Open Server [ UnlimitedCraft ][ TPPI 1.1.2 ][ 183 Mods ][ Open ][ 24H ][ TS3 ][ No mods removed ] [ 38 Plugins ]

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Universal cables will stay banned, since we banne dthem the server tps rised 10 tps highter. and no random pike lag every 30 seconds happen again. I hope you understand our decision.
Wow we have reached 65 players guys :P So happy that our TPPI server is the best one. Me and my staff team will continue to keep that server awesome. Thanks
A new system for chisel will be finished this week end, HDeffo and Terminator_NL worked on it for many days. It will use CC program to be able to trade basic chisel blocks in any choosen chisel blocs.
A new feature is curently in construction, something new and very original that ive never seen on any other server. Prepare yourself :P
The players shops have been modified, the small plots have been enlarged a bit, and walls is now cleared so players can build there own building.
Crossfire8989 and Terminator_Nl have been promoted moderator. We have also unbanned turtles in overworld.
We have a new Coder, HDeffo joined the coder team yesterday. Already fixed 3 banned items and about to fix more soon for you guys :D
A new server owner will be set soon. With the community growing fast, i wont be able to manage all servers myself. So i am choosing loyal staff to represent me on the server. Don't worry they gona do a great job.
A new secret path with 5 ranks have been added. The Odin path... is a little bit more powerfull and can get if you find out the secret room in spawn world. Good luck
With our growing community, i can't handle all the servers myself, its why i choosed Co-Owner for each server. The choosed one is trusted, loyal and have good knowledge how to run a server. Cold_blu_ice have been choosed to be the Co-Owner. I wish him good luck :)