Cheers dude!
hopefully it will do its nasty work quickly and depart. I'll be keeping up my vitamin C levels in the meantime!
I'm thinking about my basic ME system and in what order to make things to allow me to expand it easier. I suspect making at least one molecular assembler and an interface would be a good start - I can put in recipes for patterns, interfaces, cables, and the other components like annihilation and formation cores, quartz glass and so on. To go with that I'll also need the basics of a crafting computer... this is going to get expensive fast. On the plus side, with a bit of rearranging I can sort out improved automation on making the parts for the processors.
Actually what I REALLY need is somewhere decent to
build all this. *sighs*
I don't mind building things, but I'm not GOOD at it. Especially designing things or making them look good.