher voltage, and the name is the target voltage. For instance, the LV transformer puts out LV (32 EU/packet, the output of a batbox) from the 5 single dot faces when powered with MV (128 EU/packet, the output from your MFE). Transformers reverse when redstone is applied, accepting their lower voltage (LV for the LV transformer) into any of the 5 single dot faces and output MV from the 3 dot face. Right clicking one of the single dot faces of a transformer will rotate it so the 3 dot face will end up on the face you right clicked, while sneak right clicking (hold shift to sneak by default) will rotate the 3 dot face to the opposite side of the transformer to the face that you clicked.

You can power low tier machines from MV in one of 2 ways: either inserting transformer upgrades (1 per tier difference, eg to get to 512EU/packet on a 32EU/packet machine you will need 2 upgrades) into 1 of the 4 slots on the right side of the interface (the 4 off to the side that don't really seem to do anything), or by using a transformer as above. Note that if you go the upgrade route the last thing to do is connect your MFE to the rest of the wiring, as the machines must have the upgrade inserted before connection to MV. Also note that you must use a sufficient cable to convey higher tiers of IC2 power, which means gold cable or better between your MFE and transformer (or all the way if using upgrades). Note that higher tier machines (e.g. the induction furnace) will accept lower tiers of power, but you may require parallel sources to keep up with supply if you're burning a lot of power.

I hope that's not too difficult to follow, it might be a bit jumbled.
Hey Guys, it's me again.

Wow that was a nice answer @The_Enemys. I read it a few days ago and i think i got it now, with the tiers and the machines.

I made two screenshots of my Water Mill Construction which i wanted to show you. I think i made everything right. Each Water Mill has 3x3 (Side,Top,Bottom)[EDIT:Oh, i just saw that it has to be 3x3x3..i have to change that] Water so that i got the maximum out of 1 (right?)
Now, here are the Screenshots:

At the moment i have about 50 Water Mills or so.. + - a few.

You can see, i hooked up two mfe's and on the side there are 2 batboxes (is there a way to put this up more logically?)
I only have to look at the limit for the cable, right? Or could i go down to Stage 1 of the World?


Please remove those extra pieces of wire on top of the right side's water tower.


The Glass-Fibre-Cable which is going to the Batbox? Should i use Tin-Cable for this?

I don't know what is wrong with this combination, so you would help me if you could tell me why this is wrong.

The Glass-Fibre-Cable which is coming from the MFE sometimes gets connected to my Mass Fabricator, i'm looking for a solution to change that.
Well the problem is that LV cables still have an EU loss over a certain distance. I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's even shorter than glass fibre. Something like 25 blocks. So the watermills located at your 24th location, with the one extra piece of LV cable going outwards, horizontally will make the distance equal to 25. Watermills supply 1 EU/t (I think), so you will lose close to all the energy at that point.

The way to solve this problem is to put an energy storage unit at that level. It will restart the distance to which EU is loss in the cable. This also means you cannot use LV cable anymore.
So i just add a stage, where i have a Room with an mfe/mfsu right? And some sort of Transformer if needed.

Thank you, this was a anser which helped me. I just look up when there is the EU loss in the LV cable.
Hey Wekmor,

yes, i think somewhere i heard that Water Mills are sharing water blocks. Someone on youtube had the same design which i use on my screenshots.

(PS: i'm from germany)
I don't think there is a transformer that turns LV into ULV (32 -> 5). I could be mistaken.

You will just have to settle on using copper and having a bat box every 4 units or glass fibre and having a batbox/MFE/MFSU every 39 blocks.

Gold cable loses EU every block, so there is no point.
A stack of unmanned watermills will create 0.64EU/t. To get a reasonable amount of EU you will need 3200 Water Mills (LV), 64000 Mills (MV) 51200 (HV).
A stack of unmanned watermills will create 0.64EU/t. To get a reasonable amount of EU you will need 3200 Water Mills (LV), 64000 Mills (MV) 51200 (HV).

Yaye, thats massive! The Ressources are not the biggest problem, i would say the space for all the Water Mills is critical^^
If you are limited by space, the best thing to do will be to move the water mills closer to the centre cable in your towers. Each mill will generate less, but you'll fit more in and end up producing more EU. I'm not sure if you've fixed it since, but to clarify about the maximum output you want as many water blocks as possible touching water mills. Your images appear to show that your Batboxes are up one block and the extra distance made up by fibre cables. If you move your Batboxes down one block you won't need as much cable, and the pieces of fibre cable in between your tin cable and Batboxes can be replaced by more tin cable, which is cheaper. Keep the fibre cable on the output though.

And yes, water mills can share water blocks with other water mills, so you can overlap the 3x3x3 spaces around them just fine. In fact, you could remove the walls between your towers and move them so that there's only one block of water between them to save a bit more space. Otherwise it seems good to go, although you should note that the Batboxes in parallel (both outputs into the same line) will output at most 64EU/t and your MFE's in series (one outputting into the other) will be capped at 128EU/t, although by the time you find these numbers limiting it will probably be a good idea to look into more powerful generator options like reactors and steam turbines.

One last note is that tin cable will run 39 blocks before losses (losses on the 40th block), the same as fibre cable. The glass fibre cable allows you to accept power from energy storage and transformers, however, so after 39 blocks you can put the energy through an energy storage (or transformer block for anything LV or higher, if you use fibre cable) to reset the distance, but you can't use tin after the energy storage block.

Glad I could help :)